Why do people smoke!

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ok for many many years ive been around friends who smoked... and i was the only one who didnt.. those days i would have been sitting wit 20 odd ppl who were smokin and me the only 1 who didnt smoke...

but now i do smoke.. i do it for a reason.. (personal..) nothin too big ...not to show off or to act big...

ppl who smoke dont do it to show off...

maybe small kids the do it to show to the world that they are big enough to handle the pressures of the world... but by smokin itself they are doin the opposite..


and ya smokin affects the brain... hence the DILUSION of STRESS RELIEVER.
not too sure on the how or bla bla.. but i can get some articles and post later...

basically smokin starts off at different ages in ppl(i say that cause men/boys arent the only ones smokin... i`ve seen my share of women/girls who do cigs........) once ur in the vicious cycle there are various reasons to stay there... addiction.. coolness... show off... STRESSS RELIEVEr... bla bla...

but ultimately its all in ur hands... as long as u have the will power to SAY NO to even 1 cig. u are still in control...

i do smoke.. and i can say that im not addicted. to it.. i dont feel that stress relief.. not do i need to impress anyone.. basically i have only reason and thats not the crap that u hear from anyone... i can say no and i`ve never felt that urge to smoke....

bottomline... u will end up near a cig.. the choice is urs to pick it up and light it or not... once u`ve got a taste of it the choice is urs.. give nonsense as a reason to continue or have that self control...
^^bluffy...bad boy feel...lol...the gals would definitely felt tat u are actin stupid...most of my frnds in hostel keep commenting on such boys...:lol:
^Well yeah but now its no longer abt d Gals ... actually nobody gives a shit abt dem now .... itz all abt d Get-together n spending some quality time with frnds !
Well, In Mauritius, if a guy is too involved with a girl and the girl asks him to stop, he does...

i dont really find it a problem, cos nobody is perfect, i got my flaws too, so ill say ill have to Correct myself before correcting others!!!! thats how i think...

every now and then, you have to have a little addiction to smthng..it all depends on what you choose, sm choose cigs, sm alcohol, sm drugs, sm pc!!!

as for cig being a stress reliever, i started believing that recently, when my bro was doing his final year project, he smoked cig after cig... burning money as i put it :D :D :D :D
hmmm.. i see a lot of replies, some very good, but most of them Immature.

I tell you why.

In these two pages, there is not even a mention of the C word. Whats the C word? Its Cancer.

Most people think that cancer does not happen to them. It always happens to someone else. Most of them are in a denial state. By smokers, i mean the people who Want to smoke, or who have just started smoking, so that it hasnt reached the level of Addiction. When it reaches the level of addiction, I no longer call them smokers. Rather Addicts. Thats because even if they want to, its very difficult to quit it. Of course, some with will power do it.

Coming back to the C word, i have already explained why people are so ignorant about it.

Let me tell you one thing. I know it might sound distasteful to some.

I have myself seen young people with Lung cancer. And a very young boy (aged about 18 years) who had cancer of the Mouth. Imagine the trauma these people have to go through. Treatments do not guarantee 100% success. Some are cured, but most arent. Ofcourse, not every smoker gets Cancer. The world is not flat, you see.

Besides Lung cancer, the number 1 cause of which is smoking, increased risk of diesases like Heart disease, High blood pressure, Impotency, Asthma are also related to smoking.

So what do i gain by typing here sitting in front of my PC? Would addicts, give up smoking? No, i dont think so. Some may *try* to do it(and succeed too), but most wont. Because its an addiction.

The real target of my post are young boys and those who have just jumped into the horrible world of smoking, please reconsider your decision.

There are other ways to be cool

There are other ways to show off.

There are other ways to stay awake the night before the exams.

And let us all responsible TE members pray for the wellbeing of smokers, and hope that god gives them courage to quit.
Actually... all bashing aside...

It is a proven fact that once it is in the system for a full time smoker, it is more addictive than heroin...

If it was so easy to quit, many people would.

If not quit... we would see people only smoking when they drink... or a few times a day.

There are many cases when people have been told that smoking has ruined their health so badly, that if they do not quit they will die... yet they still are unable to do so. (I have personally seen this myself)

It is easy to bash something, that as a non-participant you do not understand. Why do people start... I would say that for a lot of young people, the media has a big hand in it.

I'm sure everyone has their own reasons, but it is very important to support friends and family that are trying to stop.

If you want to stay in one piece...never pester a smoker... :) just offer support when they need it to quit.

And yes ... I am one... :P and I have tried to quit many many times, and yes it is very difficult. For most smokers that quit successfully, they usually have already tried a few times before they finally succeed. My Grandfather died of lung cancer... but here I am....... smoking.

Being educated about what it does to my body has no bearing on it's addictive qualities.
it can be blamed on people like mr.nayler in 'thank you for smoking' but ultimately it's you who smoke it

i cant smoke even if i wanted to...my hands are never free :P
As for the C word, i dont say its not a risk and that i cant happen...it can!!!! but, surely i sometimes find it hard to explain my uncles, who have smoked for 50-60years, and still they are going strong!!!

We cant force people to make a choice unless they really want to!!!! I will help someone who has in mind to quit smoke...that doesnt require mentioning!

You got a point, ArtfulDodger!!! my father knows my brother smokes, still he continues to give him money, knowing he uses it for cigs...
The beginning :

It always is either of show off / i too can dare / trying to be different from others / showing macho attitude ( i dont know who says smoking is manly i believe its donkeyly :P)

The reinforcement :
i dont now about other colleges but in my colleges and in my teenage patients i have observed that it starts with Nirdosh >>> Menthol >>> classic >>> wills and other stronger brands.

The Addiction :
people say i am stressed / i am in tension so that i need the ciggarette. (there is a reason why people feel effects of Cigarette smoking : as the smoke in taken inside the process of absorption of Nicotine starts from mouth itself and it directly enters blood stream from lungs so its the immediate effect which is a big booby trap)

I cant believe what is more stressfull than dealing with a live person on operation table with his / her life in your hand and you need to do good for them.

people cant leave smoking easily unless and untill they have strong will power, strong person forcing to quit, or encounterd a patient sufferring from side effects of smoking.

The Result :
Cigarette smoking is injurious to health in a long way : starting from your lips, mouth, tongue, nose, ears, lungs, stomach where it does not damage the tissue is a question?

I am a strong antagonist of bad habits any habits (alcohol is permitted in a very small amounts though).

This is a friendly advise from a fellow member of TE, specially because i happen to be a doctor and also one of the first specialist to encounter the aftermath of smoking, Please quit smoking for your self and your loved ones.

If you and your fellow smokers keep on smoking, hell with you, your wallet is emptying and mine is filling up :P :bleh:
i think people who smoke need a wake-up call... for example there was an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show where she brought up a doc adn he showed REAL parts of teh body.. of people who died, parts of the body before adn after smoking.. it was SICK!
Hmm. Interesting topic. Anyway, I started smoking when I was 5. Dad got some from the general store next door. I put it in my mouth, and was flying. I didn't even know what it was, but it just felt soo good. Been smoking one a day since then. As shocking as it sounds, I actually did smoke my first ciggy when I was 5. Dad smokes. So he let me have a drag when I said "Beedu, ek beedi to de do". I didn't smoke till I was 10 then(lied about this earlier). My mom told me it was bad for health and that it contains harmful chemicals and is low quality and bla bla bla ..

But, alas, class 10 came. My friends used to get them every day. I smoked with them. It was amazing. Heavenly feeling. Stress buster. Aced my boards because of em.

Phantom Candy Cigarettes. The best ever. Get yourself a box today.

Sorry, lame, I know :P.
akshitmohan said:
Phantom Candy Cigarettes. The best ever. Get yourself a box today.

Sorry, lame, I know :P.
Yay!! I used to love em, so damn tasty.

@medpal - I would have been shocked had you been a smoker. Dont expect that from a responsible doc. And add curiosity to that list of reasons.
PLAY CARROM BOARD!!!!!!!! The best game ever!!!!!!! and yeah, chew gums and read books, dance around...
Started at Age 14: Anywhere between 3-5 a day, a box-a-10 when partying with friends.. And as BD mentioned, it truly started as a means to satisfy my ego, it was a show-off!

Age 16: My girl makes me promise that I'll quit..I'm 22 now, not a ciggie since then & really I don't miss it..

PS: She also wanted me to quit drinking but naaah..that aint gonna happen ever! :P
medpal said:
Please quit smoking for your self and your loved ones.

^^ and for those who works with you and unnecessarily (can not avoid) to breath the smoke of your cigarette.:@
Vince said:
i think people who smoke need a wake-up call... for example there was an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show where she brought up a doc adn he showed REAL parts of teh body.. of people who died, parts of the body before adn after smoking.. it was SICK!

totally sick man ... man the lungs were like totally infected by a bug or something
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