Let's clear some things up here.
General rule (does not mean it can't be broken if you're 'talented') to avoid blur hand held is don't use a shutter speed slower than 1/focal length.
Unless you've got a dlsr lens which is 8mm, you will find it impossible to get a steady shot with a shutter of 1/8. since you can't go slower than 1/30 it means the lens you're using is little lower than 30mm. If you were using a 50mm focal length either prime or zoom you would not be able to go below 1/50 etc. Also a dslr is much heavier than a phone so you will have to have good hand hold technique as well as leaning on something to get this with a dslr. Thing is you would not need it because the sensor is so large you will get a good quality shot even at higher iso's which isn't possible with the smaller sensors on a phone. You don't want to go above iso 400 in low light with a phone, lower iso's are better.
Focal length of the mi-3 camera is 3.5mm that means a 1/4 is eminently possible hand held without blur if you do it right. Have seen it with a Z1 which has no OIS so its possible. Z1 is a f2.0, mi-3 is a f2.2, only a quarter of an f-stop difference.
Subject must be static, cannot do it with people. You use the on screen button and do a slow swipe. You don't hold your hands out in front, but rest them on your chest. The backs of your thumbs are gripping your chest for support. You can't see the viewfinder, so frame it then pull it back so your thumbs are on your chest. On the exhale, take the shot.
Practice 1/32,1/16, 1/8 and then 1/4 with as low an ISO that makes the subject viewable. EV at 0. Depends on the light, if its too low, you will have to bump ISO up a little but 1/4 to 1/8 will give you the best shot the camera can possibly take and should be much better than what auto will give you. Won't be grainy or rather less grainy.
Failure to pull it off is your fault not the camera