Hello guys... need to know something:
I usually keep a backup image of my OpenMediaVault running on my RPI 4 (works 24/7) by using Win32DiskImager. I follow this video for taking the backup:
I store the image file on my PC just so if the SD Card on the RPI fails I can then just clone the backed up image saved on my PC on a new SD card through using Raspberry Pi Imager and pop that card back into the RPI. A good fail safe.
Now, of late I have been wanting to move the OS (OpenMediaVault) to a SSD (which is in a USB 3.0 case). If I do that will cloning the backed up OS image from my PC onto the SSD through using Raspberry Pi Imager work? After copying if I take the SD Card out from my RPI and then connect the SSD via USB to the RPI will the RPI detect the OS on the SSD and boot up automatically?
Please guide me on this. Thanks.