Had not seen this before. They have tested front load powders now for the first time whereas previously they had only tested top load and handwash powders.
How would you rank the detergent powders like tide, henko, ariel and surf respectively for front load and top load?
The results are surprising for front load which I can speak for as I don't use a top loader

Earlier Surf rated at the top but here we see it's only for top load.
Looking at the tests further for best cleaning in a front load it would be
Henko tied with Ariel and then Surf in terms of percent detergency and active ingredients. Too bad they didn't test
Also they haven't tested any liquid detergents which would have made for an interesting comparison.
Cheapest way to buy is in bulk so 6kg and you will see this ranking reflected in the cost as well. There is a couple of hundred Rs seperating Surf from the rest. Unless you get the prime day deal and then Henko becomes best bang for the buck.
Henko &
Ariel cost more than
My choice is based on personal preference. When I tried Henko years ago I found the perfume overpowering and not that pleasant. Stopped using it.
Ariel I found tends to foam a little more than the others. Tide was similar.
Surf was just right. Pleasant perfume with good performance and it's been my mainstay for over five years now.
You can't go wrong with either of the three so pick what you like best.
Key is to avoid cheaper front load detergents like
Presto or ones
not designed for front loaders.
This is incorrect. It's front loaders that have the longer cycle compared to top loaders.
Also the amount of detergent used is the same if you compare the recommended dosage by the manufacturer for either machine.
Detergent dosing has nothing to do with the amount of water. It depends on load size, degree of soiling and water hardness.