Audio z5500 Control Pod LCD Issue... Help Please..

Nice.. well from another forum.. that is *****..i got a response from a reputed member there ,Fenix.

to check the fuse behind the sub.its a 2A one. it maybe blown. he had a issue and he fixed it like that. so guys who can check this now. please post it back.

Another person said to replace it with a 3A one.its ok too.
I am getting the error mentioned in the picture . The sound goes off while LCD displays as in the picture.After switching off and again switching on it goes on well. But again and again causing the same problem..Any idea......


  • Image020.jpg
    505.1 KB · Views: 261
The error is that sound goes off and control pod LCD displays only blue squares on whole screen (just like in the picture).
After switching off the power and again switching on the power of speakers it works well for few minutes but again the same problem, then I stopped using the speakers for 2 days and after that I have not faced this issue again.
What do u people think that this error will be repeated or not and if repeated then what should I do?
Is this a heating issue?


  • Image020.jpg
    201.1 KB · Views: 165
Touch the backside of the woofer, if the heatsink is very hot, then its heating issue. u said it comes back to normal and again goes off after some mins so seems a heating issue.
No, speaker system doesn't goes off but only sound goes off i.e mutes, while the speaker system remains on but without any sound.

After switching off the power and again switching on from backside of subwoofer (power switch), it works fine for few minutes and after that again same problem......
The problem is not solved automatically i.e I have to manually switch off the power and then switch on, after that only it works, but for a very very little time and again the same problem repeats.

i would like to do the replacement. but some say its due to the 2A fees behind it is gone. why dont u check it in ur spks and post back now?
let me give a shot.... but hey man... i am not B.E.
so not very good in 2A and 3A and replacement and all... but still let me see what i can do... will let you know....

problem is that it should not destroy warranty yaar... just for LED panel i dont want to risk woofer ....

ur just opening the fuse. it wont void ur warranty anyway.its outside the woofer..

anyways i checked mine.its not. so RMA
guys i will be taking mine today to the dealer.

i hope it will be done in 10 days.

i checked the 2A fuse behind was not the issue.
aha my topic, how did i miss this long?

now on to the matter, i had my control pod light flicker for a couple days and die about 2 months ago,sent it to DeNave india for replacement and after 40 days of blabbering from them, was forced to use some heated words to get them send me a USED,SCRATCHED,BUT WORKING TEMPERORY piece so that i can atleast use my 19k speakers.They have told me they will send a fresh piece once they get it, but still waiting on it.

now to make matters more interesting, my second set bought last week is already down the same lane and i just dialed them to see if they have a READY PIECE for replacement (which they apparently dont have) and they asked me to call up this saturday.

so, all in all, this is getting ridiculous seeing so many control pod backlights dying so soon and the dumb-ass response from Logitech Distris.
damn imrahn.. thats ****ed up....

so wth to do.. i havent given it back yet.... its till with me..

actuall near me..i bought it office today....
what is this....
well for me... my speakers are working now... and for the stupid LED i dont want to wait for that long..... and no guarantee that it will remain working for long.... let me manage the way i am doing this since a month.... :mad:

I not replacing it..atleast not now..i called dealer and told abt the possible delays...and he called them up in chennai and enquired. heres what they say

1. it will take more than 30+ days for sure.. so a 40 day turn around time is very possible

2. even replacing they cant confirm it, that the lights would go out...

so i told my dealer to confirm if they have the peice and i will send it. so waiting for his call. and i am having second thghts now wether to send it at all.the spks are fine. just the back light. when it was on 24hrs.i wished it was gone. and was like.

WTF???... I paid 20,000 for a spks and this is what i get. damn. only in india will this happen. cm'mon ppl..i cant believe it. a premium buyer should be give atleast nice treatment.