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Saw the movie day b4 yday. Beautiful cinematography but little else. Acting was completely wooden other than the chick who played the Queen. Too much of over the top dialogue some of which made me laugh. The ending was kinda lame. I'd rate it 6/10 only cos of the beautiful cinematography. Sin City was way way better than this.
Chaos said:
Too much of over the top dialogue some of which made me laugh. The ending was kinda lame.
It's Frank Miller, trust him to pulp it up everything. Sin City was full of the stuff.

Actually it's very much a part of this whole thing he does. If you look for serious reactions or any sort of depth to the characters, you've missed the point and are bound to be disappointed.

Haven't seen the movie yet, but the book's ending is simply awesome. Wonder if they changed it, or it didn't transfer to film as well, or maybe it was just badly done.
^^Well I've read the graphic novel that this was based on and it was pretty good. Its just that the execution of this movie was pathetically poor. By the time you reach the end of the movie where the spartans get surrounded from all sides, the only reaction one seems to get is laughter at their sheer stupidity... not cos they were actually stupid in real life or in the graphic novel but just cos of the way the movie presents it.
me going this saturday. hope they didnt show all good things in trailers itself, and there is more in the movie.
Could I maybe come along too. It's perfectly okay if you don't want me to though. I just wanted to catch a movie close to my birthday.

EDIT: Just noticed your edit, Arya! Yeah sure. Hopefully, we can have others join in too. This will be like a bangalore mini meet since the next lan party is too far away. Were you planing on going with someone else?
Arya said:
me going this saturday. hope they didnt show all good things in trailers itself, and there is more in the movie.

Hey id wanna come too! but saturday?? Iron maiden?!
can reschedule it if too many people going for Iron Maiden. Am not a metal fan so......

one of my pals dropped out too. lets see, I'm gonna book tickets on thursday. Let me know whoever wanna join :)

@ Nish : wont bring girls to this bloody movie :P ...worse, it will go over their heads anyway, so why waste time explaining all stuff. Some buddies coming along, wouldnt be a prob if you join.
ok, tickets booked. saturday 17th march 22:00 hrs. Nish aint picking up fone so I'll sell his ticket :bleh:. anyone wanna come with us (10 of us in total). pm me ;)

@nish: sorry yaar by the time i figured out that pvr booking didnt work in firefox, 17:15 show was full :(
sheesh....this movie deserves to be watched at a movie theatre....sux i cant go to watch it in day time...and god knows if i can get tickets for night :(
lucky711x said:
almost done d/ling it..ive heard really good reviews

Hope you know its all camera print and audio! And this is the kind of movie you specially should not be missing the effects out on with Camera quality.
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