Windows 7 Beta Observations and Screenshots

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Having an awful time installing win7. 3/4 tims it stopps in the middle saying cannot access folder c:/windows/win32sxs or something.

when it finally isntalled, boots, then says either winlogon error or logonUI error.

installing 5th time. lets hope it works now :|
SunnyBoi said:
Having an awful time installing win7. 3/4 tims it stopps in the middle saying cannot access folder c:/windows/win32sxs or something.
when it finally isntalled, boots, then says either winlogon error or logonUI error.
installing 5th time. lets hope it works now :|

You upgrading your OS or doing a clean install?
I suggest you format your partition and do a clean install.
all 5 clean installs after formatting c.

5th attempt installed, boots and gets stuck at weindows is starting services :| even in safe mode same thing
Change the media, i think thats the problem, if possible, then use a torrent to check if the file is managers sometimes screw up the files too..Do check the file hashes first..
i have some issue at windows 7 but it boot slow os but vista boot faster while log in :|

btw does old vista driver work on 7 not sure want u try games on 7 lol :D
see this post: Windows 7 beta checksums | The Coffeehouse | Channel 9

hope you have tools to generate SHA1/CRC checksums? try "hashcalc" if not...

Windows 7 Beta (x64) - DVD (English)

File Name: en_windows_7_beta_dvd_x64_x15-29074.iso

Date Posted (UTC): 12/30/2008 4:26:48 PM

SHA1: E09FDBC1CB3A92CF6CC872040FDAF65553AB62A5


Windows 7 Beta (x86) - DVD (English)

File Name: en_windows_7_beta_dvd_x86_x15-29073.iso

Date Posted (UTC): 12/22/2008 2:41:15 PM

SHA1: 6071184282B2156FF61CDC5260545C078CCA31EE


from: Windows 7 Beta ISO Download and Product Key Available for MSDN and Technet Subsribers My Digital Life
got d/l link from banda's post here.

anyways dloading it again. 20 done and completing in 35 mins :P
edit : all the hashes match up. hmmm?
chec ked hasehes and hey match. check he edit.

anyways dloading 64bit now. hope that works :|
wow now my roommate's comp also froze up...using my n95 to post now. Sheesh think i'll give up on windows 7 now.
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