The Photography Thread !

Photoshopped, yes. Pretty simple. I cut the actual painting out, duplicated the full image, resized it and placed it exactly where the painting was. And repeated that several times. Added the same filter for every alternate copy.
finally got arnd to clicking a few pics.. realized that i suck at manual coz i cant make sense of any of the settings.. fiddled arnd a bit.. n pix got a wee bit more acceptable...

Criticize... please do.. and tell me what im doing wrong :)

@stalker: Good start. Especially the first one - but the horizon is tilted, you could try enabling the composition grid in your A570IS. :) (the last one is over exposed)

BUT, why would you shoot in manual when you're just starting off? The best mode to really understand the way the camera works is 'P' mode where you only have to change the Overall-Exposure/ISO/Focus/Zoom settings and let the camera decide the Aperture and Shutter. Shoot in P mode for a while and observe the settings that the camera chooses. You can then graduate to A/S/M when you feel that a certain situation demands a different set of settings than what the camera is giving - for example, a fixed shutter speed indoors with flash which is slower than the 1/60 default and faster than a 1/3-1/5 or a looong exposure at night. :)

@TheMask: Neat shots. :D The exposure is spot-on with the last one being the best. I've tried umpteen times with fire and never really succeeded with fire shots with my P&S cam. :( I really have no idea how to experiment with fire shots, will have to try again later.

@BF1983: Hmmm. That boat pic was the best of the lot...but, dude! There's too much clutter in the photos, and that has nothing to do with the camera per se. :) Am saying you're at a beach and there's tons of sky/sand/sea around you, and yet these snaps have too much of something clogging up the background. This is the best of the lot> // Free Image Hosting , only because it is simple and conveys a single message. :)

@soggy: Sexxxy snap! :D Dogfather :eek:hyeah:

Thanks for the critique d_payne. Will try to pick out single subjects henceforth. I had a couple of shots of the empty beach but the beach was having too much garbage on it. Very sad that there doesn't exist a clean beach in Mumbai.
guess i was just trying to do too many things at the same time :p and tried jumping in head first :p

guess i'll go a bit slower from here on. :) thanks for the tips.

oye pappu.. the lands end im talking about is the municipal park next to the Taj :p. its an old Portugese fort with an amphitheatre thats used for concerts nd suchlike :p

nd masky.. thanks for ur suggestions man. will keep them in mind :)
Here's a macro shot of a bug taken with a Fuji finepix f30. Was fooling around with the cam and the pics turned out quite good. :)

Pic is in 16:10 format so it can be used as a widescreen wallie as well.
Nikhil said:
Someone reply !!

Sorry mayte! Here's my reply to a PM which I'd sent to a TE member earlier on the same topic:
d_payne said:
[quote name='Keane 16']
^Brilliant stuff.
How do you manage to get such good shots on a K800i ? :S

Its not all that difficult really. :) I used to use a Canon A310 before which was just like this cam - No zoom, 35mm lens, 3.2 Megapixel...What I learnt from the canon was how to use what is basically a prime-lens camera - i.e, u can shoot at only 1 zoom ratio at all times.

Here's what the K790/K800 is good at:
1. Macros
2. Daylight photography

That's IT. Any night shots from this camera are only just "snaps" but not "photos' since they are sooo noisy..Lastly, ALL snaps which come out of the K790i are dull and very very neutral. So a quick fix is required for all the snaps. I use Adobe Photoshop and what I do is:

1. Firstly, noise reduction through NeatImage - takes out the inherent chroma noise in all the photos.
2. Adjust levels - darken the shadows by a significant amount and slightly overexpose the highlights.
Adjust curves - to a more 'S' shaped curve in Photoshop.
This increases the overall contrast of the image hugely.
3. Sepia/BnW whatever effect I want to add.
4. Sharpening to my liking finally.

You can achieve most of this in the phone itself by using the PhotoDJ application by simply using the "Auto Level" function, though its a very very basic function. Hope this doesn't sound too confusing. :D But the K790/800 is really useful if you know its limitations - which are many. :)


That's it for 80% of my shots. The rest I'd maybe do a selective-color PP or something else on those lines.
Again, I don't mind putting up a basic post-processing guide. :D My earlier guide dint go off too well, so I don't mind making amends now. :)

sTALKEr said:
nd masky.. thanks for ur suggestions man. will keep them in mind :)

What suggestions did masky give! :/ I also wanna know!

@BF1983: Good to know. Hopefully it's constructive criticism. :)

PS: I make wayy too long posts.
ok.. regarding ur post in .. the trick is to post resized pics.. to mask the grains, camera shake, slight out-of-focus and all such minute irregularities. Check Smith's / Payne's posts.. they dont post pics higher than 1280x1024 res..

Nice try with the pics there!

I am no expert, but thot its worth a mention..

here.. ur pics (with unwanted elements) cropped n resized..

I am no expert in Photoshop but u cud certainly try to enhance ur pics in it. I've started using PS CS3 lite very recently and it comes in very handy.

take care..

zees was ze peeyum he sent me. hope he doesnt mind :)
:) Am sure he wont. :)

Back to photography! At another forum online, this guy was looking for a camera for posting product shots online...I said its less about the cam and more about the setup. SO here is my post there>>

More than the camera, you have to invest in or make your own lightbox for all your shots.

What is a lightbox?
The simplest lightbox would be something made of thermocol covered with paper and has 2-3 whitelight lamps providing an even and uniform light all across the box. Just go to your nearest studio and ask those guys. :)

Photoshopping skills to adjust the levels, curves, shadows and highlights and to crop out any background clutter. Then sharpen and resize for web-use.

After you get that:
ANY modern-day digital camera (yes, any) from Sony, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Kodak (yuk :D) with a resolution of above 3MP will give you detailed shots good enough for web-use. Heck with the proper lighting, you can fool anybody. :)



Both taken with my Sony Ericsson K790i. :) Simple technique: A4 sheet behind the product and under the product, no special lighting - just the tubelights in office.

These are not the BEST shots, but you get the idea of what is possible even with a substandard camera as my cameraphone.

i sure need a guide as my indoor & night shots never come out good

i wanna know about the ambient lights positioning

i own a Canon SX100IS
Here's a self portrait :p. A first for me. Taken with a 100mm f/2.8 macro. As usual I didn't bother with photoshopping. Its sharp enough as is. Probably might need softening :rofl:. This lens is an incredible bargain for the sharpness it produces. Wish it had IS though. Would have made it a killer.
