The Photography Thread !

From the Lava-Lolegaon-Gorumara-Chapramari Trip -










taken With My A590IS

Tell Me If U Like It
@gurubulabkhatri :Last shot is fabuous.
while this one
can be better with some cropping and horizon level correction.

@the hooded figure : welcome back :P
BF1983 said:
@Hellswrath - Nice one dude ! :D

Thanks Brendon :).

XTechManiac said:
:O Great Shot! :wow:

Thank you XTechManiac :).
Parv said:
Awesome shot :p
Please tell the exif data, and mention the hardware and software used?
Thanks Parv :).

Camera Canon EOS 350D Digital
Exposure 0.005 sec (1/200)
Aperture f/10.0
Focal Length 105 mm
Exposure Bias -2/3 EV
ISO Speed 400

Lens: Sigma 105mm f2.8 macro

Software used: Photoshop CS4, Color Efex pro, Viveza, Sharpner, Dfine 2.0 :).

Let me know if you need any other info as to how I got to this result and I'll be more than happy to help. By the way, it's not cropped and is a hand held shot at almost 1:1 magnification.
I think I'll have to take classes from you :)

To start with, please tell how you got this beautiful result, specially the sharpness?

I've a Canon 1000D + 18-55mm IS + 50mm F1.8 II (as seen in my signature), but I struggle to get good sharpness, I really don't know, where I go wrong :S
Sharpness is affected by a lot of factors. Two of the biggest factors that I know of is not having enough shutter speed which results in camera shake and the other being out of focus images. You won't believe, especially on my canon 350D (which has a puny lcd) I used to get a lot of out of focus images because of AF on my 50mm. After a couple of times, now I pixel peep, as in zoom to the max possible and see if my subject is in focus and is sharp or not. Moreover, I shoot in RAW with almost zero sharpening and I "selectively" sharpen in PS to get the most interesting part all the attention it needs.

If you can post a couple of images here (or on PM) which are not that sharp along with EXIF, I might be able to help you.

In my above image, I made sure that I got the right DOF and the eyes in focus because at close to 1:1 mag, it's very easy to miss it. After that, all my processing was around the eyes area itself. The total image was under-exposed by more than half a stop (my bad), so I used the adjustment brush in ACR to "brighten" or correct the exposure in the flower and fly areas and left the bg as it is. If I tried increasing the exposure for the whole image, it would have spoilt the bg areas and rendered a different kind of cloth like texture in it. That was an important step for me, and the rest was just stuff around the eyes. That's all.
Freaky said:
Hellwrath and Brendon - You guys light up this thread !! :)

In terms of pics and the KT :P

Thanks bro, trying to give back in any form for the awesome info I get from other threads :).
FaH33m said:
Hellwrath :O :O . I am speechless !!

Thank you Faheem :). I am glad you like it.
ashvarybabul said:
Veeresh ji, loved the low key shot of guitar...

awesome shot..

I am big time lover of low keys...
Ah, that's one of my favorite shots too. We had this small strobists meet up and I have always wanted to shoot this frame (had it in my mind for a long time) and pretty happy with what I got. That photograph has got me my highest explored (#19) number :).

Here's one for today, many guys from JJMPF would have already seen it, but this again is one of my favorite shots. It was shot with a friend's 55-250 while he was busy using my Sigma 105mm :D.

"“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder…”– Thoreau"

Hellwrath said:
Thanks bro, trying to give back in any form for the awesome info I get from other threads :).
Thank you Faheem :). I am glad you like it.

Ah, that's one of my favorite shots too. We had this small strobists meet up and I have always wanted to shoot this frame (had it in my mind for a long time) and pretty happy with what I got. That photograph has got me my highest explored (#19) number :).

Here's one for today, many guys from JJMPF would have already seen it, but this again is one of my favorite shots. It was shot with a friend's 55-250 while he was busy using my Sigma 105mm :D.

"“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder…”– Thoreau"

Speechless As Always....Excellent Photoshopping