Why do people smoke!

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I dont know why ppl smoke.
But, I donot smoke or consume alcohol.

All smoke does to you is add loads of particles inside your lungs rotting them inside out:P
Renegade said:
Well its just that the effect is so slow that the smoker and the people around him dont seem to mind that much. You know the ill effects but you dont care since its not going to happen today anyway.

You are like a frog in boiling water. Only difference is the frog doesnt know he will die, you do. And we say man is an intelligent animal.

you make it sound as if smokers smoke the other end of a dynamite stick...oops u already threw in a metaphor tsk tsk...cmon, its not given that all smokers die coz of it...

btw I smoke/drink very rarely n mildly....
As I said in the other thread...

XTerminator said:
Hmm...if smoking is safe, why is there warning on the box???

Why is there so much of an issue about it?

Why do ppl die of suffocation in fires - The best source of inhaling smoke:ohyeah: ??

[sarcasm]Oh and not to mention the extremely clean and sweet smelling air they exhale after they inhale it!!![/sarcasm]
XTerminator said:
[sarcasm]Oh and not to mention the extremely clean and sweet smelling air they exhale after they inhale it!!![/sarcasm]
Yep, its so damn impossible to even stand next to a person who has just had a fag. The air turns disgusting. :S
medpal said:
well nothing personal against you friend, but you seem to contradict yourself. just read carefully your own quotes once you say the person who smoke is not weak and has strong values still cant quit smoking i cant agree with it.

a strong willpowered person will not start smoking in first place. just my 2 cents.

Yeah, i seem to hav.. Lol!! Thanx for pointing it out!
Anyhow what i just meant to point out that people should never judge others using habits like smoking.

Its just coz this resembles discussions during my college days where some ppl smoke and there are others who do not smoke but seem to make it a point to stress it everywhere that they do not and act so goody goody about it! Even use it to earn brownie points with girls! Sure do so but not by rubbing dirt over ur fellow mates and at their expense!
As if placing the smokers as the bad guys whereas the good folks are the non smokers..

Sheeshh.. Makes you wanna go smoke to just piss them off!

I fully support the notion that you should never smoke and should always advise your friends/relatives against smoking but never misjudge or demean them coz of their smoking habbit! :)
here no one is judging smokers as bad guys, and nor advising them. the thread title itself is 'why do people smoke' or rather 'why do they prefer smoking even though they know the ill-effects'. many reasons explained till now is

-personal choice - again why? dont u think its foolish to take that risk, for what enjoyment does they get to do it again n again... stress-relieving??? why not some other options then? if not stress n show-off, then for wat else?
on a side note..wats the differnce between a cigarette & cigar..a few of my frnds who do cigars swear not to touch a cigarette . . . & of they dont find cigars..they go after BEEDIs'...:lol:
so after 9 pages of discussion ....what did we come to ? why do people smoke :P... why do people eat chocolate , why do people chew gum, why do people bite nails... ze answer.... its just that they want to do it .... nothing else :)
Same thing again and again.... If u ppl think that u cannot take this much risk for enjoying a fag then its ur problem... y are u after ppl who can take that risk...
Is it because u want to show off that u dont smoke or is it cause u are too stupid to understand...
See its POV.

I do like to say i dont smoke.

I do hate smokers in real life. I really do. I do judge them and stay 10 hands away from them unless there is professional requirement.

And i will do whatever and as much as i can to say it again and again and again and again that smoking is bad.

I hope 1 person will see and decide to change.

If that means i have say same thing again and again then so be it. If 1 person changes and for that people like me have to take wrath of 10 other people, its worth it.

You cant blame people for saying same thing again and again :P

They are doing good thing :bleh:
@funky.... What u said is true when the person u are asking to quit is ignorant (uneducated) , immature (like kids) and stuff... but here thats not the case... ppl smoking are well educated and mature so ur point is not valid here....
Just because someone is repeatedly saying the same thing no one will change thier opinion...

P.S: Dont always think that ur perception is right... U have to accept others perception also

Well good and bad changes from one person to other... by smoking we am no way interfering with others but by hating us and keep telling us wat u think is good does interfere right
come on funky... everyone has their bad habits... i am sure you would have one and to hate a person because of his bad habit is not a thing to do...

btw are you home today.... is that ram still there?
Well its not about education.

Its called human psychology. Education has nothing to do with bad habits. You nag and nag and nag and sometimes you get lucky.

My friend got into drinking after the college a bit. He was a god damn distinction graduate and still he got into bad habit. And when friends kept nagging him about it he got little angry and stopped hanging with us but soon realised what we were talking.

People might get annoyed , that will happen. But it sometimes work. What I got to loose?? ;)

Sure I am not perfect. I dont have any addictions but i am not exactly ideal person. People do point out my mistakes. I am very overweight and people do tell frankly about it to me. It does hurt sometimes but it also makes me wana reduce my weight. Its same here.
Seriously if i start judging my friends by their Habits , I might as well have no Friends left. Everyone has Bad habits , a person should have a Good heart to be my friend not Good Habits. I wonder how many Good Friends Funky has lost coz of his Narrow Minded Thinking !

BOTTOMLINE : Like Imagine said .... Let it be , dont think this thread or countless other posts against smoking is gonna change d perception of a smoker. A smoker Knows wat he is doing , he knows there is risk involved , he knows that sooner or later he is gonna have some problem therefore ur continuous nagging will only annoy him further. Dont think that u r the only one on d course of samajh seva , his Loved ones have already told him to QUIT smoking 100's of times so if dat didn't effect him , y do u think u will make a difference ?
Tony Montana said:
Seriously if i start judging my friends by their Habits , I might as well have no Friends left. Everyone has Bad habits , a person should have a Good heart to be my friend not Good Habits. I wonder how many Good Friends Funky has lost coz of his Narrow Minded Thinking !

I have lost a couple of friends i agree.

But i dont mind. If i am to be a good friend i will tell the person whats right and wrong.

I have few friends but we are as tight as family. Thats what matter.

I said before i dont judge people for anything other than smoking and drinking.

I hate those 2 things, and thats why thats the primary criteria when i select people i would like to hang out with.

And i hate those 2 things as I have seen at what level person can slip to due to this addiction. Trust me i have seen the worse case scenario.

I dont like to be around people who smoke.

I dont mind to have friends who drink a bit but stay sober when they should. I do go out with friends where they have drinks. I dont drink and dont let anyone go overboard. Thats it.

If you call that narrow mindedness then let it be.

I simply cant bend my moral rules to have more friends. Its as simple as that m8.
^^ So you mean to say that you always hate people who smoke or drink..

Advising ur friends is never bad i say but the above ideology you seem to follow is a little flawed i may say.

This is something akin to saying I would always hate somebody who sins! Sure, everybody could i would say but there is always an option to forgive that person and to look past his sins. (Sorry for bringin religion in this)

Again, you could say that you hate people who are obese for that matter with the conceptyou follow! Why? They should know better then to control their food intake or sugar.. they are spoiling their health knowingly!!! So you would stay away from them too and dislike them?

No offence meant mate, just pointing out a scenario.

I just say look for the goodness in people then just characterize them by their smoking/drinking habbits.. People may go astray. Thats just human nature but be mature enough to look beyond that..

Just my 2 cents. :)
bluediamond said:
here no one is judging smokers as bad guys, and nor advising them. the thread title itself is 'why do people smoke' or rather 'why do they prefer smoking even though they know the ill-effects'. many reasons explained till now is
-personal choice - again why? dont u think its foolish to take that risk, for what enjoyment does they get to do it again n again... stress-relieving??? why not some other options then? if not stress n show-off, then for wat else?

Yup, i got the title meaning and but someway along the lane we got diverted i guess..

Yup, its a foolish habbit to take! Agree with you on that 100%! :)
See, if a person is smoker you can immediately point it out.

Spending time with smoker can be bad for your health too with passive smoking.

They can do damage to other people as well as themself.

As far as fat people are concerned, yes they are doing damage to their body. But mind you damage done by fat is much slower than the damage done by smoking. And they dont hurt other people in any way.

I have to tolerate smokers and heavy drinkers in professional life. And I do handle them. But i dont let them be part of my personal life.

Thats my choice not someone else's.

Person might be good and honest. but if he has any of these 2 addictions i will stay clear of him in personal life.

You are judged by your friends and company. And thats the fact of the society. Not everyone is like me and dont judge people.

My parents will certainly not like me hanging out with a smoker. And i dont blame them for that.

Its as simple as that.

If you are brought up in an environment where there was strict no smoking and drinking in family, even during social events, you are brought up mentally trained to look away from all those things.

Its the way i think and i certainly wont like to be friends with smoker. As simple as that. I dont like people who smoke. Nothing you say is gona change that ;)

I have made a choice. Smokers are striked out from my personal life. If that means i dont interact with some people on personal level and loose something, thats fine with me. I will live with that.
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