Why do people smoke!

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DCEite said:
First of all, who told you that "not smoking" is a Rule ? Its a rule in public places.

Define public places ?

.cos it would seem to me, that applies when you are *inside* a bldg as opposed to outside. I don't usually smoke inside buildings, even at friends places, always step out. I enjoy my smoke better in serenity or the company of other smokers outside.

I was waiting in line outside a passport office and lit up, some old geezer tells me to put it out. i just stare at him. He calls a guard, guard tells me to put it down. We are not inside the building but waiting outside, i don't see any "No Smoking" signs.

So i tell the guy behind me to keep my place, step out of the premises, a foot outside the gate, finish my smoke and get back in line :)

Friends tell me, smoking is making their ITC shares go through the roof. it sure as hell isn't making the govt. any poorer either.
@bd... u dont have an argument... u just want to oppose wat u dont do and support wat u do...

@DCEite... Dood i also have my complaints agnst the govt but come on govt is made by the ppl and u have to follow... and also is ur point against indian govt or the word govt itself... did US ban smoking... nope... did any of the countries ban smoking... not to my knowledge... so wats ur point?? u want to say in all the countries arnd the world govt doesnt care abt its ppl ????

Abt the vehicle drivers... d00d someone has to start the vehicle or else it wont start i guess u know that... so the guy starting the vehicle is at fault not the vehicle itself... anyways if u dont want to stand against the vehicle driver then tell me one thing y are u standing against the smokers instead of the cigerettes ????
^^ Because smokers have a choice. To smoke, or not to smoke. To make life hell for himself and everybody or to choose no-smoking and reduce his and otherr's risk of health problems.

In case of a vehicle driver, when he/she buys say a Petrol car, he has no other option but to fill Petrol in it to make it run. He cant put water in it, can he? At the most he can convert it to CNG/LPG, which will still be polluting. So he has no choice! The solution is then to improve Fuel and the Vehicle itself.

About government caring about us or not, its a different debate all-together. There are large corporate interests involved in the functioning of the Government that are invisible to comman citizens like you and me. Sometimes their influence is so much that government is forced to take decisions which are against our larger national interest. I think since you livein Zurich, you dont know the levels of corruption here. And yes i am talking about the Indian government. What the governments of the world do, thats non of my business, neither i am interested.

blr_p said:
Friends tell me, smoking is making their ITC shares go through the roof. it sure as hell isn't making the govt. any poorer either.

^^ Just a reiteration of the point i was making.
^^ Again dont make statements like smokers are making thier life hell... its all in the perception... everyone can do watever with his life, if its ur relative then judge them... if not u have not rite to make a statement like that... if u see in this thread no smoker has made a statement like all the non smokers are bunch of cowards who cant even take this much risk in life... so please make ur point but dont judge...

coming to smokers making others life hell... i already told u thats not the discussion here and i am against ppl who make others life miserable obviously.. so i dont encourage public smoking... and if ur point is about smokers polluting the environment then smoking pollution is far far far less compared to lot of others things like polythene covers we use... and abt the cars... u mean to say ppl who already have a car cant help but pollute the environment ??? then wat with ppl who are buying new PETROL cars??? u want the govt to ban FUEL cars???

And i am living in zurich for an year only so i know the corruption in india but i wanted to say is that if its like banning AXN then i agree indian govt is kinda wrong but with smoking i dont think its wrong... see the point is u can blame the govt only when its forcing u to do something... here no one is forcing u to have a cigarette its jus personal choice...
^^Dude you are again coming back to the same thing. "Personal choice". I already made a post regarding that, if you didnt understand it, read it again.

And i am not talking about the pollution caused by smoking. The vehicle/driver thing was just an example. I was talking about Passive smoking. Read more about it here:

Passive smoking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And why ban fuel cars? Look for alternative fuel, like Hybrid technology, reduce excise duty on small cars(which government has already done), improvement of public transport etc. Sure, if you can find an alternative to "ciggurate" , not containing Tobacco, and which gives all the taste(or the lack of it) of a normal cigurrate to you and all the so called "highs" , without the bad effects associated with Tobacco, sure go ahead and smoke it. Government wont even need to ban public smoking. Then it would be a non-issue, and threads like these wouldnt need to be created!
^^ U are again coming to the same point "passive Smoking" . I am not talking abt smokers smoking near non smokers... i am saying ppl smoking in the smoking areas is totally justified... if u have problem with ppl smoking near u then tell them to go somewhere else.. thats it...

and abt the cars... u say ppl can drive the car till a hybrid fuel is found and then shift to it right... so similarly ppl will smoke till the hybrid cigar is found and shift to it...

Actually i am confused are u against ppl smoking or are u against ppl smoking near non smokers???
well this is a long thread, but nobodys specified wat are u taking abt, are u talking abt smoking tobacco, hash, weed, crack, cocaine, peyote, ayahuasca, salvia???

wat.... anyway, i saw this thread read a few posts and had a good laugh!

i hate second hand smoke........i hate cigarettes used to smoke till jan 15th then i went to hampi never touched a cigarette after that.....

but i thinks its rather humorous ........ btw ..... not a single person has died smoking marijuana compared to tobacco and its illegal but its vice versa with tobacco.....

gather ur own experiences.......
People smoke because they want to smoke, leave them be. The group of misfits that pi$$ me off are those who go "I've been trying to quit for 5 years". These weak-minded individuals are the ones that I hope end up with some lung disease because you'll never hear the end of it.

The same goes for passive smoking - you can't *be* a passive smoker, you'd either have to do it intentionally or be stupid enough to find yourself surrounded by 5 smokers and *suddenly* realize it. If it's the latter, you're an idiot lol.

Disclaimer: I have *never* smoked tobacco, and currently, do not smoke (or passively smoke ;)) anything that I don't want to.
And i find it extremely funny people comparing smoking to the car.

The world as it exists today needs transportation.

Public transport system is already working over its limits in places like mumbai. Keep in mind public transport also creates pollution.

Sheesh stop making stupid comparisons.

Powered transport is not optional, smoking is.

As far as rules goes. You can ask anyone anywhere in public place [ that includes, roads, stations, movie theaters, malls, restaurants ( yes restaurants too, many people are not aware of this. If restaurant does not have smoke free room/dining area, you can ask other person to stop smoking) etc etc. ] to stop smoking if you are uncomfortable with that person smoking near you.

Only place where smokers have legal right to smoke is their home and smoker's zone. Thats it.
Funky said:
If restaurant does not have smoke free room/dining area, you can ask other person to stop smoking) etc etc. ] to stop smoking if you are uncomfortable with that person smoking near you.
..and they are free to ignore you ?

If it does not say anywhere "No Smoking".

unless someone wants to explain this "public places" law to me.
Funky said:
Powered transport is not optional, smoking is.

This is exactly the point i am trying to make again and again and again. Unfortunately, someone is not getting it.

About comparing cigurrates with car (lol) we should ask the honorable member from Zürich what made him compare the two in post number 91.
blr_p said:
..and they are free to ignore you ?

If it does not say anywhere "No Smoking".

unless someone wants to explain this "public places" law to me.
Nope they are not free to ignore you.
If someone asks you to stop smoking you are suppose to stop smoking in public place. Otherwise that person can file a legal complain against you.
If restaurant manager refuses to ask those people to stop smoking on your request then you can take legal action on the restaurant itself.
This has happened twice when i was out dining with my family and upon asking the restaurant manager talked to those people and asked them to stop smoking.
Its this "public place" term that i find a bit confusing, its so vague as to mean anyplace that has more than 1 person around at the time, thereby allowing arbitrary accusations.

Does the street qualify as a public place ?

..or is it limited to buildings, that too ones with a roof.

I was once told to stop smoking in Yankee stadium of all places cos someone's kids might be harmed, i told her statistically they would be more likely to get run over than catch anything from me.
@DCEite: Actually in the same post i said i am justifying smoking not smoking in public... u took the example wrong... anyways the point is instead of ppl complain against "smoking in public", ppl complain against smoking...
The thread is named "why do ppl smoke" instead of "why do ppl smoke in public" anyways i guess now u agree that there is no problem in smoking...

And ya i do agree that when anyone asks u to stop smoking u gotta stop... for that matter if u find anyone having difficulty cause of the smoke dont even wait till they ask u to stop....
For me Public place means no one has to feel unconfortable by ur smoking thats all...
Yeah you're in Zurich, i expect they would have no smoking signs displayed prominently as most places in the west do. There is no argument there, the place has been designated a non-smoking zone, of course everyone has to comply then. I avoid such places, who needs the hassle.

What bugs me is going to a place wth no signs and some self important twat telling me what he thinks is his right, that i'm sure is something no one wants.
Imagine said:
@DCEite: Actually in the same post i said i am justifying smoking not smoking in public... u took the example wrong... anyways the point is instead of ppl complain against "smoking in public", ppl complain against smoking...
The thread is named "why do ppl smoke" instead of "why do ppl smoke in public" anyways i guess now u agree that there is no problem in smoking...

And ya i do agree that when anyone asks u to stop smoking u gotta stop... for that matter if u find anyone having difficulty cause of the smoke dont even wait till they ask u to stop....
For me Public place means no one has to feel unconfortable by ur smoking thats all...

@imagine : this thread is not about why do people smoke in public places, but meant to be an open minded discussion between smokers and nonsmokers whythis habit started, what is causing to pursue this habit even if direct dangers to personal health involved, and why people cant leave this habit even if they want.

If one happens to be a worrying person related to a smoker (could be blood relative, GF, Life Partner, Friend, just a caring known) whats wrong in pointing out dangers of smoking? Even may be a step in helping that person to quit smoking.

If you think smoking is good, its alright with you, but its not a right thing to promote smoking that it does not harm me or you or does not cause pollution, those are not the reason to justify.

While smoking causes enough damages to body to warrant a public opinion.

my 2 cents.
blr_p said:
I was once told to stop smoking in Yankee stadium of all places cos someone's kids might be harmed, i told her statistically they would be more likely to get run over than catch anything from me.

This is exactly why One should not smoke. Even after editing twice, the brain becomes so numb that it see "statistically" as the word sarcastically :bleh:

I say let them smoke and die. Doctors are benefited and Nature looses some burden that it has to bear :ohyeah:
@medpal.... one question... u are worried that the ppl donno the effects of smoking and make them aware of it??? i totally support that... i think everyone shd know the effects b4 starting anything for that matter... but u can point out the dangers as well as the pleasures and after that its his wish to smoke or not to...
u and me both know the effects and u dont smoke and i do(well i left inbetween for someone)... anyways everyone has the right to makes his opinion right...

@blr_p.... I've been in zurich only for an year man... and i totally understand the problem u are mentioning... well i was irritated quite sometimes but sadly i dont think there is any solution...
Imagine said:
@blr_p.... I've been in zurich only for an year man... and i totally understand the problem u are mentioning... well i was irritated quite sometimes but sadly i dont think there is any solution...

It all hinges on the defintion of a public place, if you got the facts then there is less intimidation.

let's see, i know a lawyer, that has had heart bypass surgery and still contines to smoke, i expect him to be rather knowledgeable on this subject. One of these days i will get a more informed opinion.

Let's talk about what smokers get, they must be getting something or they would not be doing it. How much of a price to pay is the question ?

Its the sense of alertness that i think im hooked to. Not so much the tension thing i dont think, well it feels good to have a smoke but i expect you could do a lot of other things to feel good too which would have the same tension relieving effect.

I can look at reams of code or docs all day and not lose my focus. I'm not for a minute suggesting that i can work 15hrs straight. Not at all, just can stay in the groove longer. Sometimes there are problems that move around in your head, the smoking helps to see the problem from different ways, its like a boost. The non-smokers who are in the same type of work would probably say caffeine has the same effect. Its the same in any informatoin heavy profession, be it law, finance or medicine, where there is a lot of stuff to absorb and never enough time.

For someone that tried all the starbucks crap and what not roasted this or the other in the US, i finally settled on the drip coffee you get in most street joints here, amazing. Its not actually filter coffee, as they call it, since it takes a lot longer than what passes for filter coffee elsewhere.

The smoking actually helps me do a better job, helps me think better.

If only i could get that same sense of alertness other ways, i have enough doctors and loved ones in my family, that have lectured me on this topic already.
Well its just that the effect is so slow that the smoker and the people around him dont seem to mind that much. You know the ill effects but you dont care since its not going to happen today anyway.

You are like a frog in boiling water. Only difference is the frog doesnt know he will die, you do. And we say man is an intelligent animal.
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