Why do people smoke!

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Imagine said:
Same thing again and again.... If u ppl think that u cannot take this much risk for enjoying a fag then its ur problem...

There is a different between the words, "risk" and "foolishness". Read the last few pages, you will come to know.
By ur parents not liking you to hang out with a smoker friend, do u mean to say that its because you would stand in their smoking presence?

Anyhow, I never meant anybody to go sit with their smoking friend and have passive smoking!!

Actually, to be honest i even cant stand smoke.. And never do i sit around with friends while they smoke. Just point out il be back when ur smokes out or please go smoke somewhere else. :)
Alias said:
By ur parents not liking you to hang out with a smoker friend, do u mean to say that its because you would stand in their smoking presence?

Anyhow, I never meant anybody to go sit with their smoking friend and have passive smoking!!

Actually, to be honest i even cant stand smoke.. And never do i sit around with friends while they smoke. Just point out il be back when ur smokes out or please go smoke somewhere else. :)

Nope. Its the choice of company. Why its hard to understand??

Honestly I dont even like the smell of smoke that comes from smokers. I hate the guts out of it.

Everyone has some way to select the friends. In addition to other things, their smoking and drinking habits are the part which i do consider.

And its not about the parents alone. I personally wont like to be with them. There is no shortage of non smokers in the world, trust me ;)

I dont think i am missing anything.
Well, cant make you change here.. Thats again personal choice. :)

But then we can always advice a person to show him the wrongs of his following, right? hehe..

Btw, talking about personal choice, anything sound familiar here with respect to the topic on hand? ;)
Exactly.. that was my point all thru the thread...
when someone else points at u saying wat u are doing is wrong then u come to know how it feels when u point at someone else...
A personal choice that does not affect anyone is harmless.

A personal choice that does affect others is not harmless.

A personal choice that is wrong is always wrong.

A personal choice that is good is always good.

A personal choice that is harmful to that person is not a good or right personal choice.

And as a person i am free to point that out :P


I have a question to all those smokers.

Why its hard for you guys to listen to the fact that smoking is bad and harmful and not a good habit. You know its right.

Its like they are trying to live in denial that what they are doing is right and not bad and is OK when its not OK.

I or anyone else dont have to tell this to you. We shouldnt have to. Thats the problem....

Your choice does not make it right. And in your head you know it.

Answer to this question honestly to yourself. You dont need to post anything here.
Every smoker answers that to himself and others b4 he starts it :P

Good and bad are relative... nothing is abolutely good or absolutely bad... But lot ppl with closed mindset tend to think wat they think is right and expects everyone shd see in his view...

Ppl with open mindset accept others views and go along accepting the difference in opinion...
dude smoking = stress relieving and harms health

i didnt ur equation of bad...

its the thinking of the person which says to take up or not... totally up to the person... and the govt thinks atleast the person has to be given this choice.... cause its not the point of good or bad here but choice....
Funky said:
Dude its scientifically proven. Smoking = bad.

Its not what person thinks its the fact.

^I too agree..i mean, if it were relative then all the sins in this world are justified.. just because the sinner believed it were right to do so..there is an invisible code tht every person on earth follows..and tht makes up for a single word we call conscience... it may be because of fear of law or the fear of god..but we live on our own set of rules breaking which is like going against the flow....

I think every smoker knows tht he is doing something wrong which though he may not confess to others, knows it very well..inside out..;) He knows tht it is going to affect his health and how he wud have loved to get rid of this addiction, but cudnt.... You can run from others..but cannot run away from yourself and your conscience...:hap5:
Actually wrong.... there is nothing absolute in this universe... u cant define anything... its all relative... u have to have a base to define anything...

And all the sins are justified in the eyes of the Sinner... But wat defines the global absolute is the Govt. and u have to follow... things Govt. doesnt define is left for ur choice... anyways i am tired making u ppl understand but i'm surprised to see u ppl with this mindset... :O
Haha this discussion hasn't ended yet :D Once again, if someone wants to smoke let them smoke. It's not against morals and you can't judge a person's character based on whether they smoke or not - everyone's got habits, smoking is one of them. You can't call it a bad habit because you don't like it.

@Funky, the truth about smokers is that they're addicted whether they accept it or not - nothing we say can make them quit, they'll quit when THEY want to. But I guess you're free to keep telling them it's bad and stop hanging out with them ;)
Okay .... I Guess RIO Loves His Beer .... so that makes him a Drinker .... now if Funky ever meets RIO , according to his theory he will not even bother to Look deep into his character , he will not care if Rio is Good or Bad. The Convo will go something like this :

RIO : Hi Mate , wanna be Friends ?

Funky : You Drink Beer ?? OMG ...... Go Awaay......

Sorry to say this brother but IMHO your thinking sucks and yes i do call this Narrow mindedness. BTW I thik you belong to a Medical Background , I am not sure but i think you are pursuing MBBS or something , anyways You just said that you Hate smokers , now if one of your patient turns out to be a smoker and well you hate smokers , so how in the hell will you be able to Help/Cure him ? As it is you cant stand smokers ! As the old saying goes .... Never judge a Book by its cover !

P.S : RIO , You should Thank God that your wife does not think like Funky :lol:
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