ISHROCZ_14 said:dude .. get the honda city .. i have the top model .. its awesome .. the only thing i regret is .. the price has decreased now(.. i got it on dusshera .. class safety features .. touched 180 twice on busy palm beach road .. very stable car (maybe mum/n mum users know about it) .. my aim is to get it to 200 on expressway
thou ..
BUT REMEMBER many imp. features are missing in basic variant ..
like the ALLOYS .. FOG LAMPS(well you dont need that if you dont go for vacation @ hillstations) .. MUSIC SYSTEM (the music system of city is AMAZING).. HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE driver seat !!!
and bargain a lot .. request for various accesories .. i stay in n mum but got the car from andheri coz the price was around 50k less in andheri + they gave me some accesories (n mum honda show room was not giving that)
mjumrani said:1. Don't push it to 200. Its not recommended.