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Ck Nish said:
All that has nothing to do with the 300. They were overwhelmed by a Persian force of 200,000 troops and were destroyed after holding out for two days.

I wasn't talking about the current movie.I was talking about history.
Dude! Either you're joking about what you just said or you need to step away from your copy of god of war 1&2. I know the game looks unreal, but the Spartans were very real people.
bah dont tell me the comics i sent u made u think its based on a comic book :bleh:.. lol...

300 is based on the comic book based on the novel based on the movie 300 spartans (Released in 1962).. thats what i think... :P
Hey Params,Guess this link will clear your doubts about spartans..

Sparta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's little info on spartans,the rest all are blah..blah..places..culture and other mumbo jumbo.

It's through tht link I found out tht there's a spartan game for the ps2,never heard of the game but judging by the screenies,it looks nice.Gona check it out,Hope it's like shadow of rome..one gory game.

Hey saumil, just read Long Halloween.........and thought it was quiet lame :P I found the style a bit similar to Bruce Wayne: Murderer, and Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, where they go round and round, suspecting every villian in the Bat-Universe, until they reach the last book and revel the true killer. Say, this is the Batman book right?? The only superhero with brains! And he can't solve one mystery for a year! How insulting :no: Anyways, if I want a murder mystery, I'll read some poirot :P Batman comics should be about Batman. Which is why I liked DKR so much. It captures the essence of batman spot on :D ( DKR2, of course, was the pits :P)
Yeah I too hated how they dragged every major villain into the story - supreme boneheadedness.
But dragging Superman into DKR was still a whole lot sillier :P

You have to realise that DC main still has to cater to the younger readers who love a starcast, so such stuff is expected. And the main reason why I switched to DC Vertigo a long time ago.

If you ignore that particular thing, it's just all-out amazing character development for the main players, specially Dent.

And I have to disagree with DKR being the essence of Batman.
His essence is when he works more as a detective, which is what TLH + DV got spot on :)
madmonkey said:
It's through tht link I found out tht there's a spartan game for the ps2,never heard of the game but judging by the screenies,it looks nice.Gona check it out,Hope it's like shadow of rome..one gory game.


Amazing. It follows the story of the battle of Thermopylae!

Spartan: Total Warrior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The official game for 300 out on the PSP has been getting mixed reactions. 6.5 avg. Guess Spartan Total Warrior is better suited as the official game.

Gamespot and IGN gave it a 7.1 and 7.9.
^^ completed the game on psp..repetitive and boring.
U get to kill scores of enemies tho, like in serious sam :P

The game also features exclusive trailers and interviews with frank.
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