Audio Random IEM / Headphone Rants

Thanks #[member='esanthosh'] for your suggestion.

Bought E30 today from smc.
BSNL decided to cut me off the net for a day and a half. But, I managed to shrink my 'offline Task list' by half. So, not bad at all!


Thanks for the offer. I welcome all loaners. Better to compare them with my ears than with my fading memory. Only that I've already committed this week with a loaner from #[member=3.14or22by7] - the infamously famous MonoPrice 8320. May be if you could send them next week, I'll be very glad!


Hope you like it. Do post your thoughts once you get them.


Hope GR01 satisfies you

Initial thoughts on MonoPrice 8320

The damn thing is large. It took me a long time to straighten up the tangled cable. I wondered if I could try bi/tri-flanges, but they didn't work out. Fischer Tandem's single flange is OK. Gotta try other tips later on. I don't think these will fit in smaller ears than mine. If I wasn't hellbent on avoiding ear modelling, I'd have posted a photo to show you how filled big these are in my ears. Isolation is well, almost non-existent and reminds of the DDM(which is of course as good as an ear bud).

Re-written Sound section with Fake Sony Hybrids from 10:30 PM to 12:40 AM

Well! It's clear that the fit was very so-so with the Tandem Medium tip. I am now using the fake Sony hybrids along with the Phonak Silicone guides to get a better fit over the ear. Sensitivity is a bit on the lower side (96 dB), so I need to push up the volume up to -30dB on Clip+ compared to the usual near -40dB I can do with other sets.

The bass quantity, punch and extension are all at the quiet ok level (not lacking, but not over stepping either). But, it feels good in some tracks and muddy in a few others. The mid range is clear, only slightly distant but not recessed, detailed with good resolution. Vocals get a slight boost in clarity due to the slight bump around the 2Khz region. Mid range can neither be called thin nor thick - just about right. The treble lends to the balanced sound, but is not too prominent by itself staying half a step back in the proceedings. It's not sparkling or even well detailed, a bit off with cymbals actually where I hear a meshed up sound at times. The sound stage is well.. odd. It does not sound congested, but much of the action is happening in a half elliptical area without the usual layering and imaging - more of a blended presentation than separating and spreading out each instrument. Dynamics are not great, which compounds my problems from time to time. Speed is good as it seems to keep up. Re-reading this para, it might feel like I was more disappointed, but it's not the case at all. I am just pointing out some flaws I've come across. The sound of an IEM sometimes is not about the simple sum of parts, but it's a weighing game based on how good you feel about the good parts and how the bad parts make you feel. On an overall basis, MEP-933 feels good to me.

I wish this was available at $7 locally. Even with all the discomfort, the sound is pretty good. Technically, I think it's better than ES18. I shudder at the thought of A:B-ing these with other 'normal' IEMs though as getting the fit every time with twists and turns would take precious seconds by which I'd have completely forgotten about what I was hearing.

But that said, if this was under Rs. 500 locally, ES18 and 8320 would have been my top two recommendations based on sound with complete disregard to build quality (and comfort + isolation in the case of 8320). However, do I feel like going to the roof and shouting about how good it is? Well! I'd need time to make up my mind on that. It's a hyped up IEM that does not sound like crap - that is all I can say now.

Briefly switching between the three, this is what I felt on the surface going from one to another in the same order (not a A:B strictly)

ES18: Bass, spaciousness, separation, imaging, thick sound

8320 : Detail, Clarity

TwinWoofers: Build quality, Brightness
Actually the fit of MEP-933 or 8320 gets better with regular use. The best fit I (and probably few others) had was with PL-30 and 8320 were right next to them.
I am unlikely to belong to that elite group anytime soon
. Fit is ok, comfort and others are not!

The issues with MEP-933 for me are as follows:
  • It is around the same size as the largest ear bud I could fit in - Starsonic HDSS. I'd assume I have 'normal ears', but anyone with smaller ears would have a problem.
  • The size is bulky compared to IEMs like PL30/50, which were from memory, very light-weight and would 'disappear' inside the ears.
  • The problem with such large sized housings is the loss of maneuverability. With an IEM, unlike an earbud, the insertion depth and angle are important. My left and right ear canals are not the same (I'd know better if I ever take an impression for customs). Most times, I need the right ear to be inserted slightly differently to get the same seating, fit and seal. This requires lot of twists and turns with MEP-933 - which is a few of my impressions changed during the course of that session.
  • My comfortable IEMs include PL30, PL50, GR07, CK10 - things which are smaller and adjustable to a degree. I usually prefer barrel housings for the simple fact that I can adjust the angle of insertion easily and I can insert them deeper as long as the housing allows for it. The issue with designs like MEE M6, MEP-933 are that they sit in a particular way at the outer ears needing me to find a suitable tip which would give me both a good insertion and seal. With M6, it took me a while before settling on the bulged tips from Xears Bullet (+ removal of memory wire). Fake Sony hybrids are ok, but I would like to try other tips to see if I can get better seal and comfort.
Got my Soundmagic E30 today.

Initial Impressions- Packaging is very nice ,accessories are also good but a hard carrying case would have made it perfect.Housing is made of plastic but doesn't look cheap at all.

At first when i plugged them in my pc i felt that volume was very low even at 100% volume.Then i plugged them in my cellphone and the sound is just perfect.These are very light weight,comfortable with excellent sq and i have already fell in love wit these earphones.

Thanks to #[member='esanthosh'] and #[member='5fusion'] who helped me choose these earphones.

Now could someone help with the computer issue.Impedence of these IEMs is only 12ohms which is very low so it can't be the issue.I have also used my old headphone with pc whose impedance was 32ohms and i never had this problem.
It's not the question of impedance alone. As I mentioned in my previous post

It's low impedance (12 ohms) and low sensitivity (94dB) could be an issue with a few portable sources. But driven out of iPod Video -> LO -> UHA-6S, it shines very well.

The low sensitivity could be causing issues for the PC.
12ohm/94dB is indeed a tough load.

This basically means that it is tougher to drive than many a full-size headphones.For ex. AKG K701 which has a reputation for being a tough headphone to drive is an easier load for an amp than this IEM.

It would also need an amp with a very low output impedance to get a good damping factor.

The UHA-6S must be very capable amp if it combines well with this.
Due to unforeseen circumstances and things I cannot disclose, I won't be writing my Tekfusion Twinwoofers review for a month, at the very least.

Never mind! I will write my "impressions". These are just unofficial impressions and rants, not the final review. Please note that by the time of my review, I reserve the right to change everything 180 degrees. Now that my ass is sufficiently covered through disclaimers, let's get down to business.

The packaging of TW was a refreshing change from the boring SoundMagic whites which are the same across it's price range. Each tip in it's own place, it was very nice. I expected the tip quality to be poor like Xears, but they are actually good in quality - stiff rather than soft. Unlike most other IEMs, I prefer wearing TW straight down than over the ear.

TW's makers and users alike swear by burn-in. I somehow am not convinced that burn-in is the cure for all ills of the universe. At best, burn-in is a slight change in the frequency response. It cannot make PL11 sound like EX-1000 even after 45000 hours of Pink, Blue, White, Rose and Black noise burn-in. I have already written a long post a few pages back about burn-in and measurements, so won't get into details again. Anyways, I have so far done 56 hours burn-in other than my 3-4 hours of listening. So, the wrath of burn-in gods can't be upon me.

As a few following this thread know, I started buying IEMs again only due to this pending TW review. Since I could not figure out how it sounded, I ended up buying PL11, ES18 and E10. Now, I think that Monoprice 8320 is more apt for comparison than the SoundMagics. But, I'll get to that comparison someday later.

The best word for me to describe TW is "bright". It's not a budget bass-head IEM like PL11, not balanced like E30 or somewhat tonally balanced like ES18, just "bright". When it comes to clarity, there is always a natural clarity and then, there's artificial / manufactured / enhanced clarity. TW from what I hear belongs to the latter category than the former. Any IEM with a treble tilt would in general appear more clearer. Not that I have anything against treble tilt or brightness. I err on the side of brightness. One of my favorites, DBA-02 is also a case of a "bright" and somewhat aggressive IEM, but it holds it's own because there's so much else to it's sound.

TW's bass has decent punch, decent extension (I can hear up-to 30Hz tone on hour zero - before burn-in), but it's presence is a little different than expected. Instead of a uniform presence, I hear more presence towards the upper bass than even the mid-bass. As a result, some recordings sound alright in terms of bass presence, some don't do as well. The vocals take a slight step back in the presentation. The 3-6Khz region is bumped, 8Khz has a spike, there's also a bump post 10Khz - at least to my ears. These bumps enhance the perception of clarity, but also splash some of the information in your face. Certainly, going from TW to any other IEM would make the other IEM "less clear" and "not as apparent" with respect to details.

TW has a good side that I like too. Guitars sound very good. For a budget IEM with such a small stage, separation is good, detail levels are excellent. Imaging is also nice. Timbre is nice as well. It does make a solid case otherwise.

To calm down things a bit and hear more of what TW is capable of, a EQ that flattens bass, brings up 1-2Khz a little up and cuts down on 3-6, 8 and 10Khz can be used. It will smooth the sound, but so far, I've not found my experimental settings to be as clearer as I want. May be experimenting with a shallower insertion (a mm or so out from the usual insertion depth) can be resorted to, though it won't be as effective.

In all, my impression is that TW is a differently tuned IEM, one that stands different from the crop of usually bass heavy ones in this price range. The end is commendable, I only have issues with certain aspects of the means to get there.

As mentioned, I reserve the right to say that these sound better than EX-1000 in the review, if I ever write one
#[member='esanthosh'] ^^^^ another brilliant read. i know you haven't got to comparisons yet but i am curious to know, how would you rate es18 compared to tekfusion . i am asking this because you have mentioned in one of your previous reviews that in terms of clarity and tonal balance , the es18 isn't far away from e10 and e30. also, when you describe es18 as spacious and good in the imaging area, how would you rate it purely in terms of "spaciousness and airiness " comapred to the tekfusion .

When it comes to clarity, there is always a natural clarity and then, there's artificial / manufactured / enhanced clarity. TW from what I hear belongs to the latter category than the former. Any IEM with a treble tilt would in general appear more clearer.

can't agree with you more. This is exactly the first thought that came to my mind , the moment i plugged it in my ears. i knew something's not right. i knew that there is a bump somewhere in the frequency range to make it sound clearer.
#[member='esanthosh'] ^^^^ another brilliant read. i know you haven't got to comparisons yet but i am curious to know, how would you rate es18 compared to tekfusion . i am asking this because you have mentioned in one of your previous reviews that in terms of clarity and tonal balance , the es18 isn't far away from e10 and e30. also, when you describe es18 as spacious and good in the imaging area, how would you rate it purely in terms of "spaciousness and airiness " comapred to the tekfusion

In the earlier days, when I had all the IEMs, it was possible to compare a new IEM against anything and reach a conclusion as to where it would be placed. But, with all my lower tiers empty, I can only say that I would personally place ES18 at least a tier above TwinWoofers. Let's say, I think TW of belonging to a tier of 'Flawed IEMs I won't mind listening casually' and ES18 belongs to a large group of 'Good sounding IEMs' - which level and which place - that I am not sure without my comparison / reference / benchmark IEMs. I like ES18 more with my iPod Video -> UHA6S combo than with Clip+. For whatever reason, even with it's modest 16 ohm impedance and 112dB sensitivity rating, UHA6S exerts an even tighter leash on ES18's sound.

In terms of spaciousness and airiness, let's say, moving from ES18 to TW gives me the feeling of moving from a room with enough space to move around to a slightly cramped room within touching distance of a fire place. It's not a concert hall like EX-1000 just to put it in context.
#[member='esanthosh'] ^^^^ another brilliant read. i know you haven't got to comparisons yet but i am curious to know, how would you rate es18 compared to tekfusion . i am asking this because you have mentioned in one of your previous reviews that in terms of clarity and tonal balance , the es18 isn't far away from e10 and e30. also, when you describe es18 as spacious and good in the imaging area, how would you rate it purely in terms of "spaciousness and airiness " comapred to the tekfusion .

can't agree with you more. This is exactly the first thought that came to my mind , the moment i plugged it in my ears. i knew something's not right. i knew that there is a bump somewhere in the frequency range to make it sound clearer.

I dont think so. Personally, i think these are more "balanced" than "bright". They deliver uber cool punchy and softer bass, rather than muddy, while at the same time, the highs/trebs are seperated very well, for a great experience

While I won't change my view on TW or you yours, I just want to understand.

I have no idea which IEMs you have owned / heard so far or your musical tastes. But, the sources are different and ear canal size is different (mine is medium and you have mentioned you use the smaller tips). I don't use EQ either, but you may or may not.

I can hear them "crispy" (as in lean sound than thicker notes) with a "wider" sound stage with 'airiness' only if I have a very shallow fit - any less and I can remove them from my ears. The mid range sounds distant, but the sound stage is not exactly 'wide' or 'deep' - just distant as every instrument falls within a short range of that stage. I can achieve a similar, but better effect of introducing 'airiness' when I EQ. I can still hear the effects of upper mid range bump though. If by 'crisp', you meant the highs, that's a whole other matter. When I normally insert, approx a mm of the housing is outside the end of the Antihelix. Do you insert just as deep? With the shallow fit, the part where the strain relief is present is near the end of the Antihelix (which is approx 4mm from the end of the housing).

In what sense do you call them 'balanced' than 'bright'? Balanced compared to which ones and "not bright" compared to which ones?

In a telephonic conversation a couple of nights ago, the topic of sources came up. I realized most people use phone as their source. I have a Nokia 5800XM, but I hate the signature - just warm and fuzzy (that and the volume goes a little short of my listening level at one point and little more than I want in the next). It struck me that perhaps TwinWoofers are tuned that way to go with phones/sources which could have enhanced bass and rolled off treble (unlike a iPhone 4). Probably most phones have high output impedance as well, which can change the signature.

With the 5800XM, bass quantity sounds about right, but with Clip+ it does not. The bass dip in the TW compensates for the bumped bass in the 5800. But the annoying upper mid range bump does not go away with Opeth. I can somewhat listen to Massive Attack though (the only two albums I have there). However, 5800XM makes my EX-1000 sound like shit, it does no favors to TW either. Like every time I used it before, I stopped listening after 4-5 mins.

While I won't change my view on TW or you yours, I just want to understand.

I have no idea which IEMs you have owned / heard so far or your musical tastes. But, the sources are different and ear canal size is different (mine is medium and you have mentioned you use the smaller tips). I don't use EQ either, but you may or may not.

I can hear them "crispy" (as in lean sound than thicker notes) with a "wider" sound stage with 'airiness' only if I have a very shallow fit - any less and I can remove them from my ears. The mid range sounds distant, but the sound stage is not exactly 'wide' or 'deep' - just distant as every instrument falls within a short range of that stage. I can achieve a similar, but better effect of introducing 'airiness' when I EQ. I can still hear the effects of upper mid range bump though. If by 'crisp', you meant the highs, that's a whole other matter. When I normally insert, approx a mm of the housing is outside the end of the Antihelix. Do you insert just as deep? With the shallow fit, the part where the strain relief is present is near the end of the Antihelix (which is approx 4mm from the end of the housing).

In what sense do you call them 'balanced' than 'bright'? Balanced compared to which ones and "not bright" compared to which ones?

In a telephonic conversation a couple of nights ago, the topic of sources came up. I realized most people use phone as their source. I have a Nokia 5800XM, but I hate the signature - just warm and fuzzy (that and the volume goes a little short of my listening level at one point and little more than I want in the next). It struck me that perhaps TwinWoofers are tuned that way to go with phones/sources which could have enhanced bass and rolled off treble (unlike a iPhone 4). Probably most phones have high output impedance as well, which can change the signature.

With the 5800XM, bass quantity sounds about right, but with Clip+ it does not. The bass dip in the TW compensates for the bumped bass in the 5800. But the annoying upper mid range bump does not go away with Opeth. I can somewhat listen to Massive Attack though (the only two albums I have there). However, 5800XM makes my EX-1000 sound like shit, it does no favors to TW either. Like every time I used it before, I stopped listening after 4-5 mins.

Yes, i do use the smallest eartips. Mine do fit deeply as the point where the housing ends is the point where my Antihelix also starts, this way they sort of remain 'locked' into my canals well. From my experience, when i purchased them, they sounded pretty compact at first. Later on, i used up a month on the burn-in. I personally prefer burning-in the old fashioned way of listening to music rather than a set of burn-in files. I normally listen on average 3-4 hours, sometimes only 2 hours a day to all sorts of music ranging from hip hop to trance, to electro, dance, techno, jazz, rock among others. As i kept listening, the "airyness" that we're talking about came in. This wasn't there before!

I call these balanced because when i flatten or disable the equalizers, i can feel a rather balanced tonal experience. At this point, the bass sounds as equal to the trebs and mids. I would say they are more balanced compared to the sennheiser cx300 and well, i don't call them bright as such because as i said before, i can hear equal tonality at flat EQ on my sonyericsson w8. This is untrue for cx300 because even at flat, the bass seems to overshadow the mids/trebs. The other fact is that the cx300 has a rather muddy bass, or i don't know if i'm using a fake version of it. In today's highly conterfeiting world, its not easy to tell if what you're buying is real. But this is what i think.

I think you call them bright because you've heard them with certain source but not all. If you try using walkman phones with android, and a preferable amp software with equlizers, you can do a self-test on their balanced sig. I may also not be right all the way, because i've only used them with my sony w8. I did once hear them once with the iPod touch, and they sounded way awesome compared to my sony w8 phone. In fact, my friend who was having the Klisch s4 sounded as equal as the twinwoofers on the iPod touch in terms of the overall listening experience at flat eq. I think judging the IEM with a certain song or a few songs may also not be fair. Its best to be 'neutral' while deciding. I preferably go for 'play the best that they can play' and avoid the songs that don't play well with my iems. Some songs do play better on the cx300 while others better on Twinwoofers. Afterall both cx300 and TW are affordable, decent-sounding pair of earbuds, only that the former comes on the higher side of the price bracket than the latter.
well, he seems to be the only one who finds these iems balanced where as these are nowhere near balanced by any sense.NOT BY A LONG SHOT ! he either has magical ears which act as a DAC and give out great sound to him or he somehow has received a pair of magical tekfusion's from the company and the ones me and #[member='esanthosh'] received are broken or damaged ones

no offense intended towards anybody.

Noted long ago. Not all, but about 80%. Just for stats, nearly 20% of all my posts are in this thread


While I have not heard the CX300, I've read that they have muddy bass. So, yours may not be a fake after all.

That said, I thought about my opinion of TW.
  1. Am I confusing Bright and Balanced?: I have been writing reviews for sometime now. I have accumulated a decent sample of music as test tracks - from Techno to Classical. I have tried TW with Clip+, iPod Video 5G -> UHA-6S and briefly with Sony E353. In all cases, I found it brighter in comparison to the sets I currently have in a similar price range - ES18, E10, E30, MonoPrice 8320. IMO, the term balanced applies better to the MEP-933.
  2. Perhaps, it's Burn-in?: I have 60+ hours on them through "burn in" with music every day. I have never used noise files for burn-in. If it will get better after 300 hours, then I'll need 2 months going by the burn-in procedure recommended by the company. But...
  3. May be....Batch Issues?: If you have the IEM from the first batch, there could be possible differences with the second batch. But, #[member='krisballa'] has the IEM from the earlier batch. According to this post, he did observe some harshness in vocals and highs from time to time, which he again noted after 200 hours of use. As far as I know, I and #[member='sandeepsachin'] have the IEM from the second, newer batch and we find it bright. imoen makes a similar observation here. So, mine is not an isolated hearing accident.
  4. May be I am allergic to treble?: I am a treble-head by all means. Some of my favorite IEMs like DBA-02, CK10 are known for their treble response. DBA-02 MK1 is generally considered forward and aggressive and CK10 has a treble spike. I am not allergic to brightness or any type of signature, but my gripe with TW is different. I have noted good points about TW as well in my impressions - details, separation, imaging etc., I'd say this - If it sounded balanced and airy to my ears, it would have been my recommendation over E30 and M1. But, it doesn't.
  5. Must be the source?: My sources are not bad. UHA-6S is a transparent amp with low output impedance (and costs $280). Clip+, though cheap has low OI and a flat frequency response. Though I would not regard GSMArena's graph as reliable, W8 has a slight bump in bass response when loaded (See here) with an unknown 32 ohm AKG headphone. On the other hand, when loaded with a BA IEM (which is in general very sensitive to OI and has wild impedance variations. Example - TF10, Sony XBA series), Clip+ maintains a flat response, which iPod Touch 3G could not (See here. Full review about Clip+ here). iPhone 4 should be a better source though. I do have a rough idea that sources can make a difference. Anything combined with HM-601 will sound less sparkling in treble. Likewise, anything with RoCoo-P will not have as much sub-bass. But, that's not how an IEM actually 'sounds' or responds in FR. I always use Clip+ or UHA-6S as a way to observe what an IEM actually does.
  6. Lack of Experience with "High end" IEMs?: For what it's worth, I have so far tried 71 IEMs including TW, owning a vast majority of them (Here was my Sale thread and all of them found a new owner, so at least I am not bluffing
    ). Granted numbers do not mean anything either by count or by price, I hope there's at least an outside chance that I should be able to tell apart 'brightness' from 'balanced' unless our definitions are way off.
Just curious, Is it just me or did anyone else notice that all of his posts seem to be related to the tekfusion iems.

Yea, i just also noticed that. Maybe i'm becomming an addict. But honestly, i find discussing things other than iems quite boring, so just wanted to share some of my experiences. Sorry if i offended you in any way.

Maybe he's enthustiastic about something he spent his money on, or maybe its Post-purchase-rationalization
(Something we have all probably experienced at some point in time)


Anyway, I don't think he's a schill. Have a look at his other posts.

You may be right, but i own sennheiser cx300, and i quite feel that the TW is a better option for me, especially for the price paid, not that i'm so self-conscious about the money i spent.

well, he seems to be the only one who finds these iems balanced where as these are nowhere near balanced by any sense.NOT BY A LONG SHOT ! he either has magical ears which act as a DAC and give out great sound to him or he somehow has received a pair of magical tekfusion's from the company and the ones me and #[member='esanthosh'] received are broken or damaged ones

no offense intended towards anybody.

Some people do refer to me as golden ears.
Honestly speaking though, i still think you're wrong about them being bright. And funny enough, a few of you think the same, which is not so uncommon. Maybe you have same type of ears or sensitivity to brightness.

Esantosh -

As i said, you may be right in your own way, but i still think they're not bright. I also don't want to say you are wrong, so its like im in-between. Just wanted to ask you one thing though. What parameter are you using to judge this brightness? because i can agree the fact that if i use equalizers with high treble enable, its obvious that i do find them slightly bright, but not as much as you described. For me to say something is bright, i disable all eq first.
I do not write impressions with EQ enabled unless I explicitly mention it (and that's been the case since my first 'impression' written on TE in the last week of Aug, 2010).

I thought I made it clear in my impressions on why I consider them 'bright' and feel that the 'clarity' is artificially boosted (3-6 Khz bump, 8Khz spike, 10Khz+ little bump).I am sensitive to any uneven bumps in the 5-7Khz region. Even when used stand-alone, it gets a little 'in your face' in some passages. It's all the more apparent when A:B-ed with other IEMs. Either your source tones down that region or you are not sensitive as others. If it's the latter, better to take that into account (that others may be more sensitive than you) when discussing IEMs. Try and run a frequency sweep and see what peaks and valleys are present in the response.

I have read that CX300 sounds somewhat similar to EP630, which I rank among the lowest. You have compared TW to Klipsch S4 - another IEM I do not find endearing (muddy though punchy and extended bass, thinner mids, sibilant, not good quality in treble). Both commit excesses one way or another. If that's your sample set, then TW can be termed "balanced" in relation. But, for my comparison set, TW is bright. I cannot explain it any further than what's written in my impressions.