You think NZ is good :lol:. It's the same nonsense even there but at a lesser rate and who told you NZ police do not carry guns ?
I'm not sure whats with you, but I typed NZ and not AU.
As far as firearms go,
New Zealand Police - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
**New Zealand Police officers do not normally carry firearms while on standard patrol, but routinely carry pepper spray and batons.**
Also a very good friend of mine who stays in NZ had confirmed this, its a very peaceful country, just coz its the neighbour of AU doesn't have to mean that its bad.
As far as punishing the accused of the case, hang them in public, make sure the telecast reaches everyone in India, even to those who don't have internet access.
Apart from that make a law that accused of such cases don't get bailed and are given instant death penalty.
But if you ask me the reality, it won't happen & here's why
-Lack of unity in government (Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing)
-Already pending cases in court (Some even as old as 50 years)
-Terribly Slow/Dead judicial system
-Lack of faith in government (No examples needed here, we are afraid more of the police rather than goons)
-Corruption and bribery at root level (Stuff money in police officer's pocket and you are out, unaccused)
Lastly if a big celeb or minister's son is accused of the same crime (pretty sure they do), will they be hanged? (Nope they won't, money buys people out)
There's no point in discussing things, rather act on it, but pals India is all about 'talk talk talk' and no action.
Lively examples include Ajmal Kasab and many others like him.
Peace men, 1 thing i know, the accused are gonna burn in hell.