Very urgent- Should I pick an iphone

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Chaos said:
You can very easily reach the limits of mp3 even with a portable device and a good high sensitivity headphone such as a Grado SR60. Try listening to a Rio Karma with an SR60... you'll be shocked!

Rio Karma !! I wanted that player when I read the reviews abt it.... supposed to have simply mindblowing sound quality.... But it had lots of quality issues right ?? and availability was also a problem.
Congratulation SC. Although I wouldn't buy an iPhone, i must say... great purchase. It's like that Onida Ad from back in the day... "Neighbours Envy, Owners Pride". Bottom line is, as long as it suits your needs your purchase is justified. Now can we all get off the iPhone case and push SC to post a review ASAP? :P
Now can we all get off the iPhone case and push SC to post a review ASAP?

i'll do that soon, but here's a quick update on my experience with the phone in the last few hours...

sorry if this sounds fanboish

but I can't help it....

It does everything a Symbian phone can do and a whole lot more elegantly and with a lot more finesse....

also there are a whole bunch of native 3rd party apps (e.g. ebook readers, NES simulators etc) even though apple hasn't officially released the api

It's seriously at least 2 generations beyond any current phone....anyone who is bashing the iphone on the basis of what people on the net have posted, do take a moment out to try it out for yourself.....

so anyone interested in a 2 month old N73 ME ? ;)
300 charges = 1.5 years at least :P

and b y then, the phone will be either due for replacement or 3rd party batteries would be out
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