Re: The Fitness Thread !
Your engine rusting now, do some daily stretches
Even if you don't exercise keep on having "alsi".
Your engine rusting now, do some daily stretches

Massage it with oil.raptor3624 said:Any of you guys who ahve been strength training and are taking a break due to injury, laziness etc have lower back problems?
It's been 3 months since I stopped working out, basially lifting heavy weights with my hips.I am facing quite a bit of pain in my lower back just after standing 30 mins in a meeting.
Rockafella... buddy.. any idea?
I think you need to do some serious stretching.amitjakhar said:Hi all
I have been facing some problem with my knee. After running like 1.5-2 Km or walking after 10kms I start having severe pain in my right knee. Got it checked doctor took x-ray and said all fine there is no problem. Have lots of water and liquid and you will be fine. But It does not seem to go away. And after sitting at a place for long time when I get up I get knocking sound too from my knees. What could be the problem any idea? Please advice.
anubhav2345 said:Amit !! Same problem here . Though i am a regular gymmer . But still after sitting for long hours , i hear that "klick" sound from right knee
Showed to doc , he said all fine ! Just do some leg stretchings . I did for few days , but dint worked .
dragonball said:My Workout Routine:
Time: 3days a week & 1.5hrs per day.
Exercise Names (AxB = A sets, B repetitions) taken from: #1 Exercises Guide! Over 300+ Free Exercise Videos And Guides!:
Weights used: 5kg in set1, 6.5kg in set2, 8kg in set3
Day 1:
Biceps - Dumbbell Alternate Bicep Curl 3X15, Alternate Hammer Curl 2x5
Triceps - Standing One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension 3X15
Abs - Air Bicycle 2x7, Crunches 3x10, Cross-Body Crunch 2x20
Forearms - Seated Palm-Up Dumbbell Wrist Curl 2x15
Day 2:
Chest - Dumbbell Flyes 3x10, Pushups 2x15
Forearms - Seated Palm-Up Dumbbell Wrist Curl 2x15
Abs - Air Bicycle 2x7, Crunches 3x10, Cross-Body Crunch 2x20
Day 3:
Shoulder - Arnold Dumbbell Press 3x15, Shoulder Press 3x15, Side Lateral Raise 2x15
Forearms - Seated Palm-Up Dumbbell Wrist Curl 2x15
Abs - Air Bicycle 2x7, Crunches 3x10, Cross-Body Crunch 2x20
Food: 2 eggs + 3glass milk per day, apart from it i have normal green veggies in lunch, dinner, breakfast.
I think my exercises and food are not enough to trigger muscle growth anymore. Please advice me accordingly what exercises should i include more and should i take supplements? I gym at home and i have only dumbbells to use.