This incident reminds me of a very bad incident
In a nearby engineering college, which is just 2 km from my college, a village girl was gang-raped by 5 engineering students in open farmland
Most of them belongs to rich-powerful family, and hence they got away with the case with ease, even after rape is confirmed
Whenever i see those bugs in my real life, i always feel pity on myself that i can't do anything better for my nation
Get a taser gun and tase those sons of b1tches. It works this way "I am rich, I can buy anyone out so let me do things the way I like, with whom I like and where I like"
As I said earlier, make a public punishment for the accused to deter future activities, regardless of the fact whether the accused is rich or poor, a ministers son or a common man. Don't flex the law for the powerful, let them bend in front of the law.
To all of those who think Anna Hazare style campaigns will work out, or India will be corruption free, here's my practical theory.
The Aadhar card, which will be considered as the base for identification, can be made with forged documents (fake ration card, electric bill etc.,) and once you have a bogus Aadhar card you can opt for a PAN Card, Voter ID Card, get a new sim (All on bogus identity), infact open a bank account, do scams. Now think of this on a bigger screen, how safe are we?
Cutting the branches won't help, burn the roots. How many of the high power govt. staff are charged with scams/rape/murder/kidnaps, what has been done to the cases? (Don't worry, the cases were never worked upon, and never will, the victims die and the accused parties all night)
Make a severe punishment for these crimes, a public punishment. Like the middle east, shoot down the accused in public. Trust me, once this law is in practice delhi can be one of the safest places to live, else keep discussing on various media channels until a new victim appears.
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I do not know whether I am write but what I feel is, Our law is not written to decrease crime, but to change the convicted morally. ( I would say "prisoner ko grass root level se sudharne ke liye banaa hai". Means, you do crime, no problem, We have LAW bhai, who will take care of changing your morality and so and so after it.) I wonder is it write or wrong?
For crimes like these, still they need "to think" whether they want to hang them?
I really do not understand the hypocrisy that they want to set an example from this incident. So now onward, If someone rapes and do not do anything heinous (or less brutal) like this, does deserve less conviction?
The law hasn't been changed since the British Era, there are other serious tasks in which the concerned authorities are busy. Includes minting money through notorious activities, planning scams, securing vote banks etc.,