Why do people smoke!

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An occasional cigarette relieves stress they say...strangely it makes me anxious...

But then Iam not a chain smoker...< Iam a cigarette smoker > :ohyeah:
Nikhil said:
DAMN !! You seem more Indian that mauritian :P

:rofl: My grandpa is Indian... and our culture resembles a lot that of India..and i love India!!!!! I love what Akshay says about India to that English man in Namastey London..hahaha!!!! :hap2:

at Suoer_Saiyan: No dont do that before your exams, well for 1 hour or so to relax, otherwise no, make as if you dont see that post!!!!! ;)
grass is better than any ciggy for sure .. i tried 2/3 times smoking but hated the dirty smell of nicotine .. again I loved the smell(or the absence of it) of grass :P .. i don't know anyone else feels this way . my friends sometime make fun of me coz i drink and smoke grass but i dont smoke ciggs :P :P
medpal said:
I am a strong antagonist of bad habits any habits (alcohol is permitted in a very small amounts though).

Me too, the only bad habbit i have is i sleep a lot:ashamed: I would like to stay away from little alcohol too:P .
i wouldn't mind smoking the stuff that comes out of the exhaust of a Ferrari :P i guess it would harm me ONLY as much as GRASS or Cigs would ...... :|

your lungs don't like smoke, they aint built for dat.... 'smoke' is harmful, get a life and quit smoking :D

and i don't think this discussion is heading in the positive direction, it kind of undermines the actual reason this thread was created for...right now the discussion is heading towards a botany class :P
Strongly against smoking ciggy's. Grass has been proven to be less harmful than nicotine (Tobacco) if it's is smoked occasionally! Grass is the green stuf and charas the black boot polish like :P

A pinch of tobacco wrapped in paper with a fire at one end and a fool at the other.
Pretty much sums up what a cigarette is :ohyeah:

Many people I know started smoking and drinking at the end of B.Tech first year (Just to show that they are no longer the freshers at college). But both can turn into an addiction quickly when the persons mind is weak enough to rely on cigarettes or booze to steady his nerves when he is stressed out. It will reach a stage when the people will get stressed out if he does not have a cigarette.

Again there are people who are addicted to coffee/tea. These people cannot even start their work if they do not have their coffee/tea in the morning or anytime during the day.

I, myself do have any of these habits. I do not smoke, no booze, no coffee/tea/milk or whatever. I however have a weak spot for soft drinks in the summer heat, but I am trying to slowly get over it. ;)
Lord Nemesis said:
Again there are people who are addicted to coffee/tea. These people cannot even start their work if they do not have their coffee/tea in the morning or anytime during the day.

I, myself do have any of these habits. I do not smoke, no booze, no coffee/tea/milk or whatever. I however have a weak spot for soft drinks in the summer heat, but I am trying to slowly get over it. ;)

Even i have a week spot for soft drinks in summer. And anything wrong in drinking milk:S ??, i start my day with Horlicks:cool2:
Everyone needs their way to beat stress. Smoking is just one of those ways. Some people may also actually enjoy it.

Smoking is bad, but I have no problems with other people wanting to do it(what with India being a free country and all), just don't do it in my face.
Anish said:
Aww.. you wanna come to Goa then :lol:

yeah, its my dream to come there and listen to some goa trance on some goa beach and having a puff or two ;) :ohyeah:
and my other dream is to attend a trance event!!!!! :hap2: :cool2:
Good lord. Why'd you have to bring up soft drinks ? I can't last a day without one. Gonna get one as soon as i finish typing this post. Urr, Ciao.
I was once addicted to Coca Cola :ashamed: my friends and i finished 2litres of Coca Cola in a matter of 2 hours, one night!!! :ashamed:
That was funny though!!!! :D
^^ No big deal :P..

Get yourself and your friends to finish 4 lg. bottles of beer in 30 mins :P...

Anyways, You know, fruits and vegetables are more likely to have pestecides than Coke, etc? lol
OK, as an old saying goes: God made grass, man made booze, who do U trust?!

and so id say grass has more effect than cig..grass is natural stuff..i suppose there too you need to control yourself!!! Grass is gandia, Marijuana, Cannabis, weed..its another smoking stuff.

Actually weed/grass/canabis has significantly more tar in it than cigs do... but does not have the carcinogens (the extra chemicals put in by tobacco companies)

:) Go figure... which is worse :huh:
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