What does working in an IT job involve?

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May be a little OT but my 2paisa of information for all the people who are willing or about to join any of the SW MNCs.
  • Keep your expectations low. IT companies are over rated. Once you come here you will understand how shitty work we are doing.
  • Most of the MNcs are IT conslting companies which comprises of 905 of support projects. So its like a call centre. Only thing is you don't need to say "" Thank you for calling IBM india pvt ltd"
  • All of what you have learned in your 4 years of engineering will go into drain. You study about PSK, modulation, and here you suggest clients about which module of SAP will help their chemical business to get more profits.
  • As a fresher every one wants to code. But there is a lot in software without little or no coding. So without programming skills you can survive in IT industry with ease.
  • If you are a fresher and came from normal dabba colleges like me i bet every IT MNC is same. guess what after you join here you have chance to work with people from IIT and IIM as well. Only thing being they may earn double your salary.
  • f you are smart enough you will gain 2 yrs of experience and then write cat/mat/rat or something and will do MBA. however after MBA you will realize you did a big mistake spendig 2 years in MBA as your friends who will be having 4 yrs of total experince by now will be saving 1 lac a month easily in US.
  • Most important point a 3.5LPA package doesn't give you 29166/- a month. yes your maths is wrong.it will give you some where around 23- 24 a month(Max).

Reading above all threads, i came to conclusion that i should sharp my C++ and java skills to grab some opportunities..

Also i think there are many members out here who got nice position in MNC's, and damm #Lord Nemessis also interviewed many, i think you all can surely help us aka noobs to step into an IT company, keeping finger crossed f.......

Interviews are damn east to clear it off. Only thing is the aptitude test. Prepare for aptitude from now when you have time. No need to strain your self. Enjoy your college days and jeven a 10 percent concern on your career will definitely land you in a good job.

Any inputs about Cognizant? Is it same as Infy and TCS or different being a US registered company?

I am placed in CTS had got offers from Accenture and Infy, but those had bonds also pay was better.

#being.smart dont worry about the interviews it is a piece of cake, just clear the apti round the be confident during the interviews and you are good to go.

Without a doubt join CTS.
IT job is not that bad. Spend some time and you may see yourself working on POCs involving niche tech.

I daresay that this is an exciting time for freshers. You could be working on app dev, pos systems with nfc etc. Companies are focusing more on e.g. cloud based services. And they are laying out strategies and hiring specially for that.

Pretty sure small time vendors do not interest businesses looking for new ways to improve their business. That is where top tier IT companies score.

And IT services companies are a good stepping stone to your next passion job.

Technocrat sounds like a better way to describe it than a software engineer.

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What kind of companies / job I should look into if I want 'easy' IT job, not the horror kind which mentioned in earlier threads. Anything like 9am - 5pm job, no late night staying in office etc etc
Now that's a real head eak out there :/

Can't we just start our own company with our own ideal ??????

I remember a guy from mumbai aging 20 had a I.T based small company runing under him O_o

can't we start something like that and get self relaible
What kind of companies / job I should look into if I want 'easy' IT job, not the horror kind which mentioned in earlier threads. Anything like 9am - 5pm job, no late night staying in office etc etc

You shold focus on the public sector (sarkari) jobs
for 9 to 5 timings rest all IT jobs are based on flexible timings ...that is you have to work beyond your specified office hours in order to met the deadlines and yes if you do not have any project (you are on bench) then njoy your day kill time and go home
#tech_bot - not much opportunity for CSE guys in Sarkari Sector. So you mean to say all private sector jobs are like that ? ALL ? Would there be any difference between core / product based companies & service companies ?
#avi - Don't know about the product based companies but yes in service based it is like that.

and about public sector jobs for CSE yes it is very less as compared to other core branches
What kind of companies / job I should look into if I want 'easy' IT job, not the horror kind which mentioned in earlier threads. Anything like 9am - 5pm job, no late night staying in office etc et

Interesting thread, though am not from the IT background. But no, I dont think any private sector jobs would be strict 9-5 affairs, I work in a bank and if I leave before 8 people stare at me at work
Although atleast at present I get my weekends off.

And I also agree with the person who said TCS employees have a very informal dress code. In our complex there are a few TCS offices too, and we always envy those people wearing Jeans/Tshirts on Friday. We have to wear a tie most of the time, and need to wear suit for client visits (in the sweltering Mumbai heat).

I agree with the guys who say that you should work where your interests lie, as after a certain time that 30-40% hike become meaningless if you are stuck at something you cannot bear for an hour.
#avi, i guess there are, but the number of post are less. Even i am thinking about that.

I am from a similar background pursuing BCA

Nice thread, very informative for us
Would there be any technical jobs in Banking sector ?

There are a few, but most of them are them are aligned towards the business analyst roles and people should be having extensive knowledge of banking products (especially derivative products). Know a few people in my office in these roles, they usually have a 5-7 yrs experience in developing and supporting banking related products in the said IT firms. In addition they would also give have given a module of CFA (Certified Financial Analyst examination) to familiarize themselves with financial knowledge. Their salaries are very good, ranging between INR 15 - 25 Lakhs PA, in addition to a lot of fringe benefits including company sponsored car etc..

The development and support of all our internal systems is done by TCS and Wipro.
# Avi.. not always

Regarding jobs in Banking sector ..IT Admin Grade-I/II posts are available for CS/IT branchs..you can search for it
Would there be any technical jobs in Banking sector ?

Yes there are IT jobs in Banking sector too.

Recently IBPS conducted an Common Written test for Specialist IT Officers Gr. I & Gr. II, BE (IT, CS, ETRX & Allied) check IBPS website for more details. This exam was basically for 19 Public Sector banks so as to select candidates for PI / GD & then recruit them.

I also appeared for this exam & this was most lamely planned one, 200 MCQ to solved in 120 Mins using OMR sheets, WTH

The Maths & Reasoning part was really time consuming, although the Techinical part was easy esp if you have knowledge of DB, SQL & some other basic IT, Electronics subject.

So you can try for such exams for IT jobs in Banking Sector.
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