Search results

  1. Rockyme2002

    FS: Storage Hardware 1 TB Seagate, 500 GB WD

    Selling off both the hdds as i dont need them anymore. Sold off the desktop. 1TB Seagate Barracuda 7200.12, 2.5k,- ON HOLD - SOLD 500GB WD Blue 1k.- On HOLD Local buyers will be given 1st preference if thy can pick it up. shipping at buyers risk.
  2. Rockyme2002

    FS: Desktops i5 2500k System

    1. Intel i5 2500k processor - May 2011. - 8k - On HOLD 2. MSI P67a GD55 - April 2011. - 4k - On HOLD 3. Gskill 4gb (2x2) - April 2011. - 2k - SOLD 4. MSI Radeon 6850 cyclone Oc - May 2011. - 4k - ON HOLD 5. CM Hyper...
  3. Rockyme2002

    FS: Home Audio Video Corsair SP2500

    Product Name: Corsair SP2500 Expected Price: Rs. 10k Shipping charges: Manufacturer page URL: Description if any: Comes with all the accessories and the Box. Reason for Sale: Selling PC. Product...
  4. Rockyme2002

    FS: Headphone Monster Turbine Pro - Copper Edition

    Product Name: Monster Turbine Pro - Copper Edition Expected Price: Rs. 13k Shipping charges: Manufacturer page URL: Description if any: Have all the accessories and box it came in. used only 1 pair of tip, rest all are unused...
  5. Rockyme2002

    FS: Consoles PSP 3000 Ratchet & Clank Edition

    Product Name: PSP 3000 Ratchet & Clank Edition Expected Price: Rs. 4k Manufacturer page URL: Description if any: Comes with the power cord,the game umd & national treasure umd & manual. Never used it...
  6. Rockyme2002

    Corsair XMS3 8Gb (2 x 4GB ) 1600Mhz

    Hi, Selling this on Behalf of a friend. Bought just 2 weeks ago. Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL:XMS3 Expected Price: Rs 4850 Time of Purchase: 11th April 2011 Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: Yes Reason for Sale: Got 16GB Gskill kit...
  7. Rockyme2002

    E5200 + Asus P5KPL-cm + 2GB DDR2

    Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL: Intel E5200 Dual Core & Asus P5KPL-CM with 2GB DDR2 ram Expected Price: Rs 3700/- + Shipping. Time of Purchase: April 2009 Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: Yes | 1 year 1 Month Reason for Sale: Upgrading Purchase...
  8. Rockyme2002

    Sony PSP 3000 Ratchet & Clank Edition

    Sony PSP 3000 Pics: Moddable :cool2: so can play all the games :P Putting it up for sale cause its lying around.. and i dunt game much. :)(no loose buttons , never dropped, no scratches as i havent used it for more than 20 hrs :P) Doesnt come with box as my brother got it from USA. Have...
  9. Rockyme2002

    FS: DFI NF4 Lanparty Mobo + AMD A64 3000+ nd 2 x 512MB DDR RAM

    elOoooo ppl :D , Selling ma Old Rig since i upgraded a few days ago :)... AMD A64 3000+. DFI NF4 Lanparty mobo. 512 x 2 Hynix D43 chips 400Mhz DDR RAM. Expecting 3k as per suggestions :) Evrything is outta warranty but in perfect working conditon:cool2: . Had this rig since a...
  10. Rockyme2002

    How much shud i expect for....

    AMD A64 3000+, DFI NF4 Lanparty UT mobo and 512 x 2 Hynix ram chips. planning to put the above in the market section nd didnt know wht to expect:) well wasnt tht simple :P thnx for all the help :cool2:
  11. Rockyme2002

    MTNL Connection

    As the title suggests am thinking of gettin a MTNL connx. Am done with Pacenet for now.(ridiculously priced packages + excellent service:@ ) I mean who pays 600 bucks for 48kbps...(thts me:ashamed: ) End of Story:( Wnna get a connx which offers unlimited packages nd only MTNL's avail...
  12. Rockyme2002

    FS: Sempron 2400+, 512mb DDR,XFX 5700LE

    Selling these on behalf of a friend. 1. Sempron 2400+ with HSF 2. 512MB DDR Ram 3. XFX 5700LE ALL the above stuff in in working condition with no probs whtsoeevr...:) She has the mobo too if sme1 wanna take it with the proccy to experiment with it :P Reason for Sale: She had to upgrade her...
  13. Rockyme2002

    Fs: Seagate 160gb Sata

    elOOoo, Getting rid of this since goin for a TB :clap: :ohyeah: Its been used for more than 2 a lil more than 2 years warranty still there ...have the original bill.:cool2: Never replaced cuz neva had a problem :D. MUMBAI Guys preffered. Wont b able to giv this 1...
  14. Rockyme2002

    FS: 19" CRT Samsung & XFX 6600GT PCI-E

    Have been using both for the past 3years almost:ashamed: SamsunG 19" Syncmaster 955DF The Monitor has no probs .. (will post pics tmrw ...:) ) The XFX 6600GT has a prob .....the fan has stopped working....(prob popped up just whn i was upgradin :( ) am still using the card with the temps...
  15. Rockyme2002

    PC Peripherals Need Advice [DVD Writer & Headphones]

    elOOoooo All :D Goin to lammingtOn today or tmrw.... So which is the best dvd writer available rite now in the market??:S nd as far as the headphones go....having read all the posts here, evry1 seems to b suggesting the sony xd200 which is for 1.2k. ny othr's in the same price range to...
  16. Rockyme2002

    How to change other player's name in Cs

    Ok i know a n00bie question , but am askin bout OTHER players :hap2: :ohyeah:
  17. Rockyme2002

    CS 1.6 GURU's ....HELP

    started playin Cs just smetme ago....nd trying to b good at it now :tongue: play with frinds on lan mostly ...cuz dnt hav a original :P nyways the point.... have always tried sniping thru the dust2 double doors whn the game starts.........but whnever a guy runs past the doors
  18. Rockyme2002

    PC Peripherals Friend Buying This???

    R these ny good.... i mean he just saw thm nd flipped.....nd is surely gonna get this.. he needs a 5.1 system...... cost of this was 8k :P as told to him :lol:
  19. Rockyme2002

    Cable connx

    Ok after long time....sme1's givin cable connx in my area now:ohyeah: but am a lil confused..... just talked to the guys on phone....nd heres wht they said.... unlimited happy now... but the doubt is this.....acc. to them they hav 4 schemes... nd am not sure if...
  20. Rockyme2002

    :P Lan-ning

    Hi Guys, had recently connected 2 PC, mine with a friend who stays 2 floors above me :P ....enjoyed sme good CS , U2 ,UT2004 etc etc....:D Well now wanted to know , how long can be the cable till threre arent ny problems, like data loss nd stuff............cuz now all friends wanna...