Aaj Tak reporter faces eve-teasing while reporting on Delhi gangrape case

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Can anyone link to some good and easily pocketable pepper / chilly spray ?
I really want to buy one.

Asking again, can a common man/woman get a gun license ?

Pepper spray: | HealthKart.com
Gun license: Indians For Guns ? View topic - Applying for an Arms License in India

In India, you are entitled to two fire arms. You will have to convince police that either you have threat to life or to protect yourself from wild animals. Enquire with your district Superintendent of police for application. You will be interviewed by DM or SP and they will decide whether licence should be given to you.
Pepper spray: | HealthKart.com
Gun license: Indians For Guns ? View topic - Applying for an Arms License in India

In India, you are entitled to two fire arms. You will have to convince police that either you have threat to life or to protect yourself from wild animals. Enquire with your district Superintendent of police for application. You will be interviewed by DM or SP and they will decide whether licence should be given to you.

well those bastards are animals .. ain't they ?
I agree with raksrules about the need of having a gun with you. Getting a gun license should be made easier for the common man. Since the police and the judicial system is not helping the common man, its time we learnt to defend ourselves. Of course, lenient gun laws will also have its own problems (like the shooting incidents we see in US) but I don't see any other option to counter this. We'll probably see rising incidents of vigilante justice with scumbags like these being shot by the common man. If guns become more accessible, these guys will think twice before commiting such crimes.
You think NZ is good :lol:. It's the same nonsense even there but at a lesser rate and who told you NZ police do not carry guns ?

I'm not sure whats with you, but I typed NZ and not AU.
As far as firearms go,
New Zealand Police - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
**New Zealand Police officers do not normally carry firearms while on standard patrol, but routinely carry pepper spray and batons.**
Also a very good friend of mine who stays in NZ had confirmed this, its a very peaceful country, just coz its the neighbour of AU doesn't have to mean that its bad.

As far as punishing the accused of the case, hang them in public, make sure the telecast reaches everyone in India, even to those who don't have internet access.
Apart from that make a law that accused of such cases don't get bailed and are given instant death penalty.

But if you ask me the reality, it won't happen & here's why
-Lack of unity in government (Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing)
-Already pending cases in court (Some even as old as 50 years)
-Terribly Slow/Dead judicial system
-Lack of faith in government (No examples needed here, we are afraid more of the police rather than goons)
-Corruption and bribery at root level (Stuff money in police officer's pocket and you are out, unaccused)

Lastly if a big celeb or minister's son is accused of the same crime (pretty sure they do), will they be hanged? (Nope they won't, money buys people out)

There's no point in discussing things, rather act on it, but pals India is all about 'talk talk talk' and no action.

Lively examples include Ajmal Kasab and many others like him.

Peace men, 1 thing i know, the accused are gonna burn in hell.
I'm not sure whats with you, but I typed NZ and not AU.
As far as firearms go,
New Zealand Police - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
**New Zealand Police officers do not normally carry firearms while on standard patrol, but routinely carry pepper spray and batons.**
Also a very good friend of mine who stays in NZ had confirmed this, its a very peaceful country, just coz its the neighbour of AU doesn't have to mean that its bad.

As far as punishing the accused of the case, hang them in public, make sure the telecast reaches everyone in India, even to those who don't have internet access.
@Metalspree has lived in the NZ for not less than 2 years i reckon.. so what he is saying might be true..
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You think NZ is good :lol:. It's the same nonsense even there but at a lesser rate and who told you NZ police do not carry guns ?

Such bad stats for such good country, weird.

- - - Updated - - -

@Metalspree has lived in the NZ for not less than 2 years i reckon.. so what he is saying might be true..

I don't know where he has been for 2 years but I've rarely seen NZ in news for bad reasons + wikipedia, maybe they've started posting bogus facts.
Maybe cnbc is fake too ;)
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I'm not sure whats with you, but I typed NZ and not AU.
As far as firearms go,
New Zealand Police - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
**New Zealand Police officers do not normally carry firearms while on standard patrol, but routinely carry pepper spray and batons.**
Also a very good friend of mine who stays in NZ had confirmed this, its a very peaceful country, just coz its the neighbour of AU doesn't have to mean that its bad.

Where did AU come from? :numbness:
bought 3 pepper sprays. one for my sister, one for my dad and one for myself. Hope my sister never get to use it this time. The situation is really bad here in delhi.
My sister had used the spray once some 6 years ago when a guy kept insisting on giving her a lift. now looking for a stun gun.
India !!!
Turning into a "Ignorants" country.
and the one who asks a Q is called a mad person.........
Mera bharat mahan _______turning into a living Hell.
bought 3 pepper sprays. one for my sister, one for my dad and one for myself. Hope my sister never get to use it this time. The situation is really bad here in delhi.
My sister had used the spray once some 6 years ago when a guy kept insisting on giving her a lift. now looking for a stun gun.
Get it from Ebay.com, pretty cheap.

had this text on whatsapp "USA needs gun control and Delhi needs l*nd control"
well those bastards are animals .. ain't they ?

Well no.. animals generally attack other animals for 2 reasons - self-preservation (when they feel they will be attacked) or when the other animal is lower on the food chain. Humans are probably the only species who go out of their way to harm other humans for reasons totally unrelated to the 2 mentioned above. Calling these pricks animals is actually an insult to animals themselves.

Death penalty is not the best way to go about this. They should be given a punishment that makes them suffer for a long time.

The only practical solution, which will have a long-lasting effect, is to cut their *instruments* off in public. I would love to see how others will muster up the courage to do this knowing what's going to happen to them when they get caught.

If this seems too severe, I would whole-heartedly recommend shooting both kneecaps, cutting off their tongue, seizure of all their property/money by the government, being barred from holding any paid position anywhere or owning any property and finally they should be identified as sex-predators and have to notify authorities before moving from their current location (black-listed in a national blacklist). This is of course, if you want to be lenient with them.
Why bother with all that. Just tie them to one of the many poles along the road, invite some people, and let them take control of the situation.
And who will fix the broken society?

Society which boasts of esteemed culture and sanskriti and societal setup which is retrograde IMO.

Talk to indians about how fscked up our culture is at places and see them boiling.

Such imbeciles will talk about culture but will treat women like objects. Shame on such men.

That said, I live in north India far away away from NCR region up in mountains. Whenever I visit NCR or surrounding region, I see that people have a certain air about themselves. Why?
They will taunt girls, pass lewd comments. If you intervene, they'll beat the shit out of you or let you know that it is their birth right to do whatever they want. Why?
Any one from around area can explain to me why are people do trigger happy there?
Such trigger happy retards someone turn violent on a innocent girl who stands up to them for passing lewd comments.
Horrific and shameful that I live in the same country as such morons.
Such incident has happened previously as well when a news channel did a sting/story on eve teasers offering lift on Delhi/Gurgaon junctions.

Problem is, a human being has to die in order for these brain dead politicians to even start thinking about making/changing laws.
The rape of Swiss diplomat, other foreign nationals should have been the cue years back. Indian ladies are short change for them anyways.

The day the free fuel/subsidized food at parliament canteen and other such perks will be withdrawn, i think they ll be more efficient that day onwards.

Industrialists and politicians work hand in hand and run this God forsaken country and police protect them, almost every country is run like this, and a normal man works their ass off for them, pay taxes too, which ultimately goes back to them as package and politicians do scams.
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