kvikram said:
What is a fixed sbf and how do you flash it? Do you do it through bootloader?
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Is it possible to disable blur on blur-enabled ROMs?
Nandroid + fixed sbf method is used to keep your downgrade ability. Yes, you have to do a reset in custom recovery, flash the nandroid first and then in bootloader mode you have to flash the fixed sbf.
For official blur models/ROMs, you CAN'T disable blur, you need to log into to your blur account first to use the phone itself. Only custom blur ROMs, esp. Motoginger has the option to use the ROM w/ or w/o Blur..

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mrnikhilsudo said:
OK so I will be receiving my Defy with Foryo 2.2.2 installed. So first thing to is Flash nordic froyo and then CM7.
Yes, you're right. It's recommended, but not absolutely necessary. You can root your stock froyo and install CM7 as well..
So let me get this straight, Titanium backup is for the phone contents like contacts, sms etc and Nandroid is the entire SBF right. NAndroid will be taken in Custom Recovery be fore I don anything nasty with the phone....and then I store it in a safe place for future reference a.k.a. warranty...
Export your phone contacts to SD card in .vcf format, so that you can import it both in MIUI/ CM7
Titanium backup is to take backup of your apps and settings, in case you flash OSes very frequently. I recommend you backup your .apk files of games and stuff and do a clean install..
AFA warranty is concerned, you just have to make sure you have the current official ROM of your country, when you present your phone in service center, which can be done by simple full sbf flash..
Am n00b in Android but not Linux. So now if I take out my Microsd card from the old non-android phone and put it in the android one, will it require a format. My guess is I will have to format.... what is the FS in Android? is it ext3 or some thing else?
Well, in Android world I must say that SD card is a must for almost every operation you do, from taking photos to flashing ROMs. Your SD card FS should be FAT32 i think, which is recognized in windows. Android maybe based on Linux, but the funny thing is that all the supporting apps are for windows only..