BF1983 said:@vijaycool - How come you decided to get a SD10 ? And how much did you pay for it ?
vinaycm said:You meant my SD10??
Actually i didnt purchase it, i got it as a gift from my dad.. Dont know exactly its price..
However i've got a Nikon D40 (brought by me) which i prefer most of the times..
janitha said:I don't think it is currently available. IIRC it was introduced in 2003, the second camera model with the revolutionary "Foveon" sensor after SD9.
BF1983 said:Wow ! You have 2 DSLRs !!! Thats sweet !
Though I saw in the market section that you were trying to sell the D40. So I guess that means the SD10 will be your main cam.
vinaycm said:A good sensor dosent make a good camera.. The Foveon X3 sensor is revolutionary but not the SD9/SD10.. SD10 can give really good images, but its not a user friendly cam.. In that sense the D40 is really the winner, its plain simple to use & produce really good shots..
BF1983 said:So you can't sell it since its a gift from your dad. But then why don't you try to learn how to use it effectively. I am sure its still a great cam if you know how to use it.
I belive RAW is the way to go with the SD10 as the JPEG files are not processed well.
ANP !!! said:My 1st addition.
delirious? said:Excellent photo ANP! Loved it! Post a bigger version of it.
vijaycool said:Sea Hawk
Flower macro
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