Front loading or top loading washing machine?

Update:- looks like a one off issue. Engineer ran test mode. No leak. He opened back side and dried water stains at the bottom of the plastic. It is a mystery now. All good.
Looks like nothing was resolved. If the problem is still there you will know.

Test mode might be too short to test for a leak. A rinse & spin cycle might have been better
Looks like nothing was resolved. If the problem is still there you will know.

Test mode might be too short to test for a leak. A rinse & spin might have been better
He did all that too. Filled the machine drum halfway with water and then kept it spinning for atleast 10 mins. Maybe I keep the custom inlet pipe behind the Washing machine after use and it ,ay have some residual water which dropped when i was taking it out. Anyways coming weekend will get to know.
Maybe I keep the custom inlet pipe behind the Washing machine after use and it ,ay have some residual water which dropped when i was taking it out.
When you say custom inlet pipe do you mean you reconnect & disconnect the inlet or drain pipe every time you use the machine?
He opened back side and dried water stains at the bottom of the plastic. It is a mystery now. All good.
The plastic at the bottom is to prevent rats from entering the machine. Since you don't use a stand there is no chance for rats to enter the machine.

That suggests the leak was internal as water collected in the rat trap.
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When you say custom inlet pipe do you mean you reconnect & disconnect the inlet or drain pipe every time you use the machine?
Yes I need to. There is not that feasibility to keep it connected.

The plastic at the bottom is to prevent rats. Since you don't use a stand there is no chance for rats to enter the machine.

That suggests the leak was internal as water collected in the rat trap.
My bad. There were no dried stains of water. I.e no evidence of water leakage. Edited the original comment.
Which detergent powder to use for IFB front load machine? Ariel matic carton I was using just got finished, and a quick check on amazon giving me shivers, 250 per kg? Seriously bruh?
Buy in bulk. I prefer surf though

Further, can I use the normal surf excel stuff?
What is normal surf excel? Post a link
Is it all business sales pitch with these so called recommended detergent for WMs?
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Any IFB front load owners want to share their experience with unbalanced loads?

Note that I'm not referring to an installation problem here. Transit bolts removed and you have balanced the machine properly. Also not referring to machines with mechanical faults.

Just that some loads can be problematic.

What I want to know is how many times does the machine try to rebalance the load on its own before giving up?

With this model if the light blinks four times it's an unbalanced load

With this model it shows on the display

So what do you do? Take some items out and try just the spin cycle again or just call it a day?

Not the end of the world. Just means the machine gave up and your clothes will be wetter than usual and take longer to dry.

What none of these videos shows you is how to rearrange the load at the beginning so the error doesn't happen or happen less often.
Using one. Never faced any issue with the machine giving up on the load. Mine is 70-80% capacity load since I do my laundry on the weekends.
But yes, I have faced issues when I underload. It will spin slowly to ensure clothes are ready before trying to spin fast. But because of less clothes, it's unable to spin fast. So yes, it tries and tries before giving up. I guess it's not machine fault if I am underloading it.
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Is this the new norm for WMs nowadays? Beyond 5 years it'll start causing problems? Ours is a 2007 ifb elite 5kg model and has had 2 services to this day. I need to purchase a good (upgraded) model in the coming sale, so asking genuinely.

This is the thread to ask for machine recommends. You posted in a maintenence thread
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Looks like for my machine they their own minute calculation. For a minute they are calculating 180 secs.

Machine showed 1 hour 18 minute for the washing to finish and actually finished the load in 1 hour 33 minutes.
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Looks like for my machine they their own minute calculation. For a minute they are calculating 180 secs.

Machine showed 1 hour 18 minute for the washing to finish and actually finished the load in 1 hour 33 minutes.
It's an estimate of time. Yesterday I was watching the final spin and the time was stuck at 6 minutes left while it tried many times to balance the load.

I find with the timer washes complete within 5 minutes of the expected time.
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Had not seen this before. They have tested front load powders now for the first time whereas previously they had only tested top load and handwash powders.
How would you rank the detergent powders like tide, henko, ariel and surf respectively for front load and top load?
The results are surprising for front load which I can speak for as I don't use a top loader
Top front load powder rankings.png
Earlier Surf rated at the top but here we see it's only for top load.

Looking at the tests further for best cleaning in a front load it would be

Comparative score.png

Henko tied with Ariel and then Surf in terms of percent detergency and active ingredients. Too bad they didn't test Tide

Also they haven't tested any liquid detergents which would have made for an interesting comparison.

Cheapest way to buy is in bulk so 6kg and you will see this ranking reflected in the cost as well. There is a couple of hundred Rs seperating Surf from the rest. Unless you get the prime day deal and then Henko becomes best bang for the buck.

Henko & Ariel cost more than Surf

My choice is based on personal preference. When I tried Henko years ago I found the perfume overpowering and not that pleasant. Stopped using it.

Ariel I found tends to foam a little more than the others. Tide was similar.

Surf was just right. Pleasant perfume with good performance and it's been my mainstay for over five years now.

You can't go wrong with either of the three so pick what you like best.

Key is to avoid cheaper front load detergents like Presto or ones not designed for front loaders.

 Top vs front wash cycle.png

This is incorrect. It's front loaders that have the longer cycle compared to top loaders.

Also the amount of detergent used is the same if you compare the recommended dosage by the manufacturer for either machine.

Detergent dosing has nothing to do with the amount of water. It depends on load size, degree of soiling and water hardness.
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Came here to ask about Presto Amazon Brand - Presto! Matic Front Load Detergent Powder - 6 kg, Rs.675 approx.

The prices of surf etc are going through roof. Is presto good ? Reviews are too good to be true. Most are about fragrance.

Else will go for Henko as per above analysis
See my post above about Presto powder

Also your link goes to the liquid...

^See quite a few of these in the one star category for Presto liquid

Presto liquid.jpg

60ml for normal loads ?!? this is effectively double the quantity required of a branded detergent. Also it's unknown how well this detergent will perform in hard water. Something branded detergents can handle upto 350ppm with 50% extra dosing

5L of Presto liquid for Rs.615 or
2.5L of Ariel liquid for Rs.605

I'd go with the Ariel and get a better result or go with 6kg of Surf powder for even less cost
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See my post above about Presto powder

Also your link goes to the liquid...

See quite a few of these in the one star category for Presto liquid
Found this on fkart for 5 ltr for Rs 251 :eek: : Stripcare Natural liquid 5L|Best For Front & Top load Machines Fresh Liquid Detergent (5 L) .
These organic detergents are only good for light to medium soil. Anything more and it won't clean. Stick to branded products if you want a better result and and care for your front loader.

Then again you gave the cheapest IFB on the market at Rs. 18k so maybe you can be a guinea pig and experiment for us :p
you are insulting my maid, she loves the WM. :p

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