Aaj Tak reporter faces eve-teasing while reporting on Delhi gangrape case

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These politicians should pay for her treatment and medicines, as long as it is necessary.
It would be much less than the money given to cricketers after world cup. (Don't know which one, I don't follow sports.)
Well on one side there IS express need of such stern measures.
I don't mean to offend anyone civilized living in the the Northern India, but this rape incident does not surprises me at all as it was bound to happen one day or another. Here is a list of bad things occuring which made the national news:

--In an area where the MP/MLA's goons get down to beat up a family (second such incident I can recall in the last 6 months),

--2 guys killed with AK47 - the Namdhari case -- now as far as I know personal ownership of Assault rifles are banned in India, even then this happens,

--the insulting 600/- comment by the C M,

--The lack of respect shown by W B C M towards freedom of speech, also remember even she mishandled a rape case passing it off as a communist propaganda, then accusing a questioning audience of being a communist (I personally feel that being a communist isn't bad in a sense, but it is very insulting when one is accused of being someone who is not). She does not understand the slightest meaning of criticism and satire. For a lesson she should be shown some of the Late Night talk shows of the US and the criticism lashed out towards their President, I can't even imagine what her wrath will bring upon if such shows targeting her are done. Yet as 'hungry' some Indians are, like SRK, they proudly share the dais with her.

-- Not to mention the massive fires and infant deaths in that state.

-- The innumerable rapes which took place in the Haryana region allegedly due to chowmein consumption. makes me sick.

-- The demands for special status for Bihar and WB (if I am not wrong) as if other states have committed the crime of their lives by prospering themselves, the past and current leaders of these states have done little to develop their state and drive out eben the slightest of development work out of the state and then blame the entire county of roobing the industry from their state.

-- Not to mention we are still in the state of civil unrest, the Maoist, Naxals and the NE organisations most of the citizens have just become to used to this fact to a point they dont care about it.

-- Here I cant help to praise the states of Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, TN and AP to maintain law and order along withh respectable deveolpment. Maharashtra on the other hand does need some law and order controlling.

-- One of the main reasons that I can think of which doe not prevent potential criminals is incompetent judiciary, cases drag on for years. There should be a law on the letting out criminal case within a certain time frame, it is harrowing to know that even the clear cut, well publicized cases are dragged on for 5 to 10 years. Does it feel right to devout almost one seventh of one's life to fighting a case, spending life's savings in fees, the mental torture caused to some dim witted.

But this sort of stuff goes on everyday and most of the Indians have sadly got used to it and just turn a blind eye.
u call this sick??? Come on.. u cant even name this action. Its that disgusting.

Developing/Emerging nation my ass. Learn to respect other people

I understand your agony my dear fellow brother... No offence...but let me tell... what will you do when you are there? hmmm... you say respect... hmm... respect comes from equality and endurance... but then again... we are self divided with caste system... is this good or bad?

We are in a nation, where brother'll kill sister for she has married some guy of different caste... isn't it of same magnitude of grievance?

All of my TE gurus and TE friends... Its high time, we should be vigilante! at our own capacities... Nail down then and there the B*s. . .

Just imagine... If we were supposedly to be that poor fellow with the girl... how it would be for our rest of life?

enough said ... all our soft spoken words will do no work... Lets get down to clear this gutter! ...

If not we... who will?

::Bhagat Singh rocks!!
And I personally think that is a good thing. There would be increase in crimes of passion and shooting spree.
Yea sure they can .. all citizens are entitled to own Govt. approved Firearms.

All you need to do is get a Weapons License and shell out ~80,000 bucks for a .32 IOF Revolver.
Well on one side there IS express need of such stern measures.
I don't mean to offend anyone civilized living in the the Northern India, but this rape incident does not surprises me at all as it was bound to happen one day or another. Here is a list of bad things occuring which made the national news:
@flash23, with due respect,I do not agree to your comments to term these type of things happening in a particular side of the country....its the sick mentality of people and these people can be found anywhere in the world. I or anyone else can term Kerala as the most educated and civilized state but we do hear news from there as well,

Kerala: Raped by father, uncle, brother, minor alleges sister killed herself for same reason- IBN Kerala- IBNLive

Kerala Girl raped by brother, friend

only thing is what media hypes are being known to everyone. What I feel that these type of cases should be fast tracked and should be given severe punishments.
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Asking again, can a common man/woman get a gun license ?
Sir do you remember delhi gun fire at a toll booth ?

btw how safe is mumbai ? saw this is a friend's status :

Dear Delhi,
I know I don't have your 4 lane roads, and metros and posh kothis, my people drive on narrow roads, live in small houses, travel in non-ac locals.
May be your winters have made all your hearts cold, but my women are safe, irrespective of their clothes, the time or the mode of transport, because I am always watching, I never ever sleep.
Hope mumbai is atleast safe for women. In my experience, Hyderabad & Bengaluru are good.
@pepps3484 You are right that certain cases do get highly publicised. I even agree with your viewpoint that those people are everywhere but that is how human beings are some are bad some are good. Hell, even in Pune there are such cases, though they don't make to the front page all they get is one 2"x3" space. But, Delhi being the national capital doesn't it need to be a class apart, a role model for others to follow being the Capital city.

Everything aside the point here is, well the Government, the Judiciary and the Police are being incompetent and corrupt.
Lets start on with the Police, there are no concrete steps towards prevention of crime. All they are concerned with is catching petty offenders and and solving minor cases, not that it is required but a more stern approach is needed to root out crime. Organised crime, why is even existing today. If you say that every country has organised crime and nothing can be done, well then why not be the first country to be free from organised crime.
Judiciary, we all know how much time does it take to fully resolve a case. Some say this case that case should be moved to fast track court. Fast track---is it a favor why aren't all the cases especially criminal one solve at the earliest. 14 years were required to fully dispose of that Dhananjoy Chatterjee guy, even Afzal Guru has been on death row for 8 years.
Government, well everyone knows about it. Criminals, fraudsters you will find them all. And all of them are completely shameless. Believe it or not Kalmadi publicly expressed his desire to compete in the forthcoming LS election. Now what more needs to be said.

- - - Updated - - -

Asking again, can a common man/woman get a gun license ?

Yes,you can get a gun license, but there is a catch only Indian made guns, which are of inferior quality, can be legally purchased. If you are looking for foreign made guns you need to fing pre1985 registered ones.
Obtaining a license is well easy, if you 'know' someone or are actually the 'someone'. Also in rural areas, there is a bit ease of obtaining one especially if you own a farmland.
License aside I don't know whether anyone is legally allowed to carry around a weapon.
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btw how safe is mumbai ? saw this is a friend's status :

This is the chronic problem. Whenever some kinda domestic crisis looms, we have comparisons regarding which city is a more safe zone.
Just a mere mention of the fact that what happened to the 2 girls who simply posted on FB, and tumbling down will come the my women is safe claim. Or simply how fellow mumbai people were beaten black n blue and their property vandalized in the destruction wave just to prove a point against 'outsiders'

How can the politicians be held to any sort of responsibility when we have citizens with the memory span of a Goldfish?

Secondly, its hilarious to see the newspaper screaming headlines like 'India against Rape' 'India demands Death sentence'

These very agencies were putting rape cases in the news digest column or pushing them to inner pages, when they should have done a case study long back of the sorts they are doing now when a girl has been treated really bad. Way to go stupids!
Just wait till tomorrow, when Modi's elections results will be out, then....

Then India's disastrous defeat at the hands of England, dont forget cricket it is a great crisis reliever. The media will move ahead demanding Dhoni and Fletcher's head instead.
Solution - Make Bangalore the capital of India.

Then those bloody cheapsters will fly all the way down to Bangalore and contaminate the city what do you think ? Those cheapsters were from delhi ? No one will dare to pull such stunts in thier own city cos they will have the fear of family getting to know and the slippers and shoes of people from same society

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