You think NZ is good :lol:. It's the same nonsense even there but at a lesser rate and who told you NZ police do not carry guns ?
u call this sick??? Come on.. u cant even name this action. Its that disgusting.
Developing/Emerging nation my ass. Learn to respect other people
@flash23, with due respect,I do not agree to your comments to term these type of things happening in a particular side of the country....its the sick mentality of people and these people can be found anywhere in the world. I or anyone else can term Kerala as the most educated and civilized state but we do hear news from there as well,Well on one side there IS express need of such stern measures.
I don't mean to offend anyone civilized living in the the Northern India, but this rape incident does not surprises me at all as it was bound to happen one day or another. Here is a list of bad things occuring which made the national news:
Sir do you remember delhi gun fire at a toll booth ?Asking again, can a common man/woman get a gun license ?
Hope mumbai is atleast safe for women. In my experience, Hyderabad & Bengaluru are good.Dear Delhi,
I know I don't have your 4 lane roads, and metros and posh kothis, my people drive on narrow roads, live in small houses, travel in non-ac locals.
May be your winters have made all your hearts cold, but my women are safe, irrespective of their clothes, the time or the mode of transport, because I am always watching, I never ever sleep.
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Asking again, can a common man/woman get a gun license ?
btw how safe is mumbai ? saw this is a friend's status :
Just wait till tomorrow, when Modi's elections results will be out, then....
Solution - Make Bangalore the capital of India.
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From what I've heard, a deo can do a fine job too.