That's nice bro... gud job. Hey u need to increase your OHP/BP/DLs. Keep squats as your last priority for now. Always bench OR OHP OR DLs as the first exercise when u workout. This is called weak point priority principle : Always train the weakest muscles first. Increase your numbers on the OHP/BP/DLs. Don't stop squatting but squat in the end of the workout. Ur squats are way stronger that other compound moves. ur DL shud be above 100 kg so reach for that. I squat 50kgs now and my DL is 90kg+ soon i will cross 100kg. U can lift maximum weight in DLs (Don't underestimate it, higher numbers on the DLs will increase all your lifts! Gud luck

Just to add here.... google some vids on how to do STANDARD DLS not STDLs (Straight leg deadlift), Romanian or Sumo DLs for the time being. There is a possibility u r either getting intimidated with the heavy weight or doing something else.
PS: u squat 70kg on back squat right? If it is on the smith dump the smith, do back squats and go below parallel (squat deep) ... no matter what your coach says.. "ur knee will get injured etc" = all bullcrap!

LOL SO MANY TIMES I EDITTED THIS POST:lol: FINAL LAST THING: Add hyper-extensions after you DL. 3 sets of as much as u can. See your DL numbers shooting-up!