Search results

  1. G

    Laptop for Animation student

    The thing is my nephew stays around 60KM away. He is coming here for animation course and would be staying in a PG with shared room. A desktop would take too much space in the small room. Also the instructor wants him to bring a computer with him to class, so he cannot carry a desktop ;) It is...
  2. G

    CPU/Mobo OEM processors?

    Thanks Alpha17, i thought it was #username Eco-series is only because that is available with him. Even i have realised its too much of a risk. i'd rather take an i5-2400 etc for the same price and have peace of mind. Would really feel bad if something goes wrong and 10k is wasted after couple...
  3. G

    Laptop for Animation student

    He has to take it to class so it has to be a laptop. that model looks good but is expensive! i have no idea of animation, but by what my nephew tells me neither does his instructor. What is CUDA generally needed for? please suggest yourself if its needed for a 2 year animation course. yes, the...
  4. G

    Brand New 2TB WD20EARS caviar green Rs 6505 on Ebay.

    Hello all, i know this sounds like it should be in the market section but its kind of complicated (dont have physical product) so posting it here. move to wherever appropriate. I was thinking of getting a 2TB hard disk and bid for it on ebay. I won the item for Rs6400 + 105 national shipping...
  5. G

    Laptop for Animation student

    Hello all,My nephew is taking admission in a Animation course. He has the family's old laptop but its 5 years old and not even worth mentioning the config. CS4 doest even install on it. So he will need a new laptop. The instructor had said some vague config like. atleast corei5, 4gb ram and 1GB...
  6. G

    Want a Full HD Monitor

    WOW! youve been bumping for 10 months! hats off to your persistence.
  7. G

    Storage Solutions Western Digital Announces Record Financial Results

    Yes, I hope SSDs take over soon and these unethical seagate and WD companies go bankrupt!
  8. G

    Need to get a website for small startup.

    thanks, will look into it. Thanks, I know you're trying to help. But i have no idea of what you just said. I'll show this to my friend who's doing the coding though. Thanks Gaurish, well put ;) Thanks, will check those out too. Anyways the name was we had come up with was egghead. so was...
  9. G

    CPU/Mobo OEM processors?

    that is the only thing holding me back. if i was sure of one year warranty then i would have jumped on a 14k processor for 10k. I'll be lost if the buyer refuses to help. has only 6 feedback and registered two months ago. he could close shop tomorrow. If he had 100feedback or so i would have...
  10. G

    CPU/Mobo OEM processors?

    hello all, i searched the forums but could not find any info on OEM processors. I found a guy on ebay selling an OEM i5 3550S for around 10k. He says its brand new OEM tray processor without heat sink and fan and he will give warranty for 1 year. But i cannot claim warranty directly from...
  11. G

    Need to get a website for small startup.

    Thanks for the offer challapradyumna, will ask you if i need help. Thanks, will buy locally then. Hows and bigrock ? @all, thanks for your valuable suggestions and sorry for replying late. had gone out of station for a couple of weeks. A friend is very into computers and he has...
  12. G

    Need to get a website for small startup.

    will try it out and see if i get anything.
  13. G

    online mobile recharge , are they safe ?

    also is good and reliable
  14. G

    Need to get a website for small startup.

    Hello guys, Ive just mustered enough courage to try to lauch my own venture. Nothing big, only a small educational institue. :p For this i will need to get a website to showcase some material, mentor profile, questions, contact details etc. It needs to be a simple website for providing...
  15. G

    HomeShop18 - Coupons & Deals

    me too! Have you written to HS18 about it? please ping when you recieve the bill. Also could you get the webcam to work? I couldn't got the FJ Camera driver installed. It even gives me a link to uninstall the driver but no option to use the camera. help would be appreciated.
  16. G

    What's the best multivitamin?

    Well my father who eats non-veg (and had healthy servings this winter) also had low Vit B12. So did my sister and her son who are also non-veg eaters. Where as my mother who is a life long vegetarian had a normal B12 level. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be due to many reasons and does not depend...
  17. G

    Gskill ram's

    Do you have laptop rams too? i want to get a 2gb stick.
  18. G

    Another router suggestion. turning home and desktop to Wi-Fi.

    Hello all, I know this question has been asked and dealt with in many threads before but there seems to be no real 'Best Router' out there. Same thing works great for some and OK for others. Have gone through all threads of 2 pages of this forum. But my situation is a little different. Till...
  19. G

    Water Purifier and Microwave oven

    Word of caution here. Just google for IFB pathetic and frustrating service quality if you havent heard about it already. (Some people might think im an IFB basher from a competing company, i am not and i havent recommended any other brand in its place) but having suffered it personally and seen...
  20. G

    IC : GO for Verbatim DvD+R Local Mumbai Group Order

    I asked the same question but noone seems to know or care! I think he was probably the most prolific dealer on TE by number of orders.