Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception - Discussion Thread

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Gannu said:
I am not sure about this but I did not notice this input lag somehow. If it was as obvious as indicated in the video, I am pretty sure it must have caught my eye. FTR I played it on the phat 80GB console on the hard difficulty mode with the console plugged into a SPVA LCD panel on the default sensitivity settings and raked in some 100+ headshots (I should know because the trophy flashed during the game and I noticed it!).

Anyone else noticed this lag? If yes, what were your respective configurations? blahmaster?

Props to Naughty Dog's Arne Meyer for pitching in on GAF's thread and inviting someone over to their studios to give it a shot.

I believe that the problem is not very prominent in the Hard difficulty mode (because the aim assist is toned down a lot). It is actually quite noticeable on the Normal level of difficulty that I play at. Gun play is a bit less enjoyable than on UC2, I am finding it hard to hit targets. I am normally quite bad with games involving shooting on consoles, but I had gotten to the point of getting a few head-shots in Uncharted 2. I am now at chapter 8 in U3 and still have trouble hitting enemies even in their body zones. Most of my kills are with hand-to-hand combat.

Also, I don't think input lag (as we normally define it) is the problem. Either the dead zone in the controller analog sticks is large or the acceleration/deceleration settings for both the axis are small. It feels similar to how the mouse on a PC game feels when Mouse Smoothing is turned on.

Arne has posted that there might be a patch soon to fix Motion Blur and the Controller sensitivity. I might pause my play through till that goes up.
Some friends had come over to my place during the weekend for a demo of the game and I can now confirm that the dead zone problem persists in SP when playing on Normal or Easy modes because the aim-assist is more prominent in these modes compared to the hard mode. If the scope of the Dragon Sniper or the T-Bolt sniper is used, it makes aiming even harder! When the analog stick is rotated in a circular motion, the reticle moves in a square'ish fashion along the edges (as demonstrated in the video).

NeoGAF said:
Cartridgeblower: I sat down and played with a couple tweaked versions of the new controls, and they were definitely more in line with the MP and UC2. They seem to have fixed much of the dead zone problems, and are adjusting the sensitivity so you can go even higher than what 100% is now.

They were literally making changes ON THE FLY as we played, and asking us what we thought of them. They would tweak things like sticky radius, sensitivity, etc. Also, they mentioned motion blur is definitely getting fixed for SP. Very cool. They mentioned more about a patch coming out very soon, but again, Arne has told me not to give anything more specific away.

IMPORTANT: Naughty Dog Got GAF Feedback Re: UC3 Aiming Issues, See OP - Page 11 - NeoGAF

Apparently they were asked to sign some NDA so as to ensure they do not disclose the finer details in public. :P
Started the game yesterday and I'm really impressed with the graphics (obvious I suppose). Also, in the intro chapter, I couldn't figure out when the game moved from cut-scene to actual game. The transition is very fast. However, the start was under-whelming compared to UC2. Is it just me or there seems to be an over-use of bloom in this game? But I still like the flow. Need to play some more. :)
Ethan_Hunt said:
Is that the Desert level?

Nope... Long way to go for that.

You don't just get the Desert level... you earn the Desert Level!

LOL... That crap is what I got off a Bournville ad :P
^rofl ... yes you earn it :P

Finished the game ... what an awesome experience .. I hope there is a Drake 4 .. ill buy ps4 just for that :P
Reached Chapter 19 i never expected so much of variety the game is awesome from Chapter 12 to Chapter 18... especially the ship level can be described as one of the best levels in games.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Is that the Desert level?

Not so fast! :bleh:

But yes the Rub Al' Khali is definitely something to watch out for. I was literally blown away by Drake's surreal movements plus the mo-cap plus the way he leaves those sand trails on the desert plus the sand dunes and I can go on and on.

Take your sweet time and reach there. You're going to love it!
That desert level is truly artistic at a point I thought I got stucked and I was roaming around but later found that's the way it is my only problem with gunplay aiming I rather go for fist fight since they tend to be more easier and satisfying option if they aiming couldn't have been the problem then this is clearly goty for me
Loving the campaign! I ve done about 11 chapters its just as good as UC2 and even better in some places..Love the pacing in this game its not over the top all the time! Also the loved the beginning chapters of the game!


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Half an hour into the game and till now it has been horribly boring to say the least :huh:

I had high hopes from this and was waiting to get blown away.

May be I was expecting too much.

But still I haven't lost faith and I really hope it picks up soon.
kestrel5915 said:
Half an hour into the game and till now it has been horribly boring to say the least :huh:
Trust me, I'm on the 10 chapter and I'm still not feeling it. Something just doesn't feel right.
kestrel5915 said:
Half an hour into the game and till now it has been horribly boring to say the least :huh:

I had high hopes from this and was waiting to get blown away.

May be I was expecting too much.

But still I haven't lost faith and I really hope it picks up soon.

Agreed the intro sequence wasn't as good as UC2 but wait for it. The game picks up pace gradually. :P

On a completely different note, I am underwhelmed with Arkham City after playing UC3. Been playing it slowly. :(
Wait till you reach Chapter 12 Abducted then its when the game truly shines, Arkham City for me was a disappointment.
Gannu said:
On a completely different note, I am underwhelmed with Arkham City after playing UC3. Been playing it slowly. :(
I know exactly what you mean... any game I have played after this is booooooring.

UC has always done that for me. I've always quit gaming for at least a month after playing UC to allow for a better experience with other games.

I guess you can call it a love-hate relationship.
^Totally but I cannot afford to sit idle man. The only saving grace for Arkham City is the varied combat. I am getting bored of that as well. :/
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