Glad to help bro. FaH33m pointed me in the right direction so thanks again to him.Amaresh said:Thanks Phoenix, after a lot of hassle and booting into DFU mode like 50 times I was finally able to successfully upgrade to 4.2.1!
abbY said:Hey Guys,
I am planning to take the plunge with the iPhone 4, I have some querries and I would really appreciate if you could take time to answer them:
1. I am currently using airtel GPRS ( 2GB @ Rs95/month ) on my iPhone 3G iOS v3.1.2, and it works flawlessly, will it be the same on the iPhone4. Anybody tried it ? Is it as simple as poping the sim card in and getting GPRS to work or does it required some tweaks ?
2. Anybody here tried using 3G on the iPhone4 ?
3. Anybody in mumbai with the sim card cutter for the iPhone4 ? Would really appreciate if you can help me with the cutting.
aayushjoshi said:@Styx thanks, i am not exactly sure about what this tethered or untethered but after reading over the net i can understand that its not as simple as the jailbreakmedotcom types. So when you say a untethered one is coming soon, should i interpret it as the easy one mentioned before?