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Its a lookalike by kunhar... But darky dont you feel its a bit cramped up... Even for the b**ch rig... BTW how good are the speakers... We wanty a detailed review...
Yeah this one's a Chenbro look alike, but weren't chenbro cabbies available in delhi ? I remember someone posting about it.

Edit: It must be a temporary replacement until the p180 arrives :rofl:
No P180 for me,atleast not in the near future :( ,spent 16-17 k on the Epox board+CPU otherwise i would have got P180+Neopower 2.0

ANyways switch,those are Logitech Z5300 speakers and i am very happy with it,best bang for the buck

oh and by the way,in my main PC pic, the thing you see at the bottom is the home made fan bus... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: