WTH did Adnan Sami do

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magnet said:
also i have a frnd ard 150kg..and jus got to know a cool chic is after him.....so dont worry fat guys ull find chic ard soon...

:D :ohyeah: :clap: :yahoo: :thanx:

you made my day

i' am on a extreme diet to become 70kgs from 90kgs too :P
biosbhai said:
I was 115 kilos. Reduced dinner from heavy meal to just 1 banana and 1 glass of milk for 3 months (bfast and lunch as usual) and also 1 tab MultivitaminB every day.

Logic : We aint doing anything to burn calories while sleeping. So why eat heavy at night? So just eat very little at night.

End result : 86 kilos now. :)


Did you do it by Doctors suggestion? I too need to reduce weight I was 75kg (5.5 height) - start walking - reduce weight 3kg in 90 days - get swelling in ankle - docs ask rest till pain vanish - now I am 78kg - start walking (can't jogging - Ankle pain still there - but I can't just seat and gain more Weight) from last one month but only able to reduce by 500gm - very slow:(

PS: I hear that Banana Increase your weight Instantly (may be temporarily/permanent?)
^Hehe.. used to be 93 kg, 40" waist until about Nov/04. Went to the gym, started doing cardio. Now.. go there 4 times a week. Down to 73kg, 32" waist.. 5'10" frame. Anyone can do it... crash diets will not work though.

As soon as you're off them, you start eating even more, and yo-yoing weight is a major health hazard.
^^ do you mean eat everything - join Gym - Do Cardio (Big Hole in Pocket) - burn FAT - so why don't put break on tongue and stop feeding it what it wants:bleh:
He looks good now.. maybe if he looses some more weight he will look really good, among those handsome singers :P.
mayb preparing to launch against himesh....aap ka adnan...

stick u need a special type of footwear...get in touch with a gym doc...they will help u.....
For all those looking to loose weight.. try Swami Ramdev's Pranayam:bleh: believe me it works. Specially "Kapalbhati Pranayama".
DCEite said:
For all those looking to loose weight.. try Swami Ramdev's Pranayam:bleh: believe me it works. Specially "Kapalbhati Pranayama".

and wht to do for gaining weight???
if i try any of the tricks of swami ramdev.....i might disappear...or ill get a body of gymnast
Why do you want to gain weight? The whole world is spending millions to loose weight!

I think diet has a big role in increasing weight. Try to include more Protein in your diet. Non-vegetarian food is excellent source of Protein.

P.S. unfortunately, i am myself a lil underweight :ohyeah:
Stick said:

Did you do it by Doctors suggestion? I too need to reduce weight I was 75kg (5.5 height) - start walking - reduce weight 3kg in 90 days - get swelling in ankle - docs ask rest till pain vanish - now I am 78kg - start walking (can't jogging - Ankle pain still there - but I can't just seat and gain more Weight) from last one month but only able to reduce by 500gm - very slow:(

PS: I hear that Banana Increase your weight Instantly (may be temporarily/permanent?)

What is your lifestyle?

It depends on one's metabolism also. I know guys who eat a LOT during the 3 meals of the day, but have high metabolism and so don't put on weight.

To control your weight, keep the quantity of food low.

Treat yourself, but keep the treat intervals to once or twice a week and be moderate in the amount consumed.

I am a software engineer and I sit for 10 hours a day in front of a PC at office.

I leave office at 7, get down at a bus stop which is 20 minutes walk from home (even though the company bus drops me in front of home). I walk briskly for those 20 minutes which is my exercise, which is not enough.

After that, I again sit in front of PC at home for around 4 hours before sleeping.

In the future, I will squeeze in 1 hour of gym (treadmill) time a day instead of the brisk 20 minute walk.

Even nowadays, I don't eat much at night, except 1 or 2 bananas and a cup of milk or complan (without sugar). For breakfast, I eat idli/upma/poha from company canteen (no other choice) and have 4 chapathis + salad + some rice + veg curries for lunch (again from company canteen).

Complan without milk and sugar sucks, but its the only way to keep myself from being in Obesityville again......

Once a week, I enjoy by going to McDonald's or KFC or have a nice pastry from somewhere.

But I make up for that by walking some distance to the above places.

An MP3 player filled with music and podcasts keeps me company during that time.

If I could afford it, I would go for a PSP or a funky mobile phone and catch up with friends while walking briskly, so that the time spent in walking is not "wasted".

So 10 hours office + 6.5 hours sleep gives me 7.5 hours a day for gaming, reading tech news, of which i will use 1 hour for exercise.

Otherwise, without any physical activity and the sedentary lifestyle of a software engg, there will come a time when I won't be able to get up to goto office.....

And 1 more thing.

Sleeping actually is better for weight loss than watching TV (when one wants to take rest).

And if you don't want to sleep, reading a book or digesting technology news or doing anything which uses the brain, burns more calories than watching TV.
Hi BiosBhai

Dont you think the 20mins walk is actually better than spending the same time in Gym.

Think about it, how much time we Software engineers spend in nature. We are always sitting in front of the PC, either at office or at home. Dont you think a little bit of exposure to nature is beneficial ? The fresh natural air, the sunlight (which is a major source of Vitamin D), and ofcourse the very act of walking, i think outweigh the benefits(if any) of spending the same time in Gym.
I'd agree with you partially since nature and fresh air does make a person feel good.

But after leaving office at 7:15 pm, there is no sunlight, and only guys sitting on bench without work can leave office before 6. :D

And oh, here in Pune, the roads near Kalewadi Phata and Wakad are totally devoid of police personnel and I feel its a bit unsafe for a person dressed in formal clothes to be walking, because usually, I am the ONLY person on the road in formal clothes, which makes me an easy target for a stick em up.
lol...i m the one who eat the most in house till ard 11kg underweight.......ppl say i m jealous alot thats why so..nyways...

recently its proved by scientist..than brisk walking daily for half an hour can keep cardiac arrest away even if u dont exercise.....

btw back to topic.......i surely think adnan is planing to lauch himself as hero...or why would he bring 1 men out of him......

btw during that channel v popstar hunt...1 guy whom adnan said u plz leave.....told u have no knowledge abt voice......u r so much weight u are a bozz on dharti u can hardly move...mayb adnan took this quite hard.....
:rofl: .. first people were talking about the best restaurants in town to hog.. and now people are talking about weight loss.. haha... interesting..

anyways coming back to the topic. i think its a great thing if he's lost weight only through diet and exercise.. cause that's how its done.. a

and he wouldnt have had done liposuction. so soon.. he still needs to loose a lot to go about liposuction. lol..

its easy to loose weight if you are very much overweight and u havent been doing much exercise. just control your diet a bit and you'd start loosing weight easily. he seemed like he had that baby fat, fat which is a lot easier to get rid of actually. i think.. but if he's lost so much weight he must be having a hell lot of stretch marks .. :lol: :lol: .. or was it that he went to the US to reduce he stretch marks?? :lol:
I'm an underweight candidate too..i am like 5.10" and i weigh 59kg...:P my condition was worse when i was in hostel during my engg.. my weight at tht time was some 54 kgs..lol... i was told by a family doc tht i shud do something to be atleast around 68-70 kg... well, i've tried everything(almost) without much improvement... :hap5:
So are there any exercises for weight gain or something?

Blue Diamond said:
i dont like youtube... hmmm...
Never heard anyone say that..:hap5: Personally i feel, you tube rocks...their database is awesome and growing everyday.. :)
DCEite said:
Hi BiosBhai

Don't you think the 20mins walk is actually better than spending the same time in Gym.

Yes and you too get chance to Please your Eyes;) while enjoying walking - just don't tell me "I'm not interested" though you are married.:ohyeah:

BiosBhai said:
What is your lifestyle?
I use to seat in front of PC for 8-10 hrs. for office work.

magnet said:
Stick u need a special type of footwear...get in touch with a gym doc...they will help u.....

I consult 4 Orthopedic Surgeons, done all possible testing (Rs.2500 with concession) spend on test - and finally all CONFIRM that my maximum problem is related to Weight and I need to Reduced it!

By Special Type Footwear - what exactly you mean?
hehe ok...looks like Im not too unlucky on this count...Iam 5ft 9in and 75kgs...but looks like im starting to put on weight now...
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