Unlock any jailbroken iPhone..... REGARDLESS OF BASEBAND!
http://www.redmondpi...e (Redmond Pie)
Not working anymore....
Unlock any jailbroken iPhone..... REGARDLESS OF BASEBAND!
http://www.redmondpi...e (Redmond Pie)
Finally gave a call to AT&T using Skype and registered my request. They have given me a date of 11th may for getting back on to the unlock. Lets see what cooks by then. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that the phone comes out clean off the AT&T obligations. The customer care sounded decent.
I found this written on slickdeals AT&T unlock thread...
According to AT&T, 4/28 was the last day that they will unlock iphones for people without AT&T service. A memo was sent to all reps. If you have a case that was opened before 4/28, you are still good to go and should get your unlock.
I am not sure if AT&T is unlocking devices for people not using AT&T service, now, they did before 4/28. So if someone here wants to get their iPhone unlocked, then try contacting any friend etc who has AT&T service and tell them to place the request. I would have done but i do not have AT&T service.
If they took your request then there is a very good chance it will be unlocked. For me they shot me down 4 times (just by checking the IMEI, then and there) citing reasons like contract not over, security reasons (???) etc etc. But finally at the 5th instance one rep gave in and unlocked the phone
Nice sweet talk works.
this was my first request & they turned me downany suggestions ?? :
No valid current or former mobile/account number associated with request
I have a friend who has AT&T, not sure though. So he has to place request behalf of me ? Btw his contract won't be associated with the IMEI of current phone he is using ?
I think it will be better if I if all them behalf of him. Can you tell me what are the details AT&T will be needing ?