PayPal declined my transaction for no reason . I asked Paypal and they told me some security module is blocking it and they told me to buy it from another seller.
I can't order it from Red-cap nowThere is another seller who was willing to declare low value in the invoice. Seller : mirinaeko.
Thinking about what to do. She also told me I have to pay 18$ more for Fedex. I've asked her if she can ship it through DHL.
Any updates?Is the seller reliable?
UPDATE : Tried as a guest Paypal user with my relative's debit card . Got an error message :
"You have entered an invalid number or partial credit card or debit card number. Please check your entry and try again."
This sucks
I entered everything correctly and still got the message.
Very limited debit cards work with PayPal and it has to be a MasterCard / Visa. Maestro will not work.
^ HDFC Debit Cards do not work, AFAIK only ICICI, Axis, Indian Bank debit cards work with PayPal.
All international credit cards will work.
Any updates?
Can u post the link of those overclockable crossover monitors?
UPDATE : TRied my uncle's ICICI debit card and got another message : " This credit card has been refused by the bank that issued it. For details on why your card was refused, please contact your credit card issuer's Customer Service department. Please enter a different card. "
Nope . Paypal told me to try again after 2-3 days without trying inbetween ,
I discussed this with someone who has a small business running accepting paypal , and it seems paypal does'nt really trust Indian transactions and it's a 60% chance that the transactions by Indian buyers are completed successfully and Paypal does'nt go through the trouble to ensure that smooth transaction for Indians either . So in the end using Paypal u might get lucky or not.
Is it a Visa debit card from ICICI? Something which was issued recently? Or pretty old?
- - - Updated - - -
My uncle's card ... was old. I first tried before confirming my debit card (axis), but still had a verified account . Then even after confirming I kept getting the same message .
About using it as a guest user , I used the same email id I registered for paypal. Would that affect ?
I wouldn't say that, it would be something with your card. Cause I've been using PayPal for years and as long as my cards were fine, every single payment was processed successfully and I do make a lot of PayPal transactions.
hi godmode and others.i am also intrested in buying the above mentioned monitor with hdmi port.can we arrange for GO or something for it as i have zero experience with paypal and
What is GO ? and when are you going to buy it ?
Group Order.
I'll be buying a monitor as soon as possible.confused should i go for 1080p one or this one.