Why do people smoke!

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Saiyan said:
Me too, the only bad habbit i have is i sleep a lot:ashamed: I would like to stay away from little alcohol too:P .

its cool if you dont have any bad habits welcome to my club :hap2: :clap:

Saiyan said:
Even i have a week spot for soft drinks in summer. And anything wrong in drinking milk:S ??, i start my day with Horlicks:cool2:

nope, nothing wrong in drinking milk, if you have problem with you weight make sure the milk has less fat :P :D

super_saiyan said:
omg zayni . . . u are a gem.!!.:D ;)

& medpal : any alternative stress buster...which wont turn u sleepy.?..
what stress you have to face everyday?
if its study related : i used to pace my reading and study habits according to needs and take break at about every 1.5 to 2 hours, have some fruits, drink water, take a little walk in room, go to a friends room discuss a topic, and some times a small cup of tea or coffee.

even good small time sleeps of about 15-30 mins are refreshing.

if its work related : give your hundred percent at work or problem, try to look at problem with different POVs, take opinion of your trusted people, and if you are nearing end of day get yourself up from chair, head home, take a cool bath, get some sleep come back next morning earlier than routine and give a punch in to the face of problem (not to boss:P)

infact i am early riser i loved to read in the mornings rather that nights.

and confidence in self abilities is the biggest stress buster.

PS EDIT : GF leaving and creating stress is the biggest myth i have ever encountered, if you think you were good enough for your GF and she must have stayed back then you have look retrospectively the interactions with that person whether both of you were match to each other or not?
^^@MedPal : hey doc.cud u provide me some free consultation..:P

Is staying awake at night really bad for health..i mean wot if i can complete my rest in the day time? also i'm a vegi so wot stuff shud i usually take to take care of my hair?

Also is coffee bad for health..its usually like a single cup for me in a day.. i dont drink tea, dont smoke n dont drink... so is it still harmful?

Finally, how long shud one sit in front of a pc at a stretch..:P i mean i sometimes sit for 12 hrs at a stretch...is it really bad? :)

Consultation fees : Reps :P
This conversation is getting more and more diverse ;)

NO offense meant to any1 who smokes

None taken :)

Smoking... I am quitting again in a few weeks (it is important for smokers to actually set quit dates, as it adds structure) Along with this, goes working out... an absolute must.. it really helps :)

Gave up soda a while back... I don't even like the taste anymore (but used to drink a lot of it)

I love coffee, but only in the mornings, keeps me up too late if I drink it too late in the afternoon. (Unless of course I need to stay up)

A little porn never hurt anyone :P

Used to like Trance a little but then I got into House.. now I listen to Drum & Bass.. and more chill electro beats... among other kinds. Dancing is good for you and music definitely make you feel good.

Sounds like you are all, for the most part, pretty healthy

Drinking is overrated, though a nice glass of wine is tasty with a good dinner.
My sister owns a fine wine shop... lucky me :)

If you don't smoke... DON'T start, there is absolutely NOTHING good about it.

Nothing in the world as good as a nice power-nap. When I was studying in University, I had very little sleep between a job and full time school. Stealing a half hour or an hour is a great refresher when you are falling asleep while studying. :D

I have also heard that YOGA is good, I know some people that love it, I don't personally have the patience to sit still long enough :oppo: but any exercise is a good thing.
Cain0xr said:
It's easy to say stop smoking to a heavy smoker, I know one, he wanted to quit, he almost did for 2 months until he got his hands on a ciggy. It went all downhill from there. For the whole 2 months he was whining about how badly he wanted to smoke lol, once you start it's just not easy to stop, it's some sort of heavy addiction I guess, only smokers would know the feeling and I am not one :/

^^with your size and constitution can you even afford to start suckin on cancer sticks?? :P

^^BD I've never fagged so I don't know girl ;)
Dunno if this has been mentioned, but there is a certain lifestyle that accompanies smokers, its one of risk taking.

Breaking rules, (so long as you're smart enough not to get banged up)

I moved with lots of ppl, the ones that broke rules were a damn sight more fun than the dweebs that did not. Compare my life with tee-totallers and the ones that were not was enough to tell me the difference. The former are great to work with, but the latter are better to socialise with. Guess which ppl would prefer.

That in brief is why i think ppl do things they are not supposed to do.

Not like you don't get fun loving tee-totallers, but then they are getting their inspiration some where else...religon..ahem.

There's a time & a place, its called college. Thats where you learn about life, doing stuff you cant usually do after you leave.

I get your point on the addiction thing, nicotine is the most addictive drug known. But i think it can be beaten if you have the will.

It starts off when you think the drug is ruling you instead of the other way around. That's a start.

A blow job a day, keeps the ciggies away !

PS 1
(noticed this after a cpl of smoker friends got married, when queried bout this, all i got was a hearty laugh

PS 2
if any ladies were offended by that remark, it works for both sexes:P
^^ Thats total bull-$hit.

First of all, who told you that "not smoking" is a Rule ? Its a rule in public places. But as long as one is smoking in his/her private sphere, its not a rule according to the Law.

Rules are generally laid so as to protect the interest of the larger society. Here, 'no smoking' cant be said a rule. Rather, its an advice. An advice given by the Medical Science.

And if you break or dont want to follow an advice, you are not considered a bold and courageous risk taking person. Rather, you are considered a "Fool".

And according to you, people who dont smoke dont have the guts to take risks in their life amd are not fun loving. Again you are totally wrong. I have seen people, who do things like bungee jumping, who invest crores in stock markets, who venture into highly risky business plans. Yet, they dont smoke.

Infact, i would say the majority of the risk taking and fun loving people are non smokers.

Again total bull-crap:

blr_p said:
Not like you don't get fun loving tee-totallers, but then they are getting their inspiration some where else...religon..ahem.

Well, there are some misconceptions on smokers that many people here seem to have..

First of all, smoking is not all always about showing off. Sure kids who like to act grown up like they see in the movies or college guys who wanna act cool may do it for show off.. But lemme tell you that aint the reason a 50 year old guy would smoke for!! Besides, I dont see the guy who hides and smokes do it just for showing off!

Second, Smoking doest not always characterize a weak character. This is again a feeling by non smokers that a person who smokes is addictive because he cant stop it or has no control of it. It may be in certain cases when in college and u dont have strong values and easily swayed but this is not the case for all.

Yup, smoking is addictive and when on it you get a calmness and slight high feeling that makes you feel good and at peace with the world. This is the primary reasons that makes a smoker addictive and keeps him hooked.

Never have misconceptions about a smoking person because he/she smokes because for all you know that person is someone who just lives for now and doesnt care a damn about the future! Sure, live your life when you have the time and stop worrying and all that stuff applies here..
Disclaimer: Dont use this post as a reason to start smoking!

Note: I am not a smoker but someone who has tried smoking to find out what it is about.

PS: I cant stand smokers! (When they are smoking only :) )

Dunno why I have posted here supporting smokers but one reason is it could be I cant stand people having a 'me art holier then thou' attitude or have misconceptions when they cant understand a group they are not part of.;)
all i hv 2 say iz ths:-

bc sutta,sutta na mila....

i'd lyk 2 dedicate ths song 2 all the TECHIE SMOKERS and here iz the link 2 the song:-

RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

i kno tht every1 already gt ths sng bt i uploaded it jst 4 the sake of it....

and ths iz the reason y u shudnt smoke:-

i dnt smke and hvnt tried it and neva will.....
I have also heard that YOGA is good, I know some people that love it, I don't personally have the patience to sit still long enough but any exercise is a good thing.

:rofl: i too wonder, wont ppl sleep off doin yoga... :P not that i m against yoga.. but just wondering... ;)

^^BD I've never fagged so I don't know girl

er.. i dint get u?? u were saying something to me??? :ashamed:

I moved with lots of ppl, the ones that broke rules were a damn sight more fun than the dweebs that did not. Compare my life with tee-totallers and the ones that were not was enough to tell me the difference. The former are great to work with, but the latter are better to socialise with. Guess which ppl would prefer.

as DCElite said, if u smoke, it does not mean u break rule.. but i guess what u meant is, taking up smoking knowing the risk of health cos of it.... dont u think its just foolishness and nothing else!!!! there are lot of ways where u can show off ur bravery and willingness to take risk... just being a "teetotaler" itself is an example!!!! i dont think your "socialising" ppl can take up that task!!! too coward for tat!!!! :|


First of all, smoking is not all always about showing off.

just mentioned tat its just one of the reasonss... and tat too a common one.... the other one being discussed is stress-relieving and ppl who do it to know abt it... i guess tat again comes again under show-off... to be proud of u know wat smoking is and how u feel it etc...

Second, Smoking doest not always characterize a weak character.

it depends on the reason why u start off smoking.. if its cos to relieve of stress, u indeed is a weak character. and again when u get addicted and dont find a reason and cant quit it, again u r obviously weak..

I dont personally hate smokers! True I dont like the smell, but the thing is I just the hate their attitude towards smoking, cos i've found it to be stupidity and nothing else... So again no offense meant to any smokers here... :)
1 stress buster with no addiction problems (some even hate it) is doing yoga or going to the gym and working out.

Ppl want to justify their addiction and make up stuff :)

PS:I dont smoke but im the only 1 who doesn't in a group of 25 guys.
^^BD 'fagging' means smoking :P I don't smoke, personal choice, but I have friends that do.

^^^DC-eite is right that's BS. Its not about being cool...rather being a fool IMO.

what I do know is that cancer sticks reduce stamina like hell. My gym partner of 3 years started smoking around 2 years back. while it doesn't really affect weight training that much the duration of any aerobic activity gets affected.

Got nothing against stick suckers :P though I don't like passive smoke..
Private Ryan said:
^^@MedPal : hey doc.cud u provide me some free consultation..:P
Is staying awake at night really bad for health..i mean wot if i can complete my rest in the day time? also i'm a vegi so wot stuff shud i usually take to take care of my hair?
Also is coffee bad for health..its usually like a single cup for me in a day.. i dont drink tea, dont smoke n dont drink... so is it still harmful?
Finally, how long shud one sit in front of a pc at a stretch..:P i mean i sometimes sit for 12 hrs at a stretch...is it really bad? :)

Consultation fees : Reps :P

nothing is free in this worls :bleh:

well what time time do you work does not mean much, but yes you have to have enough sleep/ rest so that your body recovers fully to concentrate well.

what has been observed that long night hours sometimes do take toll on your body because your natural cycle gets disturbed but still this is under discussion and controversy.

taking care of your hair hmmm what can i say when my own hair line is receding :tongue:, infact being a veggie is not bad at all, i myself is veggie.

if your workouts, hobbies, timepass, study, job forces you to stretch for long hours then you can plan accordingly, take plenty of liquids daily, fruits are always very good if your full meal is delayed sometimes.

a cup of coffee is not harmfull, only if you intake a lot of coffee a day with out anything with it to go it can create troubles over longterm.

but this problems does not arise for us indian as majority of us dring milk coffee not black coffee like westerners so not to worry much there.

now last point : how long can you sit in front of pc, i will advise you stand up from you chair at every 1.5 hours minimum, do some stretching exercises (light ones), relax your fingers, drink some waters, take some non spicy, non oily food, walk a few steps within rooms. and also never force your call of nature to wait :P otherwise you may invite some troubles in later life.

Alias said:
Well, there are some misconceptions on smokers that many people here seem to have..

First of all, smoking is not all always about showing off. But lemme tell you that aint the reason a 50 year old guy would smoke for!! Besides, I dont see the guy who hides and smokes do it just for showing off!

Second, Smoking doest not always characterize a weak character. This is again a feeling by non smokers that a person who smokes is addictive because he cant stop it or has no control of it. It may be in certain cases when in college and u dont have strong values and easily swayed but this is not the case for all.

Yup, smoking is addictive and when on it you get a calmness and slight high feeling that makes you feel good and at peace with the world. This is the primary reasons that makes a smoker addictive and keeps him hooked.

Note: I am not a smoker but someone who has tried smoking to find out what it is about.

well nothing personal against you friend, but you seem to contradict yourself. just read carefully your own quotes once you say the person who smoke is not weak and has strong values still cant quit smoking i cant agree with it.

a strong willpowered person will not start smoking in first place. just my 2 cents.
Everyone has thier own reason for smoking... if he thinks its show off let him think wats wrong in that??? i've seen ppl doing stunts with thier bike... going on diet to loose weight... putting on hell a lot of make up for show off... all these are not good for health either...
if he thinks it gives him peace of mind then wats wrong with that??? lot of ppl drink coffee or for that matter even cola is not good for health...

point is smokers take more risk with thier life compared to non smokers... its his life let him do wat he wants... if its a someone who doesnt know the effects of smoking then explain him abt the effects... but if its a educated guy smoking at his will then tell me wat is there to worry???

i never saw smokers starting threads to state that they are kewl and making fun of non smokers... all i see is non smokers since they think by not smoking they are doing a big deal n stuff and want to show off...

just my thoughts.........
Imagine said:
Everyone has thier own reason for smoking... if he thinks its show off let him think wats wrong in that??? i've seen ppl doing stunts with thier bike... going on diet to loose weight... putting on hell a lot of make up for show off... all these are not good for health either...

if he thinks it gives him peace of mind then wats wrong with that??? lot of ppl drink coffee or for that matter even cola is not good for health...

point is smokers take more risk with thier life compared to non smokers... its his life let him do wat he wants... if its a someone who doesnt know the effects of smoking then explain him abt the effects... but if its a educated guy smoking at his will then tell me wat is there to worry???

i never saw smokers starting threads to state that they are kewl and making fun of non smokers... all i see is non smokers since they think by not smoking they are doing a big deal n stuff and want to show off...

just my thoughts.........

What you essentially mean to say, that its a personal choice, to smoke, or not to smoke.

But think about it. Smoking increases risk of so many health problems. Which leads to more diseased people in the country. Which in turn, affects adversly the Health index of the nation. So it becomes a national problem. And that, in turn, means its no longer your personal issue. Rather, its a national issue. Thats where thr problem lies. And every citizen, has the right to speak on a national issue, isnt it?

Another argument that can be put up against the "personal choice" thing, is that, like smokers, non-smokers also have some rights. Passive smoking is nearly as dangerous as active smoking, and more and more diseases are being attributed to passive smoking. So its the right of non-smokers to stand up against smokers, not for the well being of smokers, but for the well being of themselves.
medpal said:
nothing is free in this worls :bleh:

Yeah i know tht..lol..:P and as promised..here is ur fees..some reps from my side..:bleh:

Thanks for all the advise buddy...i need to take care of tht 12 hr habit..:ashamed:

And take a vow to be a good boy and go to bed by 11 pm......no more stayin awake till 4...:ohyeah:...lets see how long can i stick to it..:ashamed:

medpal said:
a strong willpowered person will not start smoking in first place. just my 2 cents.

What?? That means i am a strong willpowered person...never knew it...:ohyeah:...:P
@Mask... Have been moving arnd a lot lately so was away from my notebook :-)
DCEite said:
What you essentially mean to say, that its a personal choice, to smoke, or not to smoke.
But think about it. Smoking increases risk of so many health problems. Which leads to more diseased people in the country. Which in turn, affects adversly the Health index of the nation. So it becomes a national problem. And that, in turn, means its no longer your personal issue. Rather, its a national issue. Thats where thr problem lies. And every citizen, has the right to speak on a national issue, isnt it?

Another argument that can be put up against the "personal choice" thing, is that, like smokers, non-smokers also have some rights. Passive smoking is nearly as dangerous as active smoking, and more and more diseases are being attributed to passive smoking. So its the right of non-smokers to stand up against smokers, not for the well being of smokers, but for the well being of themselves.
Abt the argument.... abt the first thing smoking being national issue... well i think the government has to deal with it not u not me... if the government thinks smoking adversely affects the health index then they would have banned smoking long time ago like marijuana is banned in india... smoking is not banned that means its not affecting the health index adversely....

Abt the second argument... I am arguing abt act of smoking not abt the place where ppl smoke... and also u have made a wrong statement... u can stand up against smokers who smoke in public areas not against all smokers... there again u have to stand up against vehicle drivers also cause vehicles cause more pollution than smokers... and i stated earlier govt knows abt passive smoking so it has banned public smoking... if someone doesnt follow this rule and smokes in public then its that guys mistake, dont put it on all smokers...
ppl doing stunts just looses their life tats it.... dieting to some extent is good only... and again putting make up, it just creates some skin problems to the person concerned... i agree there mayb lot many points you can put across justifying that its their personal choice to smoke or not...

but here again as DCEite said, smoking is far far far injurious to you and your kith n kin's health... even drinking cola mayb unhealthy, who asked to drink it :P (i dont drink it btw...) but they don't have big side effects as of smoking..
bluediamond said:
even drinking cola mayb unhealthy, but they don't have big side effects as of smoking..

Yeah..but the pests and the pesticide in cola do have side effects..:lol:

There have been diverse species of pests in cola bottles from cockroaches to flies to moths to bees...:rofl: Sure u wudnt like the added bug taste with the cola..:lol:

We shud ask the government to promote cola companies..look they are helping preserve the endangered species of bugs in their bottles... How innovative...:P
@imagine Do you really think Indian governement cares two hoots about us? They can go about banning AXN and FTV.. not smoking!..

Governmet does not completely ban smoking not because it doesnt know its harmful effects, but because Tobacco is a big source of tax revenue.

And i dont understand how do you concluded that since smoking is not banned, it does not affect Health Index?

And its not the Vehicle drivers that cause pollution (unless he keeps on farting while driving :lol: ), its the vehicle themselves.So why stand up against vehicle drivers? Make non-polluting vehicles.

About vehicle pollution, who says citizens have not raised voice against it? Infact, the large uproar of the citizens and the facts given by the medical community which is pushing government for enforcing strict emission norms and introducing low polluting fuels like CNG, LPG etc.
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