The Photography Thread !

@krisdkiller, vinay_cm, b_naresh: Please please reduce the image size! Kris, that's an 8MP file!!! I can't even comment on the photo cuz I'll never be able to see with my darn slow-arsed connection. :|

Seriously please. Resize to 800px width, it makes it easy to view and allows you to view the thread and the photo simultaneously. :)

Back to Photography>>

Was out at the ghats again tonight, saw some typical decoratory lighting and decided to have some fun with my 18-250mm lens.

What you see below is a combination of zoom blur (zooming while shutter's open), motion blur (intentional camera shake in a specific direction), focus blur (bokeh), defocus/focus blur (rotating the focus ring) and of course the blinking nature of the lights themselves. :D

1. Red shift

2. Psychedelic red

3. Supernova!

4. Blood vessels rising?

5. Enter the red matrix - this one ought to be viewed in large at full 10MP. Its almost 3D in nature!

@manuvikram : awesome composition in all those shots!

@Payne: Brilliant, as usual.Could you post a higher res version of shots 2 and 4 please.
^ Oh my f...! I've always been wanted to experiment with zoom and focus blur, but never got the time!

Those shots are textbook definitions man.. ridiculously incredible stuff!
honest request to all in this thread. Please use lesser known image hosting sites such as ImgX or picoodle :) damn flickr, picasa, imageshack, etc are all blocked :(
manuvikram007 said:
Old snaps....taken with ma d40

1. My Friends

2.My goooooogleeeeez

3.Ma friend's Honda Unicorn bike

I hope u guys like it

Manu Vikram


Sorry for not commenting earlier but these photos never loaded. I now opened your post seperately out of curiosity and am glad I did. :)

Beautiful photography, and perfect use of black-and-white. All 3 are great examples of stunning BnW photography.

Where's your flickr link?
@Keane, Anish, MVC, soggy, Grease Monk: Thanks guys! :) If you have a manually zooming camera, you ought to try this! Most of these shots are possible with P&S with manual focus as well.'s what I was actually shooting:

Some more from the ghats:

Playing to the crowd

Lined up - 1

Lined up - 2

@thetoxicmind: For the moon shot - find a setting in the camera which says "Spot Metering" instead of Center Weighted or Intelligent Multiple. This will help the camera expose only for the moon and not for the dark sky around...your shot of the moon is overexposed because the camera's exposed for the sky and not the moon.

@thetoxicmind: For the moon shot - find a setting in the camera which says "Spot Metering" instead of Center Weighted or Intelligent Multiple. This will help the camera expose only for the moon and not for the dark sky around...your shot of the moon is overexposed because the camera's exposed for the sky and not the moon.

Just what i needed to know !
Thnx a bunch...:clap: