Re: The Fitness Thread !
30 mins post workout cooldown is best is what i have read. My question was WHY the cofee after workout?
damn said:
Tastes great with coffee. Its one of the few things that is satisfying while being on a strict diet. So I was curious if anyone else takes it differently. Post workout because from whatever research I did on google and related forums, I figured that best absorption is after a brief interval(15mins) after the workout. Did I mess up? ;~;
Some very good tips on eating healthy. (Sorry guys the post has been copy pasted from a non-indian site. Stuff like tune etc are expensive here so people on budget like me can ignore that, will update with good things later. Please free free to add your tried and tested tips, not theories! The sentences in brackets are added by me)
Eating healthy:
Lowers disease risks!
Increases productivity!
Gives you more energy!
Makes you stronger!
You probably think eating healthy is expensive. I’ll be honest  it is. But there are tricks to keep it low cost. Here are sixteen ways to eat more healthy while keeping it cheap.
What is Healthy Food? Before we start, let’s define healthy food. It consists of:
Protein. The building blocks of muscles, needed for strength.
Fat. A balanced intake of omega 3, 6 & 9.
Veggies. All kinds, especially green fibrous veggies.
Fruit. Full of vitamins.
Water. 1 liter per 1000 calories you expend.
Whole grain food. Oats, rice, pasta, breads, …
On with the tips.
1. Switch to Water. I drank huge amounts of soda daily for more than 15 years. Then I started Strength Training and switched to water:
It’s healthier!
It’s cheaper!
Quit the soda & drink water. Take a bottle wherever you go.
2. Consume Tap Water. Check the price of water on your tap water bill. Now check the price of bottled water. Quit a difference, isn’t it? So why are you buying bottled water?
Cleaner? Not necessarily.
Better taste? No, simply a matter of Adaptation.
Bottled water companies get their supply from the same source you do: municipal water systems. It’s like selling ice to Eskimos. If you don’t trust the quality of tap water, filter it yourself. I use a Brita Pitcher. One $7 filter cleans 40 gallons water.
3. Eat Eggs. I always have eggs at breakfast:
Full of vitamins!
High in proteins!
Low in price!
Don’t believe the Eggs & Cholesterol myth. Dietary cholesterol is not bound to blood cholesterol. (I eat whole eggs ALL THE F***ING TIME! 7-12 EGGS A DAY!) Want to make it cheaper? Buy a chicken.
4. Eat Fatty Meats. Fatty meats are cheaper & more tasty than lean meats. You think it’s not healthy? Check the Fat Myths:
Fat doesn’t make you fat, excess calories do!
You need a balanced intake of fats: omega 3, 6 & 9
I’m on the Anabolic Diet, I buy beef chuck instead of sirloin.
5. Get Whey. The cheapest source of protein. 70$ for a 10lbs bag lasting 4 months. Nothing beats that. Use whey in your Post Workout Shake to help recovery. (Unfortunately in India this is not true, just like electronics everything is expensive in the dumping ground of the world: INDIA!)
6. Tuna Cans. Canned tuna is cheap & contains as much protein as meat. Alternate tuna with eggs, meat & whey. You’ll easily get to your daily amount of protein.(AFAIK canned tuna is expensive here!

7. Buy Frozen Veggies. I mostly buy frozen veggies:
Take less time to prepare!
You don’t waste money if not eaten in time!
Can be bought in bulk for discounts & stored in your freezer!
If you can afford fresh veggies, then do it. I go frozen!
8. Use a Multivitamin. Pesticides lower the vitamin levels of your fruits & veggies. Two solutions:
Buy organic food. Expensive.
Use a multivitamin. $10 a month. (I use supradyne, even if you double the daily dosage it will cost Rs. 80 per month!)
Choose what fits your wallet best. I take the multivitamin. (So do i with triphala/liv 52 and celinc vitamin C tabs)
9. Fish Oil. Omega-3 is found in fish oil. Benefits of omega-3 consumption include:
Lowered cholesterol levels!
Decreased body fat!
Reduced inflammation!
You need to eat fatty fish 3 times a week to get these benefits. Time consuming & expensive, I know. Try Carlson’s Liquid Fish Oil with Lemon flavor. One teaspoon daily. You’ll be ok.
(Amway fishoil is crappy with only 120 mgs of DHA in a tab. Vitamin shoppe has good one. You can buy carlson through global ebay!!! Flameout inflammation scavenger is a damn good one!!! More DHA than EPA in each capsule!! Availiblity is a problem for us Indians here

10. Buy Generic Food. The box might be less attractive, it’s certainly more attractive to your wallet. Brand-name food will always be more expensive. You’re paying for the name. Get real. Food is food. Go generic.
11. Buy in Bulk. Think long-term. Buying in bulk is more expensive at the cashier, but cheaper in the long run:
Gets you discounts!
Saves time!
Saves car fuel!
Invest in a big freezer. Buy meats & veggies in bulk and freeze them!
12. Go to One Grocery Store. This grocery store is cheaper for meat, that grocery store is cheaper for veggies, the other grocery store is cheaper for fish… How many grocery stores are you going to, trying to find the cheapest food? Think!!
Time is money. Stop losing a day shopping!
Cars don’t run on water. Lower your fuel expenses!
I get all my food in a big grocery store near my place. It hasn’t the cheapest price for all foods, but it saves me time & fuel! (I do the same damn thing!!!!

13. Make a Plan. A classic, but worth repeating. Everything starts with a plan.
Make a list of what you need!
Eat a solid meal, don’t go hungry!
Go the grocery, get what’s on your list & get out!
No need to take your partner or kids with you. This is not a recreational activity. (This is a damn good one and makes absolute sense!!! :lol

Just get your food & get back home!
14. Take Food To Work. Ever counted how much money you throw away buying food at work daily? Start preparing your food for the day on waking up! (I carry food to work, seldom buy any shit from cafeteria, got a big tupperware one!)
Get up earlier!
Eat a solid breakfast (like Scrambled Eggs)!
Prepare your food for work in the meanwhile!
Total time 30 minutes. No stress during the day about what you’ll be eating & you get healthy food while sparing money.
15. Eat Less. This one is obvious. The less you eat, the lower your grocery bill. If you’re overweight, get on a diet. Your health & bank account will thank you!
16. Don’t Buy Junk Food. The last one. Stop buying anything that comes out of a box, it’s:
If you actually find junk food that is cheaper than whole food, think long-term. Health implications.
- Mehdi is author of, a blog about Strength Training, nutrition, lifestyle & attitude. His articles include the Anabolic Diet & the Beginner Strength Training Program. Join him at for the fascinating journey toward more strength, bigger muscles, low body fat & a better health.