From today onwards my main rig will be down. Mostly for 1 full week as i dont have any motherboard for the same. ( P5N32-E SLI removed from main system today ).
My 2nd cruncher and lappie will keep crunching. So its time for other people to keep out team score up even without me
Nice going people. We are again close to 60k points.
I have dropped my point as i told you i would.
Ironically even my 2nd machine is down with dead P5N-E which died on me day before. But I am still around 10k. What a person can do with just 2 C2D laptops crunching 24x7
Anyway keep crunching. Hoping to get my machines up and running soon.
It was not a bad day for us. Better than yesterday.
I completed 1.3 million points personally.
Bluegene crosed 400k as well. God jab m8.
Laptop power for 15k yesterday Lappies are warming my desk nicely hehe.
Comeon lazy bums, get your idle rigs crunching
We can do a lot better than this. At the moment only top crunchers are donating serious time to this. I dont care about how many points you score. But give few hours a day of your rigs to this. In the end we are all helping ourself here in longer run.
whom to challenge? Nobody from India is even close to us. :bleh:
Challenge is interesting when there is worthy opponent to compete against.
Might change though when some peeps go for quads and start crunching on them.
We can challenge some international teams. But then be ready for some serious commitment.
do not crunch for 24 hrs. only maybe 12 hrs a day...if there is a challenge i can start crunching 24 hrs. But ofcourse we can wait till the leaders of the pack get back to full form.
me doing 24*7 now. I had setup the computer for 24/7 crunching and went out of station. When i return I see only 1 week's crunching was done. Seemingly the system shutdown due to some power outage and nobody at home to turn it back on agan. Damn
stats updated today.
I have reached 1.2 million for team.
Even though my PCs are non functional i have somehow managed to maintain 10k output. The worry for me is that I might loose lot of work which was already downloaded on my PC if I dont get then up and running before monday. The work I downloaded needs to be returned before coming wednesday. Loosing this work due to deadline causes lots of problems for others as well. Hopefully systems will be up and running shortly.
We are doing ok so far. Havent dropped too much output.
Keep up the good work people. Keep crunching.
stats updated for today.
Comeon people we dropped our output considerably yesterday.
Dont be lax, other teams will be coming after us shortly with their multiple quads. Keep crunching, start crunching. Wake up
I am back on track. More improvements expected soon though
We have open challenge for any team from india. Anyone who is interested for points race can join the challenge.
Duration will be one month. Starting on 23rd Aug.
So everyone get their act together. Anyone from india will be joining this challenge. So get your machines ready. There are still 10 days to go but be ready and I hope someone takes on this challenge
If you want to pass link to our challenge to anyone, then here is the link.
man they are damn good....they have average points per day almost twice to to pick up our act...funky do some magic with your quaddy...farookh is he in our wcg team????