Intriguing shot as always Delirious, a bit more polished then your recent ones.
Gaurish said:
whats kind of editing is required after taking of shot?
I'd guess he adjusted the Curves or Levels first to get the high-contrast look and then converted it into BlacknWhite.
Converting to B&W is not just about removing colors (Ctrl+Shift+U Desaturates the entire image), but by getting the B&W to your liking. The most useful method to convert into B&W in Photoshop is to:
1. After adjusting the Curves/Levels of the image and finalizing the look, go to Layers>New Adjustment Layers>Channel Mixer.
2. Click Ok there to open the New Channel Mixer layer window.
3. Here tick the Monochrome tick-box at the bottom and the image will immediately turn Monochrome (B&W) with default values.
4. After this you can play with the values of Red, Blue, Green channels to achieve the final look you want.
5. Before you start this process, you can always go to the Channels Toolbar (beside the History or Layers toolbars usually), and turn off RGB and then turn individually Green, Blue and Red to see what type of B&W gives the best look.
If you guys want I'll put in a small article in the Guides for this.