Windows 7 RC Observations & Screenshots

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I am currently running 7057 and I am a huge fan of Windows 7, I even downloaded a legitimate beta Version from MS and will likely upgrade to RC too.

The only thing that I have noticed that people have failed to mention in all of this, is that these beta/rc version all have expiration dates and MS has specifically stated that people should not install these versions unless they are willing to re-install when the beta's/rc's run out as they are for testing purposes only.

Before anyone gets all uppity about this statement please think that people are relying on your opinion to install this as a primary OS and when these versions run out... it may take time before an ehem!! version or solution becomes available.

My point being is that for all of you who are considering this as an option, make sure that you leave your current OS intact and install Windows 7 as secondary OS. This way you will have choices once Windows 7 is finally released and you have to either buy it or look for an ehem!! version.

You may have to completely re-instal this OS again later once it is final... so please think about what you are doing first.

By all means Windows 7 IMHO has huge awesomeness value, and runs great and I would be the first to say install it if you are fully cognizant of what it entails and have secured an out if you need it.
Wow it has soem psychedelic wall papers!!

I am trying dictation. What you're seeing is what I said. I have not completed the tutorial, that is why it cannot understand everything I say but still it is impressive.

I just dictated the above message to Speech Recognition. i did not complete the tutorial, hence it faced a few problems recogniztion my pronunciation, but it was very prompt and responsive. Really really good. Even the UI is very nice. Will post some screenshots tomorrow to show the UI of the Speech Recognition.
I've tried Dragon Naturally Speaking 10, it sucks atleast for me, people with better accent find it very usefull, but i dont think win 7 will surpass a dedicated app in spech recog department, i wish it'l prove me wrong..
Does any1 in TE has a MSDN/Technet subscription and if possible, can he share his details with me for downloading just the Windows 7 RC? :P
alsiladka said:
I just dictated the above message to Speech Recognition. i did not complete the tutorial, hence it faced a few problems recogniztion my pronunciation, but it was very prompt and responsive. Really really good. Even the UI is very nice. Will post some screenshots tomorrow to show the UI of the Speech Recognition.

Thanks! "Gotta spread reps before you can rep again" heh. I was also impressed with Beta speech recognition even though it would hang/crash a lot while playing around with it... cant wait to get my hands on the RC...
Can anybody tell wot r the minimum system requirements under which windows 7 os will run? i heard it requires very minimum system requirements.....
eXcesscaLIBER said:
Also, if you are already using Win 7 or still on XP you would not be able to use the upgrade option for this version (7100 build). You can only go for a clean install option.

Found this version quite smooth generally. Just one issue as yet - ATI drivers stop responding after a couple of hours while playing Far Cry 2. Hope compatible ATI drivers are released soon :)

I had upgraded from biuld 7077 to 7100.No issue found.
Just finished installing Win 7 RC and some apps like Firefox 3.5 beta 4 and OpenOffice 3.1 :) So far so good.

Noticed a couple of nifty things for the first time - not sure if they were there before:

1. Memory Diagnostic Tool in Control Panel -> System Settings -> Administrative Tools for testing your RAM for defects. It also has advanced config options if you press F1 when its running.

2. A cool sound theme called "Raga" with a desi touch, although I'm back to default sounds.

Now on to installing Linux for dual boot!
So, Win7 can be installed through pendrive. What if, I copy the contents of the ISO file to my phone's mmc and connect it through USB cable?? Will it install that way also??
hmmm not sure, does your phone/mmc show up as a drive when you connect it while OS is running? then it should work, provided BIOS support and settings are right

(in bios you need to set it as a USB/HDD or some such thing so that it will boot off it)
I was encountering BSOD's after gaming for quite a while now. I couldn't figure out what was causing them.

Sometimes they use to happen immediately after I exited the game, sometimes within a couple of mins and at times after hours of gaming..

Today I figured out what was causing them...My xbox 360 controller

Every time I unplug the cable, BAM! IRQL..

Can someone confirm if the bug is still there in the RC?

PS - It supposedly has been solved in RC.
I installed Windows 7 build 5057, there was no need to install any chipset, lan, audio & video drivers! is this normal? Everything in Device manager shows OK!
Rockfella said:
I installed Windows 7 build 5057, there was no need to install any chipset, lan, audio & video drivers! is this normal? Everything in Device manager shows OK!
Yes thats quite normal drivers are all built in windows 7 the only thing abnormal you did was you installed a SPECIAL version which we dont have. Build 5057* :clap::clap: you now have build 7100 RC1 use that or upgarde to that.
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