MODS : Plz rename this thread to "The Indian Premier League 2008 Thread"
Whats say guys.
I agree

Now, its time for making sandwich of Deccan Chargers on their ground :bleh:
MODS : Plz rename this thread to "The Indian Premier League 2008 Thread"
Whats say guys.
superczar said:(haven's heard the full song, am commenting only on the snippet that plays during the match to which the rather ghey looking MI cheerleaders try to dance to)
The South Africa-born, obviously, will come at a price and there are indications that India’s most wealthiest family wants him on board. No prizes for guessing which team the hard-hitter is heading to
kauzy said:btw i guess pieterson is heading for mumbai indians... isn't it?? :ashamed: