It's low impedance (12 ohms) and low sensitivity (94dB) could be an issue with a few portable sources. But driven out of iPod Video -> LO -> UHA-6S, it shines very well.
When it comes to clarity, there is always a natural clarity and then, there's artificial / manufactured / enhanced clarity. TW from what I hear belongs to the latter category than the former. Any IEM with a treble tilt would in general appear more clearer.
#[member='esanthosh'] ^^^^ another brilliant read. i know you haven't got to comparisons yet but i am curious to know, how would you rate es18 compared to tekfusion . i am asking this because you have mentioned in one of your previous reviews that in terms of clarity and tonal balance , the es18 isn't far away from e10 and e30. also, when you describe es18 as spacious and good in the imaging area, how would you rate it purely in terms of "spaciousness and airiness " comapred to the tekfusion
#[member='esanthosh'] ^^^^ another brilliant read. i know you haven't got to comparisons yet but i am curious to know, how would you rate es18 compared to tekfusion . i am asking this because you have mentioned in one of your previous reviews that in terms of clarity and tonal balance , the es18 isn't far away from e10 and e30. also, when you describe es18 as spacious and good in the imaging area, how would you rate it purely in terms of "spaciousness and airiness " comapred to the tekfusion .
can't agree with you more. This is exactly the first thought that came to my mind , the moment i plugged it in my ears. i knew something's not right. i knew that there is a bump somewhere in the frequency range to make it sound clearer.
While I won't change my view on TW or you yours, I just want to understand.
I have no idea which IEMs you have owned / heard so far or your musical tastes. But, the sources are different and ear canal size is different (mine is medium and you have mentioned you use the smaller tips). I don't use EQ either, but you may or may not.
I can hear them "crispy" (as in lean sound than thicker notes) with a "wider" sound stage with 'airiness' only if I have a very shallow fit - any less and I can remove them from my ears. The mid range sounds distant, but the sound stage is not exactly 'wide' or 'deep' - just distant as every instrument falls within a short range of that stage. I can achieve a similar, but better effect of introducing 'airiness' when I EQ. I can still hear the effects of upper mid range bump though. If by 'crisp', you meant the highs, that's a whole other matter. When I normally insert, approx a mm of the housing is outside the end of the Antihelix. Do you insert just as deep? With the shallow fit, the part where the strain relief is present is near the end of the Antihelix (which is approx 4mm from the end of the housing).
In what sense do you call them 'balanced' than 'bright'? Balanced compared to which ones and "not bright" compared to which ones?
In a telephonic conversation a couple of nights ago, the topic of sources came up. I realized most people use phone as their source. I have a Nokia 5800XM, but I hate the signature - just warm and fuzzy (that and the volume goes a little short of my listening level at one point and little more than I want in the next). It struck me that perhaps TwinWoofers are tuned that way to go with phones/sources which could have enhanced bass and rolled off treble (unlike a iPhone 4). Probably most phones have high output impedance as well, which can change the signature.
With the 5800XM, bass quantity sounds about right, but with Clip+ it does not. The bass dip in the TW compensates for the bumped bass in the 5800. But the annoying upper mid range bump does not go away with Opeth. I can somewhat listen to Massive Attack though (the only two albums I have there). However, 5800XM makes my EX-1000 sound like shit, it does no favors to TW either. Like every time I used it before, I stopped listening after 4-5 mins.
Just curious, Is it just me or did anyone else notice that all of his posts seem to be related to the tekfusion iems.
Just curious, Is it just me or did anyone else notice that all of his posts seem to be related to the tekfusion iems.
Maybe he's enthustiastic about something he spent his money on, or maybe its Post-purchase-rationalization(Something we have all probably experienced at some point in time)![]()
Anyway, I don't think he's a schill. Have a look at his other posts.
well, he seems to be the only one who finds these iems balanced where as these are nowhere near balanced by any sense.NOT BY A LONG SHOT ! he either has magical ears which act as a DAC and give out great sound to him or he somehow has received a pair of magical tekfusion's from the company and the ones me and #[member='esanthosh'] received are broken or damaged ones
no offense intended towards anybody.