Windows Vista To Power Up Indian Railways

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Dark Star said:
No more post but . Buddy you really had a screwed head.. Please go through the basics before posting ... Open Source in no sense means free.. though most of the Open Source means free but its not.. Open Source means the code base of the software is available for any change .. The person can see what kind of codes has been implemented in the s/w . and can change and use that code with the need of permission ..

Oh really ! I think people like you don't believe in Prevention is better than cure theory.. Isn't .it ? How many times you have used Linux and how many times it had crashed.. .. You are supporting Windows like you yourself own a genuine copy

Rofl .. You really don't know anything.. Several developers.. I think you consider as big giant robot who coded all this . .. and all Linux developers are sleeping ?

Reputation and Money and MS ? huh... I think you never read news.. Though I won't link but just telling you. MS has been fined many a times by EU .. Had been left from Univ. School for overcharging on OS and office s/w..Lots of countries has banished the use of Windows atleast in Offices..and you can get more info from Google , Ubuntu Cd's Live ! , and Digg.

Just quote a point we ignored ///

@ Rio : Whats wrong with using smilies ? Also if it is so bad then why it is implemented everywhere ? Were Forum developers drinking bear when they implemented it ? :S

I just found this post and while I don't really post much in the software column (have geniune copies of Windows XP Pro and Vista Ultimate so don't care) I just had to.

Screwed head? Maybe that's a position I've never heard of...But if under agers can do I, so can I. I wanna know - educate me...

For me, I own genuine copies of all the OS platforms I use back from even Windows 98SE days. Using Linux may be cool or geeky but I choose not to, because I simply cannot be hassled with command lines, and I like my games and my winamp. Sure Windows may run slower, and need better hardware, but with the kind of PC I have, who gives a hoot?? For me my rig is a serious multimedia fun setup - MS and RedHat be damned.

Scots do call beer "bear pis*" so Mario will have to reply to that one, as I don't know much about nicknames for the drink... Personally I prefer scotch, and the next time you (RiO you, not darkstar, else I'll be jailed for supplying to under agers!) come to India, drop over my place at Mumbai for a good number of rounds.

BTW drinking whisky and using windows while playing Crysis is fun. I dunno about nipping while on Linux, can't remember commands, and I'm sure I'd screw up something

I think these flame like posts should be strictly controlled...burp...
Seriously as long as the damn trains run on time I couldn't give a flying fu*k.
Wow this is a great thread ! Kept me entertained for over half hour at work !

Anyways back to the point, I don't see how people are only considering the software cost. Vista can't run on just any system. You need a super fast system (read : expensive). Multiply that cost with thousands of computers across India.

Open source Linux would have made far better sense to me instead of spending so much money on a locked propriety solution.

And I can't understand how people can just dismiss wastage of money saying it is a minor thing. Any politician reading that statement would be a very happy man indeed !

And why is there a comparison regarding Linux on a home PC and Windows on a home PC ? I would love to use Linux, but I also love to play games which don't work on Linux. But I somehow doubt the Railways will be wanting to play games, so it made more sense to use a locally supported Linux OS.
H@rsh said:
All i know is that the guys who make these decisions in IR are at the top of their game and if they had to reply here they'll roll over and '__'(sorry couldn't find the banana smiley) the critics here in support of their decision.


Do you guys really think that Lalu prasad yadav is making these kind of decisions , I am sure whoever made this decision has a very good reason behind it.
Bluffmaster said:

I am sure whoever made this decision has a very good reason behind it.

Judging by the levels of moral standards in our Politics and Bureaucracy, I have no reason to believe that that "reason" would be something he can afford to go public with .
Bluffmaster said:
@Partymonger : I am really enjoying the flame war here , I will step in when necessary but will you please for the love of TE members use quotes instead of coloring your reply ? It gets very annoying to read.
What ?? i thout it was kewl..:p Next time..
Tired of posting such big replies..
BF1983 said:
Anyways back to the point, I don't see how people are only considering the software cost. Vista can't run on just any system. You need a super fast system (read : expensive). Multiply that cost with thousands of computers across India.
Any decent config bought in this date wil run vista smoothly..And FYI, Railways wont be using aero and the likes:rofl: ..So it makes vista wayyy less demanding..
^^ I am sure you will consider a Core 2 Duo 1.86 + 1 GB DDR 667 ram etc etc Lenovo Thinkpad a decent config. My sis runs Windows Vista Business (no Areo) on it.

How she suffers with it I cannot imagine. She was willing to give it to me for some time when she went for her summer job. But I will not wish my worst enemy to use that laptop as it was soooo slow !
^I guess , the only bottleneck is the Ram there , upgrade it to 2 gb and you will be fine. I run Vista on Onboard graphics , Daulcore 1.6ghz , 2 gb ram with full Aero graphics , needless to say it runs flawlessly. A Daul core processor with 2 GB ram is the norm these days. I am glad Railways opted for Vista , at least this way there machines will be upgraded to a decent configuration or do you still want them to use 20th century computers ?
BF1983 said:
^^ I am sure you will consider a Core 2 Duo 1.86 + 1 GB DDR 667 ram etc etc Lenovo Thinkpad a decent config. My sis runs Windows Vista Business (no Areo) on it.
How she suffers with it I cannot imagine. She was willing to give it to me for some time when she went for her summer job. But I will not wish my worst enemy to use that laptop as it was soooo slow !

i hav c2d 1.6, 1gb ram dell vostro, Its blazing fast..N ya windows vista ultimate with aero and antivirus and loads of other stuff..
^oh Mahodaya Ji ,remember there is absolutely 0% need for h/w upgrade with Linux /OSS based systems.whether liked or not.

windows can be good for user-friendliness and window$ being the common platform. windows vi$ta....hmmm ...I think people dont care for its problems. go fine!
Gaurish said:
Gaurish has promised himself not to Flame, else.....:p

No No! Say something no...don't feel shy.

Neotheone said:
PS: This thread should be moved to the general talk section IMO .

....and I'm all for a Linux hobbyists + Windows users Vs. Linux fanboys war.

Quite frankly, I'm fed up of Linux fanboys coming into every thread to do with Windows or Microsoft and start their ranting. Oh no! your problem is that you're using Windows?! It's M$$$$$$ and Micro$$$$oft and Window$$$$$$. Bill is the devil!!!

People like their software and most of what they need runs on Windows. People like their games and pretty much everything on the PC is made for the Windows OS. People go online and play their Windows games with thousands of thousands of others on Windows. That's generally our idea of fun and having a good time.

Stop telling people that they're using sh1t and stop telling them to come to Linux 'cause its FREEDOM! Don't think of yourselves as some modern day cyber-freedom-fighter. You aren't going to make it to any history textbooks. People don't have the patience and can't be bothered to sit and re-learn everything from scratch and dodge a hundred obstacles on the way. Seriously...stop being so insecure.

As for the hardware requirements of operating systems, please understand that people here on TE have decent rigs that are capable of running Windows XP and games that came out after 2000. You should really focus your resources elsewhere and enlighten people who use older systems. You know...486....32MB RAM.. you get it..right?

As for your content in the posts fanboys, that's some really mature stuff right there. We lower beings (Windows users) are all truely impressed. Good luck convincing people to switch to Linux from here on. You should also know that people who like Linux, use it and swear by it but unlike you, they don't go around forums forcing it down people's throats. You're a different breed alltogether!
praka123 said:
^oh Mahodaya Ji ,remember there is absolutely 0% need for h/w upgrade with Linux /OSS based systems.whether liked or not.

windows can be good for user-friendliness and window$ being the common platform. windows vi$ta....hmmm ...I think people dont care for its problems. go fine!

Well thats exactly my point , I have seen the computers being used in the Government offices , many of them still run windows 98 on Celeron based computers. Its high time they had an upgrade.

I really don't care which OS Indian Railways opts for but people have to stop bashing and ranting at everything MS related with clueless comments and arguments. You like Linux , I get that , but what I do not get is you trying to ridicule windows vista at every opportunity you get as if it was made by some 3 year old. Every Operating systems has its Pros and cons , No OS is perfect. Windows vista is a pretty stable OS , maybe Linux is more stable but that hardly matters here.

Anyways anything has to be better than their current method.Currently, the rail traffic controllers at each control office plot that information on a manual chart, then make decisions about movement of trains and make forecasts about arrivals and departures.

The argument that Linux is a cheaper alternative to Vista is totally baseless as Indian Railway is the only sector of the Govt. whose budget is entirely independent and runs up in hundreds of millions to billions. I am sure a few hardware upgrades to accommodate vista wouldn't hurt anybody.
cyberjunkie said:
No No! Say something no...don't feel shy.

....and I'm all for a Linux hobbyists + Windows users Vs. Linux fanboys war.

Quite frankly, I'm fed up of Linux fanboys coming into every thread to do with Windows or Microsoft and start their ranting. Oh no! your problem is that you're using Windows?! It's M$$$$$$ and Micro$$$$oft and Window$$$$$$. Bill is the devil!!!

People like their software and most of what they need runs on Windows. People like their games and pretty much everything on the PC is made for the Windows OS. People go online and play their Windows games with thousands of thousands of others on Windows. That's generally our idea of fun and having a good time.

Stop telling people that they're using sh1t and stop telling them to come to Linux 'cause its FREEDOM! Don't think of yourselves as some modern day cyber-freedom-fighter. You aren't going to make it to any history textbooks. People don't have the patience and can't be bothered to sit and re-learn everything from scratch and dodge a hundred obstacles on the way. Seriously...stop being so insecure.

As for the hardware requirements of operating systems, please understand that people here on TE have decent rigs that are capable of running Windows XP and games that came out after 2000. You should really focus your resources elsewhere and enlighten people who use older systems. You know...486....32MB RAM.. you get it..right?

As for your content in the posts fanboys, that's some really mature stuff right there. We lower beings (Windows users) are all truely impressed. Good luck convincing people to switch to Linux from here on. You should also know that people who like Linux, use it and swear by it but unlike you, they don't go around forums forcing it down people's throats. You're a different breed alltogether!

Rather well said. I wouldn't have been as patient with the long explanation but :eek:hyeah:
I find your post in the first link highly offensive. If you like FOSS then fine. But don't expect everyone to like it too. No need to use offensive language against anybody.
Ok, shall we get started again? Had a busy day and could do with a good laugh tonight... cj, I can't imagine you had the patience to explain things :p
Kumar said:

I find your post in the first link highly offensive. If you like FOSS then fine. But don't expect everyone to like it too. No need to use offensive language against anybody.

dont take things too personal.whatever ,it is reality that is shown.
praka123 said:
dont take things too personal.whatever ,it is reality that is shown.

dude... get over it man..

at this rate, you are never going to manage to actually convert any window$ fanatics.. as you call us...

seriously.. get a life people. you dont like the fact that a million ppl use windows.. fine.. let it freaking be. let them rot away to hell with their insecure, drm inflicted, bill gates suckup, piece of shit software.

let them even go to hell for using windows...

just leave them alone.!
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