Anish said:Awesome stuff Saiyan and Kumar. I love the mood Saiyan has captured, proper monsoon feel to the background also!
Kumar, your lighting and exposure is spot on! Maybe a bit of sharpening in PS?
Thanks.. Soaring is a picture of the Alps taken from a airplane window (the wonder of manual focus)cyberjunkie said:Totally love Soaring and Masterpiece, Chalk on Street!
I got it as a gift in Dec 2007cyberjunkie said:How much was the D40X with the 18-55mm when you bought it? Damn thing was around 24-25k on jjmehta. It shot up to 34 and I don't think its there anymore! Damnit?!@#
F|0ccY said:Here is a pic I took when I visited Rajpat In Delhi last month.