Your PC Picture

SunnyBoi said:
ok...fixed a ccfl onto my sucky rig.....

NAH man this is no CCFL it is a SEARCH light !! :O

Wonder how much power it consumes. Do your room lights dim down when you power on the system ? :rofl:

Keep the computer near a window and people will think you have a XMas tree !! :rofl:
Its a 2400+ on a GB 7VM-333 Mobo (Via chipset)

512X2 PC2700 Hynix (of which 1 is currently lent out so currenty running on 512 )

80X2 Seagate 7200.7, Benq 1640, Samsung CD r/w, philips 107E5

Homebrew 5.1 amp based on LM3875 and LM1875 with 10" subs and generic satellites/Sony MDR-NC11 (when neighbors complain ;)

and a compex WLU54 for p2p wireless...

The PS is generic 350W(I don't OC)

The mobo/CPU need an upgrade, but I think i'lll wait for a while
Rave said:
hehe nice
but i kinda liked that tatooed switchboard more :P

:D i was a tattoo freak 5 years ago...all those tattoos are 5 yrs old ;)

searchlight...hmmm :bleh: takes 3-4 mins to warmup...till then its the power of normal CCFLs :P
ok...swapped stock 60mm fan with a 80mm delta....much quieter now :P check the fan grill on the proccy fan ;)

its antec plusview1000 amg server cabinet. bought it long back. 2 or 3 years back when antec had launched here.

its mentioned in the rig also
Took some pictures of my cable management(i think it is) on DFI, This is my first ever assembling a PC, so felt a little difficult and that too with Xp-90 which made it little worser:( (stuggled with it for 30mins).

So guyz how is it:) , have changed the routing of SATA cable today morning. Suggestions accepted:)

and here is my MX518:hap2:

opps forgot to take the pic along with the gloves:P

Thanks to Kin_of_evil for bringing the camera.

edit:din't connect the FDD cables, also have i installed the Xp-90 and its fan in right way???:huh: