The new generation Windows phones are supposed to be officially launched in India. The models that were launched include Omnia W, HTC Titan, Radar. They should theoretically be on display in some shops at least.
harish_21_10 said:Guys, does Samsung Focus or any other WP7 phone allow tethering?
Also, which is the cheapest WP7 phone available in India?
sandeepk said:^^
Focus currently does not allow tethering. But might get support for it in future update from AT&T. HTC HD7/Mozart do have support for tethering.
Cheapest WP7 phone will be Samsung Omnia W when launched (it was just announced but not actually launched last month). Should be available for around 18-19K. Radar is currently available for 22.5K right now.
satishinti said:how to see if my focus is dev unlocked or carrier unlocked....? and how can i enable the usb and wifi tethering option on my at&t focus....? can anyone give the steps or the link for both...
ssk the gr8 said:Samsung Omnia W I8350 Review
i want to buy this phone, but the review is so negative, it talks about freezing issues? does anybody own this phone? what about battery life?
is this a biased review?