started Gym for weight loss... i am 25% excess more than my permissible limit..
i am doing good amount of workout in Gym, but unable to control my appetite and having more food..
My GYM coordinator told me that we have to control food intake also along with workout to get better result and he suggested Protein Shakes will help in this regard..
I include all vegetables and fruits in my diet...problem is i am having more because of more hunger...
is taking protein shake is good option before me? Have very li'l knowledge in Gym..
Need Help to gain weight (total newbie)
Am 19 and my current weight is around 55kgs & Current height 5'11"
Currently Too Skinny
any advice about diet? should i join gym?
You can't lose weight without controlling what you eat. Weight loss is 70% diet control. Protein shakes aren't necessary but they do help getting your protein in your diet up. Why should you keep your protein up? If youre working at fat loss, you end up losing some muscle mass as well. If you keep your protein up you will retain a good portion of muscle.
What are you eating currently other than the fruits and veggies? Are you eating eggs? Egg whites? Skimmed milk? Lean meat? If not try incorporating some of these in youre diet. They are high and protein and will also make youre stomach feel fuller for longer.
How many kilos do you need to lose? If its something drastic I'd say limit the amount of fruits youre eating too. An apple or an orange a day is ok but don't eat more. Fruits are full of carbs and sugars. In the long term fruits are great for youre health but in the short term theyre terrible for weight loss.
Yup, they are right. Protein is quite filling. And yes whey protein shakes are ideal for vegetarians because vegetarian diets are usually a litte low in protein, Also cut down on the amount of rice and number of rotis. Eat more vegetables and daal if you can. They are far more filling
Don't get all your protein from shakes though. Try drinking some skimmed low fat milk every day. You can also add other vegetarian sources of protein to your diet, like rajma, almonds, soya chunks, tofu, low fat dahi etc.
Hi Guys,
Kindly guide me what should be the ideal way to lose weight, I am looking to lose around 2 KG per month.
Dear @blkrb0t
you can put this in more civilized manner...
read my query's carefully...i suggest you to learn how to put your thoughts...may be you can observe 'Nananeo' post...
after reading first line...i stopped reading...and .i felt you are the one, what my instructor is trying to make....
good luck..have patience in reading discussion completely...
Don't worry, you are the perfect candidate for him. You'll do well with your protein "shakes", I believe there is a popular meme around it spreading on the internet too. Enjoy your Whey.
started Gym for weight loss... i am 25% excess more than my permissible limit..
i am doing good amount of workout in Gym, but unable to control my appetite and having more food..
My GYM coordinator told me that we have to control food intake also along with workout to get better result and he suggested Protein Shakes will help in this regard..
I include all vegetables and fruits in my diet...problem is i am having more because of more hunger...
is taking protein shake is good option before me? Have very li'l knowledge in Gym..
Weight training along with Cardio. First 40 minutes you can dedicate to weight training and rest 20 min to Cardio of your choice ->(walking/running/cycling/cross-trainer).
Your diet seems fine, though I would suggest to remove Corn flakes and reduce the no. of Chapatis. Oats and Milk is fine for breakfast, though have a little more milk, and have a little more curd in lunch. At night try to avoid Chapatis as much as you can, or reduce it. Instead eat a vegetable meal like salad or boiled sprouts and the likes. You can try and make them varied each day to keep it interesting. Also add in some milk/curd/egg at night.
I would suggest doing the cardio on non weight training days, as one would be too spent to give it all in the cardio.
Also doing cardio on non weight training days, would help you in the recovery and helps you burn some calories on those days.
Thats off course you are not lifting weights everyday.