The Definitive iPhone Thread

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Oh OK. Get the appropriate firmware from that above mentioned website. Then update your phone to it. Next download redsn0w 0.6.5b from the website and use that to jailbreak. Lastly download ultrasn0w from cydia and unlock. All tutorials can be found on the same website with a little searching. All the best.
Thanks Phoenix, after a lot of hassle and booting into DFU mode like 50 times I was finally able to successfully upgrade to 4.2.1!
Amaresh said:
Thanks Phoenix, after a lot of hassle and booting into DFU mode like 50 times I was finally able to successfully upgrade to 4.2.1!
Glad to help bro. FaH33m pointed me in the right direction so thanks again to him.

As for booting into DFU mode >50 times goes, I thought I was the only one facing that issue. Finally it worked after multiple reboots and multiple tethered boots through redsn0w.
Hey Guys,
I am planning to take the plunge with the iPhone 4, I have some querries and I would really appreciate if you could take time to answer them:

1. I am currently using airtel GPRS ( 2GB @ Rs95/month ) on my iPhone 3G iOS v3.1.2, and it works flawlessly, will it be the same on the iPhone4. Anybody tried it ? Is it as simple as poping the sim card in and getting GPRS to work or does it required some tweaks ?
2. Anybody here tried using 3G on the iPhone4 ?

3. Anybody in mumbai with the sim card cutter for the iPhone4 ? Would really appreciate if you can help me with the cutting.
Hi Guys, I need to replace the back cover of my 3G. Does anyone know where i can get it done in Bangalore? Any ideas on cost etc. Thanks.

iPhone 4 running iOS 4.2.1 can be jailbroken with Redsn0w but its a tethered jailbreak. An untethered solution is in the works and should release around Xmas according to the dev team.


I'm using the same Airtel plan on my iPhone 4 and it worked for me without any hassle.
@Styx thanks, i am not exactly sure about what this tethered or untethered but after reading over the net i can understand that its not as simple as the jailbreakmedotcom types. So when you say a untethered one is coming soon, should i interpret it as the easy one mentioned before?
teethered mean ...if you reboot your iphone ( or if your battery dies and then after the iphone comes online after a charge) you need to connect your iphone to the pc, run the software again to unlock it. This is not always feasible because you cannot obviously carry the software everytime with you.

unteethered basically means there are non of the above hassles.
Manish market shop number 15 will charge you 25rs

Iphone 4 and 3g is like day and night diff...speeds and in terms of retina display...

U will love 4g its just like Kaju Katri lol

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

abbY said:
Hey Guys,

I am planning to take the plunge with the iPhone 4, I have some querries and I would really appreciate if you could take time to answer them:

1. I am currently using airtel GPRS ( 2GB @ Rs95/month ) on my iPhone 3G iOS v3.1.2, and it works flawlessly, will it be the same on the iPhone4. Anybody tried it ? Is it as simple as poping the sim card in and getting GPRS to work or does it required some tweaks ?

2. Anybody here tried using 3G on the iPhone4 ?

3. Anybody in mumbai with the sim card cutter for the iPhone4 ? Would really appreciate if you can help me with the cutting.

Manish market shop number 15 will charge you 25rs

Iphone 4 and 3g is like day and night diff...speeds and in terms of retina display...

U will love 4g its just like Kaju Katri lol
aayushjoshi said:
@Styx thanks, i am not exactly sure about what this tethered or untethered but after reading over the net i can understand that its not as simple as the jailbreakmedotcom types. So when you say a untethered one is coming soon, should i interpret it as the easy one mentioned before?

With a tethered jailbreak you have to connect your iPhone to your Mac/PC every-time its rebooted though it still boots up and works like a stock iPhone if you don't. The only part that doesn't work until you connect and re-jailbreak is the jailbreak stuff.
Untethered jailbreak is just a one time process. It holds even if you reboot your iPhone etc.
Guys suddenly there is some Low res call icon on my iPhone's status bar!

It appeared all of a sudden and i tried rebooting..respringing and this still doesn't go
PS: This doesnot appear in safe mode or when the Cydia is open!
@Styx, thanks for tht info, so as long as i dont boot my iphone all is good :)

Also is this untethered JB applicable for all firmware and baseband or is there any limitation?

Well, i personally haven't tried it but it should be alright.

I forgot to mention though, there are some springboard tweaks which might even cause your iPhone to not boot back to the home screen at all (until you connect it to your Mac/PC) after a reboot.

The tethered (or semi-tethered) jailbreak is limited to iPhone 4/3GS(new bootrom) and iPad running iOS 4.2.1.

PS. Untethered jailbreak just got delayed according to a tweet by @comex.
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