The Photography Thread !

@Grease Monk: I'll agree with M-Jeri. Almost all your shots are really nice and good quality, but most of them lack the substance. They are just pretty frames/captures. On the other hand, following shots simply turn 180 degree and have the right material. If you compare these shots with rest you'll know what we mean...

Buddhist Temple

Great perspective, correct horizon leveling/composition, properly exposed with great details.

Hollowed Rows

This is a GOOOOD shot. The overall setting of the scene and angle with subtle earthly colors makes it a great capture. Get rid of the vignette in PP, believe me you want to expose this whole frame and not just the center.


Simple, Colorful and effective. If you want to do abstract this is a correct scene.

Lotus 3

Just keep this side-by-side to Lotus 1 and you'll know why this is better. The leaves in water are the hero of the scene and not the edges of vessel (sorry, not getting the right word ATM). here you see them better, enjoy their beauty as a viewer. Nice PP job on this one. Although, correct me if I'm wrong... but I think the amount of PP must have been quite less compared to others. This one looks like it must have come out pretty good right out of the gate (in terms of color, exposure etc.)


Another good close-up/pseudo-abstract shot. Good color correction and toning.

Out of the rest of the shots, I really feel that you could have done a better job on Monk Ties. I've seen those when I was in Ladakh and they make such an interesting photography subject. it's funny you selected Monk Ties 2 to share here, instead of Monk Ties 3 (from your Flickr set). Personally, I think the Monk Ties 3 has come out much better in terms of composition.

Focus on your composition and selecting the subject. You already have good camera and PP skills. People like to shoot weird angles, but it doesn't always make sense. Be different where it matters, not for just the sake of it. I hope you take my criticism constructively.
^ Loved the second snap ! A slightly more contrast would make it wallpaper material :D What PP'ing have you done to get that effect ?

Reunited with a long lost toy :P the reason it was taken away from her is cuz she loves tearing a hole in it and distributing the stuffing all over the house
Have a Nice weekend Everyone. And Happy Clicking ;)
