13Rs Mineral water @ 30.00 Rupees at Inorbit Mall Vashi

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@madnav - you need to have time to go to daman or diu!! anyways i once calculated it took me approximately 6 hours to get from powai where i lived all my life to get to work in mindspace and then back--just 6 hours for a to and fro trip in the bus--in comparison it took me 6 hours and 15 mins from bandra to ahmedabad by train-one way of course.

cn't we file a case against the malls?

i don't know much abt law--but if u pay more than the mrp you can drag the concerned party to court or something like that according to the tv ads by the ministry of consumer affairs or welfare or something.
sunny27 said:
@madnav - you need to have time to go to daman or diu!! anyways i once calculated it took me approximately 6 hours to get from powai where i lived all my life to get to work in mindspace and then back--just 6 hours for a to and fro trip in the bus--in comparison it took me 6 hours and 15 mins from bandra to ahmedabad by train-one way of course.

cn't we file a case against the malls?

i don't know much abt law--but if u pay more than the mrp you can drag the concerned party to court or something like that according to the tv ads by the ministry of consumer affairs or welfare or something.

err, you are not understanding the thing..

MRP = Maximum Retail Price

now how will you apply MRP to something that is Not Retail ?

hotel and restaurants don't come under Retail.

it is like applying Pythagorus Theorem to a non right-angled Triangle..

Fighting for seat reserved for women while not being in a public transport. (if you are a woman..)

do you get the point?

maximum one can do is create an awareness, write articles and approach print media. They can create awareness, they will be more than happy to.

as for trip to daman, it takes roughly less than 2hrs by train from mumbai.

i will confirm with my friend who is aware of the complete thing and pm you :)
i went to watch 3 idiots in dec last year -- i had just been to ccd below the multiplex and got myself a tropical iceberg and then i went for the movie the security at the entrance of the multiplex made me finish the tropical iceberg b4 i went in -- saying it was not allowed inside - on asking the security woman why not - she said aap andar se kuch pop corn ya samosa nahi loge toh saab hum ko logon ko daatenge! (if u don't buy anything inside the multiplex sir would scold us!) multiplex--citygold bopal ahmedabad!
raksrules said:
You can always take food (like chips etc) in out carry bags right ???

i think you neeed to read the thread from starting..
same thing..will just quote.. :P

madnav said:
by the way..
a small samosa costs 25bucks in almost theaters around vashi, to top it... outside food is not allowed in theaters, they have people checking for outside food...even water bottle.. they do not care about bombs anymore..

try doing this yourself..

take a well packed HDD and a tiffin box..
they will not even test you for metal..they will check your bag for food and anything that is edible.
they wont know what an hdd is..but they wont be bothered as long as it doesn't open or contains food.
and i do mean it..they dont freaking check for anything with metal detectors at least here in vashi now :no:
I think these multiplex owners dont care if i carry a thermo nuclear bomb inside but will bother if i have a pack of chips :@:@
yeah, the stuff they sell at multiplexes are a total ripoff and they are doing it just because they can. that is why i never buy anything inside one regardless of how hungry i am.

popcorn was Rs 80 for a tiny ass screen the last time i went to a multiplex. the only way to fight against this is to never go to theaters and always download movies and watch :D
wonder what the fuss is about movie theaters asking to buy food from their canteen only. This is nothing new. Even 10 yrs back, the theater's in Bandra or anywhere else in Mumbai did not allow people to bring in food from outside. I think someone had made a fuss about it in the newspapers like TOI and Mid-day, but then that person lost, since i think the food served inside the theater's was not retail but just additional service from the management.
ahh the joys of single screen theatres ...we take in our own popcorn even :P and partypacks to enable us to sit through the torture of the movies
Hey Dinesh, at least they're giving you an accurate bill with it.. I'd much rather pay the amount quoted and see the whole amount on the bill than see a thousand rupee difference..I mean, I'm not buying a monitor here,am I?
wonder what the fuss is about movie theaters asking to buy food from their canteen only
the fuss is because of the cost involved. Earlier things were affordable. People didn't feel the need to get food from anywhere else.
TechHead said:
I'd much rather pay the amount quoted and see the whole amount on the bill than see a thousand rupee difference..I mean, I'm not buying a monitor here,am I?

What does that mean? :huh:
6pack said:
wonder what the fuss is about movie theaters asking to buy food from their canteen only.

the point is that they charge 2-3 times more for the same stuff for no good reason other than that people are still willing to buy it. basically, people with money spoiling things for people like me.
apollyon said:
What does that mean? :huh:

Nothing Dinesh can't clear up, I'm sure :)
I mean, when I'm quoted a price for something and I demand a bill, and I see the bill amount is 1k less than the amount I've paid, it's an issue, no?
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