Same Here, i was unconsciously listening to all my friends to go for TAMPER, and they pronounce it as TEMPER, I was buying into it blindly and bluntly, after three years of experience with smart phones, CORNing-GORILLA GLASS itself is a Tamper resistant discovery/invention, you pay hefty already for that component for it will not fail you!!, so TAMPER RESISTANT is unnecessary!! The best bet will be the COVER, that makes the phone looks like a mini-diary, obviously one must buy the cover, that covers the Gorilla glass like a cushion on any fall~!!~ and protects it nicely!N O N E
I have never used , only a case to protect from falls, rest is all unnecessary
Lately, i bought a new mobile, which is already covered up with cheap tamper resistant applied on it!! I will still prefer the cheap tamper off to have good visual experience with the phone!
For More Deeper Knowledge about the TAMPER RESISTANT CORNING GLASS that already exist in 11K+ phones!!
YT Corning Glass
Fall Test
This site has INTERESTING demonstration of CORNING GORILLA GLASS, so wake up!! dont get TEMPER....

yup this is the best bet!! choose wisely the right cover for your model, as there are umpteen covers available for different models!!![]()
This is the one I have been using on my OP3, OP7T pro. Its sturdy and protective
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